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Training IX basic configuration of network services

2022-07-07 19:42:00 Aimin20210819

Practical training IX Basic configuration of network services

2017 year   4 month 16 Japan

Announced today

  • Training objectives

Complete this training , Will be able to :

  1. Configure network card .
  2. To configure xinetd Superserver .
  • Training preparation

Two computers , One of them is installed with RHEL6 System , The system comes out root Out of account , At least one ordinary account ; Another installation Windows2000/XP System , The two are connected through a hub . Two computers IP The address is the address of the same network segment .

  • Estimated training time


  • Training content

【 Exercise one 】 To configure RHET6 Computer network interface

  1. use “ifconfig  -a” Command to view the network interface of the host , And from the input information , Find the current network card IP Address 、MAC Address and interrupt number used by the network card .


  1. use “ifdown  eth0” or “ifconfig  eth0  down” Command disabled eth0 network card , And then use ifconfig Command to view the active web . Use

“ifconfig -a ” Command to view the status information of all network interfaces , Pay attention to see eth0 Status information output when the network card is disabled .


  1. use “ifup eth0 ” or “ifconfig  eth0 up” Command restart eth0 network card , And then use ifconfig Command view .



  1. utilize vi Editor edit modify /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 The configuration file , Of network card IP Address change ( Do not change the network segment ), And then save the configuration . utilize

“service  network  restart” Command restart Linux The service function of the system , Make the change effective .

  1. use ifconfig  eth0 Command to view the current network card IP Whether the address is changed IP Address , And use ping command png another Windows2000/XP Computer , The observation shows that .

  1. function netconfig command , Set or modify the network card IP Address 、 Subnet mask 、 Gateway and domain name server address , Check the network card configuration file and after the change /etc/resolv.conf Profile contents . Last use service  network restart Command to restart the network service function , Make configuration effective .

  1. Get into XWindows System , function system-config-network command , Set or modify the network card IP Address 、 Subnet mask 、 Gateway and domain name resolution server address , Check the network card configuration file and after the change /etc/resolv.conf The configuration file . Finally, reactivate the network card , Make configuration effective .

  1. Use them separately ifconfig Command and system-config-network command , Set up the virtual network card eth0:1 Of IP Address 、 Subnet mask 、 gateway . Check the configuration file content of the network card after setting .

【 Exercise 2 】 To configure xinetd Superserver

  1. stay RHET6 On computer , use chkconfig Commands and direct editing xinetd Super server configuration file /etc/xinetd.conf And /etc/xinetd.d/telnet There are two ways to start telnet service . And then restart xinetd The server .

  1. stay Windows2000/XP Login test with ordinary user account on the computer telnet Remote services .

