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STM32 configuration after chip replacement and possible errors

2022-07-06 00:13:00 The Embers

Today, I changed a chip for the first time , Encountered some obstacles during , Record here .
The chip was replaced with c6t6,
1. Check whether the startup file matches .
2. Check C/C++ Define whether it matches the startup file , when MD still ,HD, Then I changed it to MD After that, I still can't
 Insert picture description here
3. to update KEIL5 in the future , primary KEIL4 STM32 Template library compilation failed
The following error occurred :

\lib\cmsis\stm32f10x.h(298): error:  #67: expected a "}"

resolvent :
Remove a manually added macro definition STM32F103_MD,KEIL5 Has been added automatically .
After deletion 0 erro 了 . comfortable


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