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"Jianzhi offer" brush title classification
2022-08-04 21:32:00 【Rolandxxx】
The rhythm of writing questions: The sword refers to the offer->Leetcode dynamic programming->The sword refers to the offer again before the interview. The data structure and DP have a higher probability of handwriting code in the interview, and the question is completed.After understanding the ideas of each question, use a notebook to record it, and strive to brush it all together, that is, if you see a question that can be automatically classified into a certain area
Data structure topic
003-Print the linked list from end to head
014-The k-th last node in the linked list
015-Reverse the linked list
016-Merge twoOr k ordered linked lists
025-Replication of complex linked list
036-First common node of two linked lists
055-Entry node of ring in linked list
056-Delete duplication in linked listThe nodes of
004-rebuild the binary tree
017-substructure of the tree
018-mirror of the binary tree
022-print the binary tree from top to bottom
023-Post-order traversal sequence of binary search tree
024-A path that sums to a certain value in binary tree
026-Binary search tree and doubly linked list
038-Depth of binary tree
039-Balanced binary tree
057-Next node of binary tree
058-Symmetrical binary tree
059-Print binary tree in zigzag order
060-Print binary tree as multiple lines
061-Serialized binary tree
062-kth node of binary search tree
Stack & Queue
005-implement queue with two stacks
020-contain min functionThe stack
021-Push and pop sequence of stack
044- Flip word order column (stack)
064-Maximum value of sliding window (deque)
029-Minimum number of K
Hash Table
034-The first character that appears only once
065 - Path in Matrix (BFS)
066 - Robot's Range of Motion (DFS)
Specific algorithm topic
Fibonacci sequence
007-Fibonacci sequence
008-jump steps
009-abnormal jump steps
010-rectangle cover
Search Algorithms
001-2-dimensional array search
006-minimum number of rotated array (binary search)
037-number of occurrences of a number in sorted array (binary search)
Full permutation
027- permutation of strings
dynamic programming
030-maximum sum of consecutive subarrays
052-regular expressionFormula Matching (I use brute force)
065 - Path in Matrix (BFS)
066 - Robot's Range of Motion (DFS)
035-reverse pairs in an array (merge sort)
029-minimum K counts (heapsort)
029-minimum K counts (quicksort)
Bit operations
011-Number of 1s in binary
012-Number of integer powers
040-Numbers that appear only once in an array
Other algorithms
002 - replace spaces
013 - reorder array so odd numbers come before even numbers
028 - numbers that occur more than half the times in the array
031 - the number of occurrences of 1 in an integer (from 1To the number of occurrences of 1 in n integers)
032- Arrange the array into the smallest number
033- Ugly number
041- Sum is a continuous sequence of positive numbers of S (sliding window idea)
042- Two numbers with sum as S (double pointer idea)
043 - Left rotation of string (matrix flip)
046 - Children's game - last remaining number in a circle (Joseph ring)
051-Constructing an array of products
Reference link: https://www.jianshu.com/p/53f6bf6f8d50
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