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~77 linear gradient

2022-07-06 16:45:00 sanda_ nd

1、 adopt The gradient You can set some complex background colors , Can achieve the effect of transition from one color to other colors

The gradient It's a picture. , Can pass background-image To set up


Linear gradient , The color changes along a straight line

3、linear-gradient(yellow,red) Represents yellow at the beginning , Red at the end , In the middle is the transition zone , You can also specify a direction in front

Optional value :to left、to right、to bottom、to top、xxxdeg(deg Represents degree )、turn( I mean circle )

4、 The gradient You can specify multiple colors at the same time , Multiple colors are evenly distributed by default , You can also specify it manually The gradient Distribution of

5、repeating-linear-gradient() Linear gradients that can be tiled


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