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What is ADC sampling rate (Hz) and how to calculate it

2022-07-07 22:55:00 Endless learning 2022

ADC Conversion is the input analog semaphore , Conversion of single chip microcomputer into digital quantity . The digital quantity must be read after the conversion is completed , Completing the reading of a channel is called the sampling period .

 The sampling period is generally = Conversion time + Read time .

 And the conversion time = Sampling time +12.5 Clock cycles .

 The sampling time is what you tell through the register stm32 Time for sampling analog quantity , The longer the setting, the more accurate 	

 The formula : sampling frequency   = 1/ Sampling period 

The sampling rate refers to ADC How many times per second will the clock convert analog quantity to digital quantity , Such as 10K/s That is to say ADC Every second , Just collect 10K Analog quantity , And convert analog quantity into digital quantity . When sampling sound , The general sampling rate is 44Kbps/s, When sampling temperature , A few K/s The sampling rate is enough .

ADC The clock of , Through the system clock From frequency division ++

ADC10 The total time of each sampling conversion is : Sampling time + Conversion time


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