当前位置:网站首页>My colleagues quietly told me that flying Book notification can still play like this

My colleagues quietly told me that flying Book notification can still play like this

2022-07-05 23:42:00 Jianmu_ Dev

Xiaohong : The small white !! I forgot to punch in again

The small white : Why not add a robot to the flying book group to remind you regularly

Xiaohong : Good! , But this trouble ??

The small white : It's easy , use Jianmu CI Graphical interface Just arrange a process , Flybook notification node Open the box

Xiaohong : Thank you, Xiaobai !!!🥰

Jianmu node Library Rich nodes are provided in , There are four types of flybook notification nodes , Define input parameters in the flybook notification node , You can easily realize the function of notification , Let's see how to achieve it !

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Lead to

1. Add flying Book Robot

First, open the flybook group settings -> Click Group robots -> Click Add robot -> Click Custom robot -> Fill in the robot name -> Click Add

Okay , Now your robot is ready ! take webhook Add address to Jianmu CI Can be used in the keystore !

 Insert picture description here

If you don't need to send pictures , You don't need to use your mobile number @ Group members , The preparatory work has been completed .

2. obtain App Id and App Secret

Be careful : Send pictures or phone numbers @ When group members , That's what we need App Id and App Secret, Otherwise, you can skip this step

a. Create an : Open the flybook developer background -> I'm gonna go ahead and create an app

b. Modify the permissions ( By phone number @ Group members )

  • Click the application just created , Go to the application page
  • Click permission management , choice “ Get users through mobile phone number or email ID” and “ Get users userID“ Authority , Click batch opening

 Insert picture description here

c. Select version management , Fill in the version details , Select all employees from the available range , Then click save 、 Apply for release ( Before publishing, you need to upload the application avatar )

 Insert picture description here

d. Open flybook management background , Click the left workbench , Select Application Audit , Then review the application just applied for release

 Insert picture description here

e. After application audit , Copy applied App ID and APP Secreet, Add to Jianmu CI In the key library of
 Insert picture description here

Send flybook notification

1. Send text notification

 Insert picture description here

robot webhook Is the key parameter , You can directly reference the key in the keystore

Arrange the process through the graphical interface , Just follow the steps above , You can easily make up the scheduling process

If you need to trigger regularly , You can add a before the notice of flying book cron node , Fill in what you need cron expression

 Insert picture description here

2. Send rich text notification

Sending flybook rich text notification is the same as sending flybook text notification , Only the input parameters are slightly different

Example :

 Insert picture description here

3. Send picture notification

Picture notification requires key parameters App ID and App Secret, The key in the keystore can be directly referenced in the graphical interface

Example :

 Insert picture description here

4. Send message card notification

Message card notification can not only be sent markdown Format message , You can also send pictures 、 By phone number @ Group members , Key parameters are required App ID and App Secret.

Example :

 Insert picture description here

Finally, let's take a look at the effect of the notice of flying book !

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Okay , That's all for the graphic layout of the flybook notice , If you happen to be using the flying book , Go and try the flybook notification node !

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If you want to refer to the specific DSL, You can move here How to send notification to flybook

Officer, ⽹





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