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Redis official ORM framework is more elegant than redistemplate

2022-07-07 22:28:00 1024 questions


RedisOM brief introduction

JDK 11 install



RedisOM brief introduction

Before that SpringBoot In the project , I always use RedisTemplate To operate Redis Data in , This is also Spring The way of official support . contrast Spring Data Yes MongoDB and ES Support for , This kind of use Template The way is really not elegant enough ! The recent discovery Redis Officially launched Redis Exclusive ORM frame RedisOM, Elegant enough to use , I recommend it to you !

SpringBoot Actual e-commerce projects mall(50k+star) Address :github.com/macrozheng/…

RedisOM yes Redis Officially launched ORM frame , It's right Spring Data Redis An extension of . because Redis At present, it supports native JSON Object storage , Before using RedisTemplate Store... Directly in a string JOSN The way of objects is obviously not elegant . adopt RedisOM We can not only operate in the form of objects Redis Data in , And it can realize the search function !

JDK 11 install

Due to the present RedisOM Support only JDK 11 Above version , We have to install it before we use it .

First download JDK 11, Download address :https://www.jb51.net/softs/638448.html

Download the compressed package version , After downloading, extract to the specified directory ;

And then in IDEA In the project configuration , The corresponding module will be JDK The dependent version is set to JDK 11 that will do .


Next, let's manage the storage in Redis Take the commodity information in as an example , Realize the product search function . Pay attention to the installation Redis The full version of RedisMod, For details, please refer to RediSearch Use the tutorial  .

First, in the pom.xml Add RedisOM Related dependencies ;

<!--Redis OM Related dependencies --><dependency> <groupId>com.redis.om</groupId> <artifactId>redis-om-spring</artifactId> <version>0.3.0-SNAPSHOT</version></dependency>

because RedisOM At present, there is only snapshot version , You also need to add a snapshot warehouse ;

<repositories> <repository> <id>snapshots-repo</id> <url>https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/</url> </repository></repositories>

Then in the configuration file application.yml Add Redis Connection configuration ;

spring: redis: host: # Redis Server address database: 0 # Redis Database index ( The default is 0) port: 6379 # Redis Server connection port password: # Redis Server connection password ( The default is empty. ) timeout: 3000ms # Connection timeout

Then add... On the startup class @EnableRedisDocumentRepositories Annotations to enable RedisOM Document warehouse function , And configure the path where the document warehouse is located ;

@[email protected](basePackages = "com.macro.mall.tiny.*")public class MallTinyApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(MallTinyApplication.class, args); }}

Then create the document object of the product , Use @Document The annotation identifies it as a document object , Because our search information contains Chinese , We need to set the language to chinese;

/** * Commodity entity class * Created by macro on 2021/10/12. */@[email protected](callSuper = false)@Document(language = "chinese")public class Product { @Id private Long id; @Indexed private String productSn; @Searchable private String name; @Searchable private String subTitle; @Indexed private String brandName; @Indexed private Integer price; @Indexed private Integer count;}

Introduce the functions of several annotations in the code ;

@Id: Declaration of primary key ,RedisOM Will pass through Full class name :ID Such a key to store data ;

@Indexed: Declaration index , Usually used on non text types ;

@Searchable: Declare the index that can be searched , Usually used on text types .

Next, create a document warehouse interface , Inherit RedisDocumentRepository Interface ;

/** * Commodity management Repository * Created by macro on 2022/3/1. */public interface ProductRepository extends RedisDocumentRepository&lt;Product, Long&gt; {}

Create a test Controller, adopt Repository Realize to Redis Creation of data in 、 Delete 、 Query and paging function ;

/** * Use Redis OM Manage goods * Created by macro on 2022/3/1. */@[email protected](tags = "ProductController", description = " Use Redis OM Manage goods ")@RequestMapping("/product")public class ProductController { @Autowired private ProductRepository productRepository; @ApiOperation(" Import goods ") @PostMapping("/import") public CommonResult importList() { productRepository.deleteAll(); List&lt;Product&gt; productList = LocalJsonUtil.getListFromJson("json/products.json", Product.class); for (Product product : productList) { productRepository.save(product); } return CommonResult.success(null); } @ApiOperation(" Create merchandise ") @PostMapping("/create") public CommonResult create(@RequestBody Product entity) { productRepository.save(entity); return CommonResult.success(null); } @ApiOperation(" Delete ") @PostMapping("/delete/{id}") public CommonResult delete(@PathVariable Long id) { productRepository.deleteById(id); return CommonResult.success(null); } @ApiOperation(" Query individual ") @GetMapping("/detail/{id}") public CommonResult&lt;Product&gt; detail(@PathVariable Long id) { Optional&lt;Product&gt; result = productRepository.findById(id); return CommonResult.success(result.orElse(null)); } @ApiOperation(" Paging query ") @GetMapping("/page") public CommonResult&lt;List&lt;Product&gt;&gt; page(@RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") Integer pageNum, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "5") Integer pageSize) { Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(pageNum - 1, pageSize); Page&lt;Product&gt; pageResult = productRepository.findAll(pageable); return CommonResult.success(pageResult.getContent()); }}

When we start the project , You can find RedisOM The document will be automatically indexed ;

Next we visit Swagger To test , First use Import goods Interface import data , Access address :http://localhost:8088/swagger-ui/

After importing successfully, we can find RedisOM Already directed Redis Inserted native JSON data , In full class name :ID The form named the key , At the same time, all ID Stored in a SET In the collection ;

We can go through ID To query product information ;

Of course RedisOM It also supports derived queries , The query logic can be realized automatically through the method name we created , For example, query the goods according to the brand name , Search for products by name and subtitle keywords ;

/** * Commodity management Repository * Created by macro on 2022/3/1. */public interface ProductRepository extends RedisDocumentRepository&lt;Product, Long&gt; { /** * Query according to brand name */ List&lt;Product&gt; findByBrandName(String brandName); /** * Search by name or subtitle */ List&lt;Product&gt; findByNameOrSubTitle(String name, String subTitle);}

stay Controller The following interfaces can be added to test ;

/** * Use Redis OM Manage goods * Created by macro on 2022/3/1. */@[email protected](tags = "ProductController", description = " Use Redis OM Manage goods ")@RequestMapping("/product")public class ProductController { @Autowired private ProductRepository productRepository; @ApiOperation(" Inquire according to the brand ") @GetMapping("/getByBrandName") public CommonResult<List<Product>> getByBrandName(String brandName) { List<Product> resultList = productRepository.findByBrandName(brandName); return CommonResult.success(resultList); } @ApiOperation(" Search by name or subtitle ") @GetMapping("/search") public CommonResult<List<Product>> search(String keyword) { List<Product> resultList = productRepository.findByNameOrSubTitle(keyword, keyword); return CommonResult.success(resultList); }}

We can check the goods by brand name ;

You can also search for products through keywords ;

What are the rules for this kind of derivative query that automatically implements the query logic according to the method name , Refer to the following table for details .


Today I experienced a RedisOM, It's really elegant to use , And use Spring Data To operate MongoDB and ES In a similar way . But so far RedisOM Only the snapshot version has been released , expect Release Release of version , and Release The version is said to support JDK 8 Of !

If you want to know more Redis If you have practical skills , You can try this practical project with a full set of tutorials (50K+Star):github.com/macrozheng/…

Reference material

Project address :github.com/redis/redis…

Official documents :developer.redis.com/develop/jav…

Project source address github.com/macrozheng/…

That's all Redis official ORM Frame ratio RedisTemplate More elegant details , More about Redis official ORM For information about the framework, please pay attention to other relevant articles on the software development network !


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