250 Billion , Another master fund was born in Fujian

source : decode LP(ID:LPdaily1945) author : that

Planted Wutong tree , Attract Phoenix .

The investment community - decode LP Learned from Fujian , Led by Jinjiang Municipal Government , State owned enterprises contribute , Jinjiang Industrial Development master fund was officially established , Total size of 50 One hundred million yuan . The purpose of the fund is not difficult to understand , Jinjiang aims to attract investment through funds , Help local industries transform and upgrade .

You can see , This year, Fujian is vigorously attracting VC/PE Take root . In the first half of the year , The most impressive thing about Fujian to the venture capital circle is the establishment of a 100 billion investment platform —— Fujian Financial Investment Co., Ltd , Funded by Fujian Provincial Department of finance . And over the past two years , More and more VC/PE Fujian , Mining projects in various cities in the province .

Another county-level master Fund ,50 Billion

Jinjiang City , Alias Erythrina 、 Ruitong 、 Quan an , It is a county-level city under the jurisdiction of Quanzhou City, Fujian Province .

The specific term , The establishment of the master fund for industrial development , The purpose is to further improve the social diversified investment mechanism , Innovate the mode of financial support for economic development , Leverage social capital , Make every effort to promote the transformation of traditional industries into high-tech industries 、 Cluster development of emerging industries 、 Professional upgrading of modern service industry 、 The digital industry chain is strong and complementary .

It is reported that , The master fund will follow the focus policy guidance 、 Adhere to market operation 、 Standardize scientific decision-making 、 The basic principles of effective risk prevention , Drive more social capital through government investment to jointly serve the key areas and weak links of Jinjiang's economic and social development , Boost the industrial development of Jinjiang .

Besides , The master fund will actively cooperate with the state 、 province 、 Quanzhou government investment fund and social capital 、 Financial capital cooperation , With “ The sub Fund ” The model works , Give full play to the Fund “ Four or two thousand catties ” Amplification effect of , Strive to leverage social capital 200 One hundred million yuan , Let more funds focus on supporting Jinjiang City to lead the transformation and upgrading 、 Industrial projects driven by innovation .

The official website of Jinjiang Municipal People's government shows ,2016 Since then , Jinjiang accumulated registered funds 167 home , The registration scale exceeds 200 One hundred million yuan , The number and scale rank first in counties in Fujian Province . Besides , The municipal state-owned capital has successively contributed to the establishment of 8 A fund , Total scale near 70 One hundred million yuan . Attract investment through funds 、 Fund investment, etc , Help industrial transformation and upgrading , Promote the investment promotion of the project , Promote balanced regional development .

as everyone knows , Jinjiang has traditional industries with world influence —— Shoemaking industry . Jinjiang is the largest production base of sports shoes in the world , Anta 、 XTEP 、 Hongxingerke, etc 3000 Many shoe and clothing factories gather here . Some netizens make fun of ,“ Jinjiang doesn't start work for a day , Twenty million people around the world have no shoes ”.

among , Anta is the sponsor of this year's Winter Olympics , Almost all the equipment of the Chinese team , At the opening ceremony, the national team came on stage in their costumes , Instantly on the microblogging hot search list . To say , You count 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games , Anta has been continuously 8 The cooperative Chinese Olympic Committee . At present, Anta has eight brands , Anta children 、 Feile 、 Spanda 、 Desant 、 Kelong 、 Xiaoxiaoniu 、 Anta -NBA Joint brand . Now , Anta's total market value is also rising , super 2500 Million Hong Kong dollars .

And another well-known brand Hongxing Erke , Not long ago, it was also popular .2000 year , Hongxing Erke was founded in Jinjiang . last year 7 month 21 Japan , Henan was affected , Hongxing Erke donated silently 5000 ten thousand , I didn't expect this long silent brand to quickly explode the network . The enthusiasm of netizens , It once made Hongxing Erke's inventory urgent .

Why Fujian ?

fujian , Getting rid of “ Venture capital ” The impression of .

This year, 4 month 7 Japan , Xiamen Science City Foundation Bay area is located in Xiamen new economic Industrial Park of Tong'an new city ( Huandong cloud Valley ) Officially unveiled , It is reported that , Tong'an District will cooperate with Jinyuan Group , It is proposed to initiate the establishment of district level scientific and technological innovation master fund and industrial investment and M & a master Fund , scale 150 One hundred million yuan , Xiamen venture capital of Jinyuan group is entrusted .

among , The science and technology innovation master fund mainly invests in equity sub funds , It will focus on the industrial chain layout of Tong'an District , Focus on new energy 、 The new material , Covering semiconductors 、 New generation information technology 、 Emerging industries such as biomedicine . The master fund of China Merchants M & a mainly invests in major projects through special sub funds , It will focus on the industrial chain layout of Tong'an District , Focus on new energy 、 The new material , Give consideration to semiconductors 、 New generation information technology 、 Emerging industries such as biomedicine .

3 End of month , Xiamen science and Technology Bureau 、 Issued by Xiamen Finance Bureau 《 Measures of Xiamen Municipality on the administration of science and technology innovation and entrepreneurship guidance fund 》,《 Way 》 Point out the total scale of guiding fund planning 30 One hundred million yuan , Among them, the financial contribution can be based on the industrial demand 、 The market capacity is invested by stages year by year , And inject in the form of increasing and guiding the state-owned capital of fund management companies . In the same month , In order to further promote the agglomeration and development of private equity investment master funds in Xiamen free trade area , The Finance Bureau of Xiamen Free Trade Commission drafted 《 Opinions on promoting the development of private equity investment master Fund 》, The award master fund is settled , The highest 1000 Ten thousand yuan .

This year, 2 month 28 Japan , Fujian has also created a 100 billion investment platform . Fujian Financial Investment Co., Ltd. has completed industrial and commercial registration , The registered capital 1000 One hundred million yuan , Funded by Fujian Provincial Department of finance . According to the arrangement , The company is mainly engaged in investment 、 Asset management services 、 Private equity fund management 、 Venture capital fund management services 、 Enterprise management consulting 、 Technology intermediary services 、 Information technology consulting services and other businesses .

1 month , Fujian Province also moves frequently .29 Japan , Jingwei China set up a new fund in Xiamen . The specific term , The first national SME development fund in Fujian Province —— Small and medium-sized enterprise development fund ( Xiamen ) The investment partnership officially landed in Xiamen , Subscription scale 25 One hundred million yuan , It mainly focuses on intelligent manufacturing and new technology 、 Health care 、 Industrial Internet 、 Enterprise service 、 Small and medium-sized enterprises in fields such as new supply chain .

Besides , The master fund of Fujian marine economic industry investment fund initiated by Ningde national investment company ―― Fujian Ocean Economic Industry Investment Co., Ltd. has successfully filed with China Securities Investment Fund Industry Association , The fund is positioned as a government funded industrial investment fund , The total scale is 200 One hundred million yuan , according to “ The master Fund + The sub Fund ” Establishment and operation of the framework , The scale of the master fund Fujian Marine Economic Industry Investment Co., Ltd. is 40 One hundred million yuan , Ningde Municipal State Investment Company shall subscribe the capital contribution on behalf of Ningde Municipal government .

This year, the governments in Fujian Province have made such a generous move , It is very rare in the venture capital circle . According to Zero2IPO Research Center , only 2021 year , The number of newly added private equity investment funds in Fujian Province is 471 the , The fund-raising scale reached 1337.73 RMB , The total number of investment events is 142 pen , The total investment amount is 319.61 RMB , The total number of exit events is 86 pen .

Force venture capital , Attract the whole country VC/PE Ground and take root , Fujian's strength lies in its rich industrial structure and resources . New energy giant 、“ Gem brother ” Ningde times headquarters is located in Ningde, Fujian . since 2018 Since it was listed on the gem in , Ningde times' share price hit a new high , The latest total market value exceeds 1.2 One trillion .

in addition , Although the industrial composition of Fujian Province is not linked to the Internet industry , But a large number of well-known entrepreneurs have emerged from this land , Byte beating Zhang Yiming 、 Wang Xing, meituan 、 Micro doctor liaojieyuan 、 Snowball square 、 Reading at ten, Lin bin 、91 Mobile assistant Xiongjun .... It is worth noting that , They are all from Longyan , It has also formed a rare entrepreneurial group in China's venture capital circle —— Longyan gang .

Fujian is also a “ consumption ” Big province , Wallace was born 、 Shaxian snacks and other catering chain stores all over the country , Access to information , Shaxian snacks have stores all over the country 8.8 Thousands of families , Annual turnover 500 More than one hundred million yuan . Besides , A number of new consumer brands have also emerged in Fujian , For example, pig horn 、 Claw dance 、 Herbal soup 、 Shudufeng 、 Jiuhao canteen 、1718 Seafood hot pot, etc .

One side keeps the other side . as everyone knows , People in Fujian love doing business , Also good at doing business . On this land , There will continue to be more founders who dare to venture and fight .