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Zhuhai's waste gas treatment scheme was exposed

2022-07-06 00:47:00 Design and construction of SiGe Laboratory

SICOLAB Xiaobian believes that with the rapid development of social economy , All walks of life need to build corresponding laboratories , Although the amount of waste gas produced by these laboratories is small , But the ingredients are complex , The harm to the environment and people is immeasurable . Therefore, the waste gas treatment scheme ( Incomplete version ) The analysis is as follows

One 、 waste gas classification

It is divided into inorganic 、 Organic waste gas

Two 、 Inorganic waste gas

1. source

Dusty exhaust gas, such as oxidized dust in the process of various metal exercises 、 Stone dust in the process of ore processing .

2. Type of exhaust gas

SO2、H2S、CO、HCL、HF、NH3、 Nitrogen oxides, etc

3. Inorganic waste gas treatment scheme

(1) Biofilter

After treatment , After the treatment process from the bottom of the filter bed , From the bottom of the filter bed, it passes through the filter bed composed of filter materials from bottom to top , The waste gas is transferred from the gas phase to water — Microbial mixed phase , By fixing to the filter material . It is broken down by microbial metabolism on , Scope of application : At present, the research is the most , The process is the most mature , In practice, it is also the most commonly used biological waste gas treatment method . Municipal Olympic gas is widely used .

(2) Chemical washing spray tower

Use the characteristics of some substances in the waste gas and the chemical reaction of the liquid medicine , Remove some exhaust components

Scope of application : It is suitable for handling large amount of gas 、 High and medium concentration exhaust gas

3、 ... and 、 Organic waste gas

1. source

medicine 、 coating 、 plastic 、 Sensitive material 、 In the production and use of synthetic rubber and other industries , Emit a lot of waste gas

2. Type of exhaust gas

Benzene 、 alcohols 、 aldehyde 、 alkane 、 lipid 、 Aromatics, etc

3. Organic waste gas treatment plan

(1) Low temperature plasma technology

During dielectric barrier discharge , Particles with high chemical activity are produced in the plasma , Like electronics 、 ion 、 free

Scope of application : Wide range of application , High purification efficiency , It is especially suitable for multicomponent waste gas that is difficult to be treated by other methods , Such as chemical industry 、 Medicine and other industries .

(2) Catalytic combustion

The organic waste gas is preheated to 200~400℃, Then enter the combustion chamber , When passing through the catalyst bed , Hydrocarbon molecules and oxygen molecules in the mixed gas are respectively adsorbed on the surface of the catalyst and activated . The activation energy of the reaction is reduced due to surface adsorption , Hydrocarbons and oxygen molecules oxidize rapidly at lower temperatures , Produce carbon dioxide and water .

Applicable conditions : Suitable for high temperature or high concentration organic waste gas .


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