2022-07-05 23:59:00 【招招有情】
剖面测量是较常见的工程测量项目,早期剖面测量采用的经纬仪导线放线,测量地形变换点的高程,现在使用 GPS放线测量地形变换点的高程,极大地提高了效率。 但把高程点展到CAD图上后,如何快速高效地把图上的高程数据转换成剖面数据,一直没有合式的方法,这里介绍一个自动输出剖面数据的程序。
- 已有数据
1.2 剖面定位线是直线(line)或二个点的轻便多段线(LWPolyline),你面向上游,定位线从左画到右,每条定位线应与中心线相交。如上图中的黑色线
2.1 本程序的格式
***水面高分为:1不需要水面高;2固定水面高;3 动态水面高
Option Explicit
Dim 剖面名称图层 As String, 定位线图层 As String
Dim 高程点图层 As String, 高程点类型 As String
Dim 水位线选项 As Integer
Dim H0 As Double, Hn As Double, h1 As Double
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim 文本块 As AcadSelectionSet, 定位线 As AcadSelectionSet
Dim 中心线 As AcadEntity, gcdObj As AcadEntity
Dim 中心线长 As Double
Dim n As Integer, i As Integer
Dim objBlock As Variant
Dim FType(1) As Integer, FData(1)
Dim pts As Collection, pt(0 To 1) As Double
Dim pt1 As Variant, pt2 As Variant
Dim xyS As Variant, xyE As Variant
Dim 剖面名称 As String, m As String
Dim 剖面线(), 线数 As Long
Dim Filename As String, mm As String
Dim 水面高程 As Double
On Error Resume Next
定位线图层 = ComboBox2.Text
剖面名称图层 = ComboBox3.Text
高程点图层 = ComboBox4.Text
高程点类型 = ComboBox1.Text
If OptionButton1.value = True Then
水位线选项 = 0
End If
If OptionButton2.value = True Then
水位线选项 = 1
H0 = Val(TextBox1.Text)
End If
If OptionButton3.value = True Then
水位线选项 = 2
Dim cbFm() As String
cbFm = Split(TextBox2.Text, "/", -1)
H0 = Val(cbFm(0))
Hn = Val(cbFm(1))
End If
ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity 中心线, xy, "选取中心线对象"
Filename = ThisDrawing.path & "\数轴式剖面数据.txt"
ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity 中心线, xy, "选取中心线对象"
中心线长 = 中心线.Length
Set 文本块 = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("通过点的选择集")
Dim sh As Double, SH1 As Double
Set pts = 多段线坐标集合(中心线)
Set 定位线 = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("定位线") '定位线对象选择集
FType(0) = 8: FData(0) = 定位线图层
FType(1) = 0: FData(1) = "*LINE"
filtertype = FType: filterdata = FData
定位线.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , filtertype, filterdata
线数 = -1
For Each Entry In 定位线
If Entry.Handle = 中心线.Handle Then GoTo 50
pt1 = 中心线.IntersectWith(Entry, acExtendNone)
If UBound(pt1) < 0 Then GoTo 50
Select Case Entry.ObjectName
Case "AcDb2dPolyline", "AcDbPolyline"
xyS = Entry.Coordinate(0)
xyE = Entry.Coordinate(1)
Case "AcDbLine"
xyS = Entry.startPoint
xyE = Entry.EndPoint
End Select
线数 = 线数 + 1
ReDim Preserve 剖面线(3, 线数)
剖面线(0, 线数) = 距离_2P(pt1, xyS) '0 定位线起点到中点的距离
剖面线(1, 线数) = 点到点集合起点的距离(pts, pt1) '1 定位线到中心线起点的距离,用于剖面线排序
剖面线(2, 线数) = xyS '2 起点坐标
剖面线(3, 线数) = xyE '3 纵点坐标
Call ArrayPaXu(剖面线, 0, 线数, 1, True)
Open Filename For Output As #1
For n = 0 To 线数
xyS = 剖面线(2, n)
xyE = 剖面线(3, n)
FType(0) = 8: FData(0) = 剖面名称图层
FType(1) = 0: FData(1) = "Text"
Call 二点扩展框(xyS, xyE, 3) '按两边拓展 3 米为范围选择 剖面名称 注记文本
filtertype = FType: filterdata = FData
文本块.SelectByPolygon acSelectionSetCrossingPolygon, pl, filtertype, filterdata
剖面名称 = Str(剖面线(1, n))
For Each gcdObj In 文本块
剖面名称 = gcdObj.TextString
Do While pts.count > 0
pts.Remove index:=1
FType(0) = 8: FData(0) = 高程点图层
FType(1) = 0: FData(1) = 高程点类型
Call 二点扩展框(xyS, xyE, 2) '按两边拓展 2 米为范围选择展点高程块
filtertype = FType: filterdata = FData
文本块.SelectByPolygon acSelectionSetCrossingPolygon, pl, filtertype, filterdata
Debug.Print 剖面名称, 文本块.count
For Each gcdObj In 文本块
pt1 = gcdObj.insertionPoint
pt2 = 点到直线的垂足(xyS, xyE, pt1)
xy1(0) = pt2(0): xy1(1) = pt2(1)
gcdObj.insertionPoint = xy1 '高程点垂直移到定位线上
Select Case gcdObj.ObjectName
Case "AcDbText"
m = gcdObj.TextString
Case "AcDbBlockReference"
objBlock = gcdObj.GetAttributes
m = objBlock(0).TextString
End Select
pt(0) = 距离_2P(xyS, pt2) - 剖面线(0, n)
pt(1) = Val(m)
For i = 1 To pts.count
pt1 = pts(i)
If pt(0) < pt1(0) Then
pts.Add Item:=pt, Before:=i
GoTo 60
End If
pts.Add Item:=pt
60: Next
Dim 中桩点高程 As Double
Dim s1 As Double, h1 As Double
Dim s2 As Double, h2 As Double
For i = 1 To pts.count
pt1 = pts(i)
If pt1(0) > 0 Then
pt2 = pts(i - 1)
s1 = Abs(pt2(0)): h1 = pt2(1)
s2 = pt1(0): h2 = pt1(1)
中桩点高程 = h1 + s1 * (h2 - h1) / (s1 + s2)
Exit For
End If
Select Case 水位线选项
Case 0 '无水面高程
水面高程 = "-1000"
Case 1 '固定水面高程
水面高程 = H0
Case 2 '动态水面高程
水面高程 = H0 + 剖面线(1, n) * (Hn - H0) / 中心线长
End Select
Print #1, 剖面名称 + "," + Format(中桩点高程, "0.00") + "," + Format(水面高程, "0.00")
Print #1, 点集合转长字符串(pts)
MsgBox "恭喜你,完成啦!"
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim WshShell As Object, Filename As String
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Filename = VBApath + "\剖面数据格式.txt"
WshShell.Run "Notepad " & Filename
Set WshShell = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim i As Integer, l1 As Integer, l2 As Integer, l3 As Integer
ComboBox1.AddItem "INSERT"
ComboBox1.AddItem "Text"
ComboBox1.ListIndex = 0
Dim newlayer As AcadLayer
i = 0
For Each newlayer In ThisDrawing.Layers
l1 = IIf(newlayer.Name = "SZ-ZH-DIM" Or newlayer.Name = "Pile-下穿2" Or newlayer.Name = "定位线", i, l1)
l2 = IIf(newlayer.Name = "SZ-ZH-DIM" Or newlayer.Name = "Pile-下穿2" Or newlayer.Name = "剖面名称", i, l2)
l3 = IIf(newlayer.Name = "GCD", i, l3)
ComboBox2.AddItem newlayer.Name '定位线图层名
ComboBox3.AddItem newlayer.Name '剖面名称图层名
ComboBox4.AddItem newlayer.Name '高程点图层名
i = i + 1
Next newlayer
ComboBox2.ListIndex = l1
ComboBox3.ListIndex = l2
ComboBox4.ListIndex = l3
ComboBox6.AddItem "南京捷鹰" '双翅逗号纵横合一
ComboBox6.AddItem "双翅空格"
ComboBox6.AddItem "Excel表"
ComboBox6.AddItem "Cass格式"
ComboBox6.ListIndex = 0
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
Dim Filename As String, 横FileName As String, 纵FileName As String
Dim strm() As String, pmxx() As String
Dim path As String, mm As String
Dim i As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Open VBApath & "path.txt" For Input As #1
Input #1, path
Filename = GetOpenFile("查找数轴格式剖面数据文件", "文本文件 Files(*.txt), Profile.hdm", path)
If Filename = "" Then Exit Sub
strm = Split(Filename, "\", -1)
ReDim Preserve strm(UBound(strm) - 1)
path = Join(strm, "\")
Select Case ComboBox6.Text
Case "南京捷鹰" '桩号,距离1,高程1,.......距离n,高程n<>
横FileName = path & "\NJJYpm.txt"
Open Filename For Input As #1
Open 横FileName For Output As #2
While Not (EOF(1))
Line Input #1, mm
strm = Split(LTrim(mm), ",", -1)
path = strm(0)
Line Input #1, mm
pl = 长字符串转数组(mm)
Dim 左边距离 As Double
左边距离 = pl(0)
For i = 0 To UBound(pl) Step 2
pl(i) = pl(i) - 左边距离 '距离改为左侧定位的距离
Print #2, path + "," + RealArrayJoin(pl, ",", True, False) + "<>"
Case "双翅空格"
横FileName = path & "\hdx.txt"
纵FileName = path & "\dmx.txt"
Open Filename For Input As #1
Open 横FileName For Output As #2
Open 纵FileName For Output As #3
While Not (EOF(1))
Line Input #1, mm
strm = Split(LTrim(mm), ",", -1)
Print #3, Str(截取距离(strm(0))) + "," + strm(1)
Line Input #1, mm
Dim 左数组() As Double, 右数组() As Double
pl = CStringToRealArray(mm, ",", 左数组, 右数组)
Print #2, strm(0) + " " + RealArrayJoin(左数组, " ", False, True) '反向,取绝对值
Print #2, RealArrayJoin(右数组, " ", True, False) '顺向,不取绝对值
Case "Excel表" '数轴式数据序列
横FileName = path & "\Profile.xlsx"
Dim 行 As Integer, 列 As Integer, n As Integer
Call 创建Excel文件
If xlBook.Worksheets.count < 2 Then
End If
xlBook.Worksheets(1).Name = "横剖面"
xlBook.Worksheets(2).Name = "纵剖面"
Set xlSheet = xlBook.Worksheets(2)
列 = 1: n = 0
Open Filename For Input As #1
While Not (EOF(1))
With xlApp.Worksheets("横剖面")
Line Input #1, mm
strm = Split(LTrim(mm), ",", -1)
n = n + 1
xlSheet.Cells(n, 1) = 截取距离(strm(0)) '4 定位线到中心线起点的距离
xlSheet.Cells(n, 2) = strm(1) '3 纵剖面桩点(中心线与剖面定位线的交点)的高程
行 = 1
.Cells(行, 列) = strm(0) '剖面名称
.Cells(行, 列 + 1) = strm(2) '水面高程
With xlApp.Worksheets("横剖面").Range(.Cells(1, 列 + 2), .Cells(1, 列 + 2)).Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:=xlBetween, Formula1:="无,高程,高差"
End With
.Cells(1, 列 + 2) = "无"
Line Input #1, mm
strm = Split(LTrim(mm), ",", -1)
For i = 0 To UBound(strm) Step 2
行 = 行 + 1
.Cells(行, 列) = strm(i) '桩点到定位线起点的距离
.Cells(行, 列 + 1) = strm(i + 1) '桩点高程
列 = 列 + 3
End With
xlBook.SaveAs (横FileName)
Set xlApp = Nothing
Set xlBook = Nothing
Case "Cass格式"
横FileName = path & "\hdm.hdm"
纵FileName = path & "\zdm.zdm"
Open Filename For Input As #1
Open 横FileName For Output As #2
Open 纵FileName For Output As #3
Print #3, "BEGIN,纵断面"
While Not (EOF(1))
Line Input #1, mm '桩号,高程,水面高程
strm = Split(LTrim(mm), ",", -1)
Print #3, Str(截取距离(strm(0))) + "," + strm(1)
Print #2, "BEGIN," + strm(0)
Line Input #1, mm
strm = Split(LTrim(mm), ",", -1)
For i = 0 To UBound(strm) Step 2
Print #2, strm(i) + "," + strm(i + 1)
End Select
MsgBox "恭喜你,完成啦!"
End Sub
Public Function 点集合转长字符串(pts As Collection) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim mm As String
Dim pt As Variant
On Error Resume Next
pt = pts(1)
mm = Format(pt(0), "0.00") + "," + Format(pt(1), "0.00")
For i = 2 To pts.count
pt = pts(i)
mm = mm + "," + Format(pt(0), "0.00") + "," + Format(pt(1), "0.00")
点集合转长字符串 = mm
End Function
Public Function 长字符串转数组(mm As String) As Double()
Dim strm() As String, data() As Double, i As Integer
strm = Split(LTrim(mm), ",", -1)
ReDim data(UBound(strm))
For i = 0 To UBound(strm)
data(i) = Val(strm(i))
长字符串转数组 = data
End Function
Public Function CStringToRealArray(mm As String, 连接符 As String, 左数组() As Double, 右数组() As Double) As Double()
Dim m() As String
Dim RealArray() As Double
Dim i As Integer, Left As Integer, Right As Integer
m = Split(mm, 连接符, -1)
ReDim RealArray(UBound(m))
For i = 0 To UBound(m) Step 2
RealArray(i) = Val(m(i))
RealArray(i + 1) = Val(m(i + 1))
If RealArray(i) < 0 Then
ReDim Preserve 左数组(Left + 1)
左数组(Left) = RealArray(i)
左数组(Left + 1) = RealArray(i + 1)
Left = Left + 2
ReDim Preserve 右数组(Right + 1)
右数组(Right) = RealArray(i)
右数组(Right + 1) = RealArray(i + 1)
Right = Right + 2
End If
CStringToRealArray = RealArray
End Function
Public Function RealArrayJoin(RealArray() As Double, 连接符 As String, 方向 As Boolean, 绝对值 As Boolean) As String
Dim strm() As String, i As Integer
ReDim strm(UBound(RealArray))
If 方向 = True Then
For i = 0 To UBound(RealArray) Step 2
strm(i) = IIf(绝对值 = True, Str(Abs(RealArray(i))), Str(RealArray(i)))
strm(i + 1) = Str(RealArray(i + 1))
Dim r As Integer
For i = UBound(RealArray) To 0 Step -2
strm(r) = IIf(绝对值 = True, Str(Abs(RealArray(i - 1))), Str(RealArray(i - 1)))
strm(r + 1) = Str(RealArray(i))
r = r + 2
End If
RealArrayJoin = Join(strm, 连接符)
End Function
Function 分析标题(mm As String, 水面高程 As Double, 距离 As Double, 桩点高程 As Double) As String
Dim strm() As String
On Error Resume Next
strm = Split(LTrim(mm), ",", -1)
水面高程 = Val(strm(2))
桩点高程 = Val(strm(1))
距离 = 截取距离(strm(0))
分析标题 = strm(0)
End Function
Function 截取距离(mm As String) As Double
Dim m As String, i As Integer, j As Integer
On Error Resume Next
j = Len(mm)
If IsNumeric(Right(mm, j - 1)) = True Then
截取距离 = Val(Right(mm, j - 1))
Exit Function
End If
i = InStr(mm, "+")
If i > 0 Then m = Mid(mm, i + 1, j - i)
i = InStr(mm, "-")
If i > 0 Then m = Mid(mm, i + 1, j - i)
截取距离 = 1000 * Val(Mid(mm, 2, 1)) + Val(m)
End Function
Public Function 多段线坐标集合(Eobj As AcadEntity) As Collection
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim pts As New Collection
Dim pt(0 To 2) As Double
xy = Eobj.Coordinates
r = IIf(Eobj.ObjectName = "AcDbPolyline", 2, 3)
For i = 0 To UBound(xy) Step r
pt(0) = xy(i): pt(1) = xy(i + 1): pt(2) = 0
pts.Add pt
Set 多段线坐标集合 = pts
End Function
Public Function 点到点集合起点的距离(pts As Collection, Point As Variant) As Double
Dim i As Integer, r As Integer
Dim pt1 As Variant, pt2 As Variant
Dim S As Double
For i = 1 To pts.count
r = IIf(i = pts.count, 1, i + 1)
pt1 = pts.Item(i)
pt2 = pts.Item(r)
If 点在线段中间(pt1, pt2, Point) = True Then
点到点集合起点的距离 = S + 距离_2P(pt1, Point)
Exit Function
End If
S = S + 距离_2P(pt1, pt2)
点到点集合起点的距离 = -1
End Function
Function 距离_2P(ByVal Axy As Variant, ByVal Bxy As Variant) As Double
Dim X As Double, Y As Double, Z As Double
X = Bxy(0) - Axy(0): Y = Bxy(1) - Axy(1)
If UBound(Axy) = 2 And UBound(Bxy) = 2 Then
Z = Bxy(2) - Axy(2)
Z = 0
End If
距离_2P = Sqr(X ^ 2 + Y ^ 2 + Z ^ 2)
End Function
Public Function 点到直线的垂足(xyA As Variant, xyB As Variant, xyc As Variant) As Double()
'xya 为直线的起点,xyb 为直线的终点,xyc 为第三点,XYd 为返回点坐标
Dim Qa As Double, qb As Double, xabc(0 To 1) As Double
If Abs((xyB(0) - xyA(0))) < 0.000001 Then
xabc(0) = xyA(0)
xabc(1) = xyc(1)
Qa = (xyB(1) - xyA(1)) / (xyB(0) - xyA(0))
qb = xyc(0) / Qa + Qa * xyA(0) - xyA(1) + xyc(1)
xabc(0) = (xyc(0) / Qa + Qa * xyA(0) - xyA(1) + xyc(1)) / (Qa + 1 / Qa)
xabc(1) = Qa * xabc(0) - Qa * xyA(0) + xyA(1)
End If
点到直线的垂足 = xabc
End Function
Public Sub ArrayPaXu(ArrayB As Variant, starRow As Long, endRow As Long, KeyColumn As Integer, Order As Boolean)
' 数组排序 数组 起始行 终止行 关徤列 是否升序
Dim i As Long, j As Long, n As Integer, APM As Variant 'Currency
Dim bm As Variant, Ffm As Boolean
Ffm = IsNumeric(ArrayB(KeyColumn, starRow)) '是否数字
For i = starRow To endRow
For j = starRow To endRow - 1
Select Case Ffm
Case True '数字
If Val(ArrayB(KeyColumn, j)) = Val(ArrayB(KeyColumn, j + 1)) Then GoTo 100
APM = IIf(Val(ArrayB(KeyColumn, j)) < Val(ArrayB(KeyColumn, j + 1)), -1, 1)
Case False '字符串
APM = StrComp(ArrayB(KeyColumn, j), ArrayB(KeyColumn, j + 1), 1)
If APM = Null Or APM = 0 Then GoTo 100
End Select
Select Case Order
Case True '升序
If APM = -1 Then GoTo 100
Case False '降序
If APM = 1 Then GoTo 100
End Select
For n = LBound(ArrayB) To UBound(ArrayB)
bm = ArrayB(n, j)
ArrayB(n, j) = ArrayB(n, j + 1)
ArrayB(n, j + 1) = bm
Next n
100: Next j
Next i
End Sub
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