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What management points should be paid attention to when implementing MES management system

2022-07-07 02:37:00 Dark blue easy net

Traditional small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises want to upgrade and build MES Production management system , But I don't know where to start . Copy others' experience and practice , But to no avail , The internal situation of each enterprise is very different , Management mode applicable to other enterprises , You may not be suitable for . Plus the limitation of technology and capital , Small and medium-sized enterprises have become very passive .

So I want to finish MES Management system setup management upgrade , We must find a turning point towards intelligence , reasonable 、 Quickly build a production system that meets the characteristics of the enterprise . The implementation of MES When managing the system , Which management points need attention ?


1、 Proceed from the actual needs

Enterprises, whether using MES System or ASP And other information systems , You can't follow blindly , Or think we should use , Just arrange all the functions . This will not only increase the cost , Make the construction process more complicated , It will not be used in the later stage, resulting in waste . For small and medium-sized manufacturing , Cost control is very important , Our strengths . The management should fully consider the primary and secondary needs of the enterprise , Start with the main links .

For small and medium-sized manufacturing , Cost control is very important , Our strengths . The management should fully consider the primary and secondary needs of the enterprise , Start with the main links .

2、 To deepen the MES Management system function module cognition

Take gongmaotong as an example ,MES Mainly resource management 、 Process management 、 Production tracking 、 Performance analysis 、 Equipment maintenance 、 Data acquisition, quality management and other modules . Optimize the production and manufacturing management mode of enterprises , Strengthen process management and control , Balance the utilization of enterprise resources .

The implementation of MES front , The first problem is to evaluate the current production execution capacity of the workshop . Information collection from order delivery to finished goods delivery , Find the shortcomings and shortcomings . The operator is right MES The function of is very familiar , You can know how to combine all links and corresponding functions for optimization .

3、 Pay attention to your own characteristics

Because the informatization foundation of small and medium-sized enterprises is relatively low , Business management processes are rarely standardized , There are clear industrial MES, There is a strong pertinence , It can fit the characteristics of the enterprise to a greater extent .

Industry and trade link MES For the small household appliance industry , Its functional design 、 Business process and precautions , All meet the needs of the industry , Encounter common problems with ease . The business model of each enterprise 、 scale 、 The funds are different , Clearly tell the internal situation and desired results of the service provider , It is conducive to providing personalized functions and services .

4、 Pay attention to periodic reporting

Enterprise implementation MES Before and after the management system , A lot of human resources should be invested . In order to ensure that the efforts made can get a long-term and stable response , We must pay attention to the periodic summary and report .

Enterprises should make overall planning before implementation , In stages . Each stage of the task is completed , Carefully summarize and analyze the phased achievements , Adjust the implementation rules for the next stage , Make sure MES In high efficiency 、 Apply it to actual production under reasonable planning .

Want to find a way to effectively combine with the enterprise MES, Before inspecting the service provider , First of all, we should have an in-depth understanding of the current situation of shopping malls and industries , Yes MES The function of has certain cognition . More importantly, you should know the characteristics of the enterprise you manage like the back of your hand , Clarify the actual needs and breakthroughs of the enterprise .

Only when it is clear in many aspects , Enterprises can find the right MES, Clearly tell the current problems and needs of the service provider , Jointly build a MES Production management system .


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