当前位置:网站首页>[QT] QT uses qjson to generate JSON files and save them

[QT] QT uses qjson to generate JSON files and save them

2022-07-05 23:58:00 Cappuccino-jay

Sample 1:

#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonParseError>
#include <QFile>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QByteArray>
void createJson()
	QVariantHash data;
	QVariantHash subData1;
	subData1.insert("name", "apple");
	subData1.insert("icon", "appleIcon");
	subData1.insert("describe", "an apple");
	data.insert("first fruit", subData1);
	QVariantHash subData2;
	subData2.insert("name", "orange");
	subData2.insert("icon", "orangeIcon");
	subData2.insert("describe", "an orange");
	data.insert("second fruit", subData2);
	QJsonArray array1;
	for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
		array1.insert(i, QString::fromLocal8Bit("eat %1").arg(i));
	data.insert("three fruit array", array1);
	QJsonObject rootObj = QJsonObject::fromVariantHash(data);
	QJsonDocument document;
	QByteArray byte_array = document.toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact);
	QString json_str(byte_array);
	// Fill in the path according to the actual 
	QFile file("D:\\1.json");
	if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Text))
		qDebug() << "file error!";
	QTextStream in(&file);
	in << json_str;
	file.close();   //  close file

Sample 2:

Create a new one QT Empty item :

#include <QCoreApplication>

#include <QJsonObject> // { }
#include <QJsonArray> // [ ]
#include <QJsonDocument> //  analysis Json
#include <QJsonValue> // int float double bool null { } [ ]
#include <QJsonParseError>

#include <QDebug>
#include <QFile>
#include <QTextStream>

#pragma execution_character_set("utf-8") // qt Support to display Chinese 

//  encapsulation Json
void createJson() {
    /* * "interest": { * "basketball": " Basketball ", * "badminton": " badminton " * }, */
    //  Definition  { }  object 
    QJsonObject interestObj;
    //  Insert elements , Corresponding key value pairs 
    interestObj.insert("basketball", " Basketball ");
    interestObj.insert("badminton", " badminton ");

    /* * "color": [ "black", "white"], */
    //  Definition  [ ]  Array 
    QJsonArray colorArray;
    //  Add elements to the array 

    /* * "like": [ * { "game": " War Within Three Kingdoms ", "price": 58.5 }, * { "game": " Island soldiers ", "price": 66.65 } * ], */
    //  Definition  { }  object 
    QJsonObject likeObject1;
    likeObject1.insert("game", " War Within Three Kingdoms ");
    likeObject1.insert("price", 58.5);
    QJsonObject likeObject2;
    likeObject2.insert("game", " Island soldiers ");
    likeObject2.insert("price", 66.65);

    //  Definition  [ ]  object 
    QJsonArray likeArray;

    /* * "languages": { * "serialOne": { "language": " chinese ", "grade": 10 }, * "serialTwo": { "language": " English ", "grade": 6 } * }, */
    //  Definition  { }  object 
    QJsonObject language1;
    language1.insert("language", " chinese ");
    language1.insert("grade", 10);

    QJsonObject language2;
    language2.insert("language", " English ");
    language2.insert("grade", 6);

    QJsonObject languages;
    //  take { }  Insert  { }  in 
    languages.insert("serialOne", language1);
    languages.insert("serialTwo", language2);

    //  Define the root node   That is, the outermost layer  { }
    QJsonObject rootObject;

    //  Insert elements 
    rootObject.insert("name", " Lao Wang ");
    rootObject.insert("age", 26);
    rootObject.insert("interest", interestObj);
    rootObject.insert("color", colorArray);
    rootObject.insert("like", likeArray);
    rootObject.insert("languages", languages);
    rootObject.insert("vip", true);
    rootObject.insert("address", QJsonValue::Null);

    //  take json The data in the object is converted into a string 
    QJsonDocument doc;
    //  take object Set as the main object of this document 

    // Json Save the string to json In the document 
    QFile file("../Json/js.json");
    if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) {
        qDebug() << "can't open error!";

    QTextStream stream(&file);
    stream.setCodec("UTF-8");		//  Set the write encoding to UTF8
    //  write file 
    stream << doc.toJson();

//  analysis Json
void analysisJson() {
    QFile file("../Json/js.json");
    if (!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text)) {
        qDebug() << "can't open error!";

    //  Read the entire contents of the file 
    QTextStream stream(&file);
    stream.setCodec("UTF-8");		//  Set the read code to UTF8
    QString str = stream.readAll();


    /*  analysis Json */

    // QJsonParseError Class is used in JSON Error reported during parsing .
    QJsonParseError jsonError;
    //  take json It can be interpreted as UTF-8 Coded json file , And create a QJsonDocument.
    //  If the parsing is successful , return QJsonDocument object , Otherwise return to null
    QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(str.toUtf8(), &jsonError);
    //  Judge whether the parsing fails 
    if (jsonError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError && !doc.isNull()) {
        qDebug() << "Json Format error !" << jsonError.error;

    //  Get root  { }
    QJsonObject rootObj = doc.object();

    //  Get value from key 
    QJsonValue nameValue = rootObj.value("name");
    qDebug() << "name = " << nameValue.toString();

    QJsonValue ageValue = rootObj.value("age");
    qDebug() << "age = " << ageValue.toInt();

    //  Parse object  { }
    QJsonValue interestValue = rootObj.value("interest");
    //  Judge whether it is object type 
    if (interestValue.type() == QJsonValue::Object) {
        //  Convert to QJsonObject type 
        QJsonObject interestObj = interestValue.toObject();

        QJsonValue basketballValue = interestObj.value("basketball");
        qDebug() << "basketball = " << basketballValue.toString();
        QJsonValue badmintonValue = interestObj.value("badminton");
        qDebug() << "badminton = " << badmintonValue.toString();

    //  Parsing arrays  [ ]
    QJsonValue colorValue = rootObj.value("color");
    //  Judge whether it is Array type 
    if (colorValue.type() == QJsonValue::Array) {
        //  Convert to QJsonArray type 
        QJsonArray colorArray = colorValue.toArray();

        for (int i = 0; i < colorArray.size(); i++) {
            QJsonValue color = colorArray.at(i);
            qDebug() << "color = " << color.toString();

    //  Parse the objects in the array  [ { } ]
    QJsonValue likeValue = rootObj.value("like");
    if (likeValue.type() == QJsonValue::Array) {
        QJsonArray likeArray = likeValue.toArray();

        for (int i = 0; i < likeArray.count(); i++) {
            QJsonValue likeValueChild = likeArray.at(i);

            if (likeValueChild.type() == QJsonValue::Object) {
                QJsonObject likeObj = likeValueChild.toObject();

                QJsonValue gameLikeValue = likeObj.value("game");
                qDebug() << "game = " << gameLikeValue.toString();
                QJsonValue priceLikeValue = likeObj.value("price");
                qDebug() << "price = " << priceLikeValue.toDouble();

    //  analysis   object   in   object  { { } }
    QJsonValue languagesValue = rootObj.value("languages");
    if (languagesValue.type() == QJsonValue::Object) {
        QJsonObject languagesObj = languagesValue.toObject();

        QJsonValue serialOneValue = languagesObj.value("serialOne");
        if (serialOneValue.type() == QJsonValue::Object) {
            QJsonObject serialOneObj = serialOneValue.toObject();

            QJsonValue languageValue = serialOneObj.value("language");
            qDebug() << "language = " << languageValue.toString();
            QJsonValue gradeValue = serialOneObj.value("grade");
            qDebug() << "grade = " << gradeValue.toInt();

        QJsonValue serialTwoValue = languagesObj.value("serialTwo");
        if (serialTwoValue.type() == QJsonValue::Object) {
            QJsonObject serialTwoObj = serialTwoValue.toObject();

            QJsonValue languageValue = serialTwoObj.value("language");
            qDebug() << "language = " << languageValue.toString();
            QJsonValue gradeValue = serialTwoObj.value("grade");
            qDebug() << "grade = " << gradeValue.toInt();

    //  analysis  bool type 
    QJsonValue vipValue = rootObj.value("vip");
    qDebug() << "vip = " << vipValue.toBool();

    //  analysis  null type 
    QJsonValue addressValue = rootObj.value("address");
    if (addressValue.type() == QJsonValue::Null) {
        qDebug() << "address = " << "null";


//  modify Json data 
void alterJson() {
    /*  If you want to modify it, just rewrite it again and overwrite it  */

    QFile readFile("../Json/js.json");
    if (!readFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Truncate)) {
        qDebug() << "can't open error!";

    //  Read the entire contents of the file 
    QTextStream readStream(&readFile);
    readStream.setCodec("UTF-8");		//  Set the read code to UTF8
    QString str = readStream.readAll();

    /*  modify Json */

    // QJsonParseError Class is used in JSON Error reported during parsing .
    QJsonParseError jsonError;
    //  take json It can be interpreted as UTF-8 Coded json file , And create a QJsonDocument.
    //  If the parsing is successful , return QJsonDocument object , Otherwise return to null
    QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(str.toUtf8(), &jsonError);
    if (jsonError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError && !doc.isNull()) {
        qDebug() << "Json Format error !" << jsonError.error;

    //  Get root  { }
    QJsonObject rootObj = doc.object();

    //  modify name attribute 
    rootObj["name"] = " Lao Li ";
    rootObj["vip"] = false;

    //  Modify array [] The elements in 
    QJsonValue colorValue = rootObj.value("color");
    if (colorValue.type() == QJsonValue::Array) {
        QJsonArray colorArray = colorValue.toArray();

        //  Modify the values in the array 
        colorArray.replace(0, "blue");
        colorArray.replace(1, "green");

        //  Assignment overrides the original array attribute 
        rootObj["color"] = colorArray;

    //  modify  { }  The value in 
    QJsonValue interestValue = rootObj.value("interest");
    if (interestValue.type() == QJsonValue::Object) {
        QJsonObject interestObject = interestValue.toObject();

        interestObject["badminton"] = " Table Tennis ";
        interestObject["basketball"] = " football ";

        rootObj["interest"] = interestObject;

    //  modify  { { } }  The value in 
    QJsonValue languagesValue = rootObj.value("languages");
    if (languagesValue.type() == QJsonValue::Object) {
        QJsonObject languagesObj = languagesValue.toObject();

        //  Find the first one inside  { }
        QJsonValue serialOneValue = languagesObj.value("serialOne");
        if (serialOneValue.type() == QJsonValue::Object) {
            QJsonObject serialOneObj = serialOneValue.toObject();

            serialOneObj["grade"] = "20";

            languagesObj["serialOne"] = serialOneObj;

        //  Find the second inside  { }
        QJsonValue serialTwoValue = languagesObj.value("serialTwo");
        if (serialTwoValue.type() == QJsonValue::Object) {
            QJsonObject serialTwoObj = serialTwoValue.toObject();

            serialTwoObj["grade"] = "10";
            serialTwoObj["language"] = " Cantonese ";

            languagesObj["serialTwo"] = serialTwoObj;

        rootObj["languages"] = languagesObj;

    //  modify  [ { } ]
    QJsonValue likeValue = rootObj.value("like");
    if (likeValue.type() == QJsonValue::Array) {
        QJsonArray likeArray = likeValue.toArray();

        //  Get the corresponding according to the index { }
        QJsonObject obj1 = likeArray[0].toObject();
        obj1["game"] = " Happy game ";
        obj1["price"] = 88.8;
        QJsonObject obj2 = likeArray[1].toObject();
        obj2["game"] = " Happy bullfight ";
        obj2["price"] = 77.7;

        //  Replace overlay 
        likeArray.replace(0, obj1);
        likeArray.replace(1, obj2);

        rootObj["like"] = likeArray;

    //  take object Set as the main object of this document 

    //  Rewrite open file , Overwrite the original file , Achieve the effect of deleting all the contents of the file 
    QFile writeFile("../Json/js.json");
    if (!writeFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Truncate)) {
        qDebug() << "can't open error!";

    //  Write the modified content to the file 
    QTextStream wirteStream(&writeFile);
    wirteStream.setCodec("UTF-8");		//  Set the read code to UTF8
    wirteStream << doc.toJson();		//  write file 
    writeFile.close();					//  Close file 

//  Delete Json
void delJson() {
    QFile readFile("../Json/js.json");
    if (!readFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Truncate)) {
        qDebug() << "can't open error!";

    //  Read the entire contents of the file 
    QTextStream readStream(&readFile);
    readStream.setCodec("UTF-8");		//  Set the read code to UTF8
    QString str = readStream.readAll();

    /*  modify Json */

    // QJsonParseError Class is used in JSON Error reported during parsing .
    QJsonParseError jsonError;
    //  take json It can be interpreted as UTF-8 Coded json file , And create a QJsonDocument.
    //  If the parsing is successful , return QJsonDocument object , Otherwise return to null
    QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(str.toUtf8(), &jsonError);
    if (jsonError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError && !doc.isNull()) {
        qDebug() << "Json Format error !" << jsonError.error;

    //  Get root  { }
    QJsonObject rootObj = doc.object();

    //  Delete age

    //  Delete array [] The elements in 
    QJsonValue colorValue = rootObj.value("color");
    if (colorValue.type() == QJsonValue::Array) {
        QJsonArray colorArray = colorValue.toArray();

        //  Delete the array with index 1 Value 

        //  Assignment overrides the original array attribute 
        rootObj["color"] = colorArray;

    //  Delete  { }  The value in 
    QJsonValue interestValue = rootObj.value("interest");
    if (interestValue.type() == QJsonValue::Object) {
        QJsonObject interestObject = interestValue.toObject();

        //  The delete key is basketball Attribute element of 

        rootObj["interest"] = interestObject;
    //  Delete  { { } }  The value in 
    QJsonValue languagesValue = rootObj.value("languages");
    if (languagesValue.type() == QJsonValue::Object) {
        QJsonObject languagesObj = languagesValue.toObject();

        //  The delete key is serialTwo The object of  { }

        rootObj["languages"] = languagesObj;

    //  Delete  [ ]  Medium  { }
    QJsonValue likeValue = rootObj.value("like");
    if (likeValue.type() == QJsonValue::Array) {
        QJsonArray likeArray = likeValue.toArray();

        //  Delete index as 1 The values in the array 

        rootObj["like"] = likeArray;

    //  Delete  [ ]

    //  Delete  { }

    //  take object Set as the main object of this document 

    //  Rewrite open file , Overwrite the original file , Achieve the effect of deleting all the contents of the file 
    QFile writeFile("../Json/js.json");
    if (!writeFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Truncate)) {
        qDebug() << "can't open error!";

    //  Write the modified content to the file 
    QTextStream wirteStream(&writeFile);
    wirteStream.setCodec("UTF-8");		//  Set the read code to UTF8
    wirteStream << doc.toJson();		//  write file 
    writeFile.close();					//  Close file 

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);





    return a.exec();

remarks : Specified encoding #pragma execution_character_set(“utf-8”) // qt Support to display Chinese

Sample 3:( One json Object contains multiple arrays )


#ifndef CJSONIO_H
#define CJSONIO_H

#include <QHash>

class CJsonIO


    static  CJsonIO * GetInstance();
    bool ReadJson(const QString& dir, const QString& fileName);
    bool WriteJson(const QString& dir, const QString& fileName);
    void PrintCurJson();
    void Init();    
    QStringList GetValue(QString key);
    static CJsonIO m_jsonIO;
    QHash<QString, QStringList> m_hash;         // Store the current json
    QHash<QString, QStringList> m_defaultHash;      // Store default json

#endif // CJSONIO_H


#include "cjsonio.h"
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QJsonParseError>
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QFile>
#include <QDebug>

CJsonIO CJsonIO::m_jsonIO;

CJsonIO::CJsonIO() :



CJsonIO *CJsonIO::GetInstance()
    return &m_jsonIO;

bool CJsonIO::ReadJson(const QString &dir, const QString &fileName)
    bool result = false;
            //read document
            QString file = dir + fileName;
            QFile loadFile(file);
            if (!loadFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
                qDebug() << "could't open projects json";

            QByteArray allData = loadFile.readAll();

            //set QJsonDocument
            QJsonParseError jsonError;
            QJsonDocument document = QJsonDocument::fromJson(allData, &jsonError); // Function description : analysis UTF-8 Coded JSON Document and create QJsonDocument.

            if (document.isNull() || (jsonError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError))
                qDebug() << "document error";
            if (jsonError.error == QJsonParseError::IllegalUTF8String)                  // Illegal in input UTF8 Sequence 
                qDebug() << "An illegal UTF8 sequence occurred in the input";

            if (!document.isObject())
                qDebug() << "document is not object";

            //read QJson
            QHash<QString, QStringList> indexHash;
            QStringList indexList;

            QStringList keys = document.object().keys();
            QJsonObject object = document.object();
            int keySize = keys.size();

            for (int i = 0; i < keySize; ++i)
                QString strKey = keys.at(i);

                if (object.contains(strKey))
                    QJsonValue value = object.value(strKey);
                    if (value.isArray())
                        QJsonArray array = value.toArray();
                        int arrSize = array.size();
                        for (int i = 0; i < arrSize; ++i)
                            QJsonValue  arrValue = array.at(i);
                            if (arrValue.isString())
                                QString  strValue = arrValue.toString();



                    indexHash.insert(strKey, indexList);


            this->m_hash = indexHash;
            this->m_defaultHash = indexHash;
            result = true;


    return result;

bool CJsonIO::WriteJson(const QString &dir, const QString &fileName)
    bool result = false;
            //set QJson
            QJsonObject jsonObject;
            QHash<QString,QStringList>::const_iterator iter = this->m_hash.constBegin();
            while (iter != this->m_hash.constEnd())
                QJsonArray jsonArray;
                QString key = iter.key();
                QStringList valueList = iter.value();

                QStringList::const_iterator listIter = valueList.begin();
                while (listIter != valueList.end())

                jsonObject.insert(key, QJsonValue(jsonArray));

            //set QJsonDocument
            QJsonDocument doc(jsonObject);
            QByteArray byteArray = doc.toJson();

            //write document
            QString strFile = dir + fileName;
            QFile loadFile(strFile);
            if (!loadFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly))
                qDebug() << "could't open projects json";


            result = true;


    return result;


void CJsonIO::PrintCurJson()
    QHash<QString,QStringList>::const_iterator iter = this->m_hash.constBegin();
        while (iter != this->m_hash.constEnd())
            QString key = iter.key();
            QStringList valueList = iter.value();

            qDebug() << "key:" << key << ": ";

            QStringList::const_iterator listIter = valueList.begin();
            while (listIter != valueList.end())
                qDebug() << "value:" << *listIter;


QStringList CJsonIO::GetValue(QString key)
    QStringList valueList;
    QHash<QString, QStringList>::const_iterator iter = this->m_hash.constBegin();
        while (iter != this->m_hash.constEnd())
            QString hashKey = iter.key();
            if (hashKey == key)
                valueList = iter.value();


        return valueList;

void CJsonIO::Init()


#include "cjsonio.h"
#include <QApplication>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QApplication a(argc, argv);
    CJsonIO *json = CJsonIO::GetInstance();
    QString dir = "../Json/";
    QString readFile = "read.json";
    QString writeFile = "write.json";

    json->ReadJson(dir, readFile);
    json->WriteJson(dir, writeFile);

    return a.exec();

Sample 4:

JSON encapsulation : It includes JSON The read 、 analysis 、 Generate and save these basic functions

1、json.h file

#ifndef JSON_H
#define JSON_H

#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QJsonParseError>

class JSON {

    QJsonObject getJson();
    QJsonObject loadJson(const QString& filepath);
    void writeJson(const QString key, bool value);
    void writeJson(const QString key, int value);
    void writeJson(const QString key, double value);
    void writeJson(const QString key, QString value);
    void writeJson(const QString key, bool* array, int length);
    void writeJson(const QString key, int* array, int length);
    void writeJson(const QString key, double* array, int length);
    void writeJson(const QString key, QJsonObject object);
    bool saveJson(const QString& filepath);
    QString toString();

    QJsonObject json;

#endif // JSON_H

2、json.cpp file

#include <QDebug>
#include <QFile>
#include <QIODevice>

#include "json.h"


QJsonObject JSON::getJson()
    return json;

QJsonObject JSON::loadJson(const QString& filepath)
    QFile loadFile(filepath);

    if (!loadFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
        qDebug() << "Unable to load JSON file";

    QByteArray allData = loadFile.readAll();

    QJsonParseError json_error;
    QJsonDocument jsonDoc(QJsonDocument::fromJson(allData, &json_error));

    if (json_error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError)
        qDebug() << "JSON error!";

    QJsonObject rootObj = jsonDoc.object();
    return rootObj;

// NOTE: implicit conversion turns string literal into bool
void JSON::writeJson(const QString key, bool value)
    json.insert(key, value);

void JSON::writeJson(const QString key, int value)
    json.insert(key, value);

void JSON::writeJson(const QString key, double value)
    json.insert(key, value);

// value only support QString
void JSON::writeJson(const QString key, QString value)
    json.insert(key, QString(value));

void JSON::writeJson(const QString key, bool* array, int length)
    QJsonArray arr;
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
    json.insert(key, arr);

void JSON::writeJson(const QString key, int* array, int length)
    QJsonArray arr;
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
    json.insert(key, arr);

void JSON::writeJson(const QString key, double* array, int length)
    QJsonArray arr;
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
    json.insert(key, arr);

void JSON::writeJson(const QString key, QJsonObject object)
    json.insert(key, object);

bool JSON::saveJson(const QString& filepath)
    QJsonDocument document;
    QFile file(filepath);

    if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
        qDebug() << "Fail to save contents to JSON file";
        return false;


    return true;

QString JSON::toString()
    QJsonDocument document;
    QByteArray byteArray = document.toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact);
    QString str(byteArray);
    return str;

3、main.cpp file ( The test data )

#include <QApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QLabel>

#include "json.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    QApplication a(argc, argv);
    MainWindow w;

    int arr[] = {
     1, 2, 3 };
    double darr[] = {
     4.2, 5.2 };
    bool barr[] = {
     true, false, true, false };
    QString value = "str";
    QJsonObject obj;
    obj.insert("Name", "Apple");
    obj.insert("Color", "Red");
    obj.insert("Weight", 0.2);

    JSON* json = new JSON();
    json->writeJson("bool", true);
    json->writeJson("int", 1);
    json->writeJson("double", 2.4);
    // value must be QString, implicit conversion turns string literal into bool
    json->writeJson("string", value);
    json->writeJson("str2bool", "str");
    json->writeJson("bool array", barr, 4);
    json->writeJson("int array", arr, 3);
    json->writeJson("double array", darr, 2);
    json->writeJson("object", obj);
    qDebug() << json->getJson();


    QWidget* widget = new QWidget();
    QLabel* label = new QLabel();

    QHBoxLayout* hBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout();

    return a.exec();

4、 Generated JSON Sample file

    "bool": true,
    "bool array": [
    "double": 2.4,
    "double array": [
    "int": 1,
    "int array": [
    "object": {
        "Color": "Red",
        "Name": "Apple",
        "Weight": 0.2
    "str2bool": true,
    "string": "str"

remarks :mainwindow.h and mainwindow.cpp I'm going to use it directly here Qt Generated by default . The code above needs to pay attention to : about json->writeJson("str2bool", "str"); It will print out "str2bool":true, This is because the string literal will be implicitly "str" Convert to bool type , If you need to print out a string , You must explicitly set the corresponding value to QString type , therefore json->writeJson("string", value); It will print out the expected "string":"str".

Reference documents :

JSON Support in Qt

