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Summary of Huawei Distributed Storage FusionStorage Knowledge Points [Interview]
2022-07-31 03:38:00 【Ah~ think】
7、FusionStorageThe interaction between the components process
8、VBSWhether to need to form a cluster between?
12、FusionStorageMost allow bad pieces plate
15、FusionStorageData reconstruction process
16、FusionStorageWhat are the limits to the storage pool?
17、FusionStorageWhat are the deployment of the way?
18、FC场景中,怎样通过IP SAN的方式使用FusionStorage?
19、FusionStorageThe interrelationship between heart problem
20、FusionStorageWhat are the network flat,有何作用?
- 高性能
- 高可靠
- 高扩展:Linear scaling to4096节点
2、Server SAN是什么?有何特点?
- 专有设备变通用设备
- 计算与存储线性扩展
- 简单管理、低TCO
- It is a distributed block storage software by huawei itself
- 将通用X86服务器的SSD和HDDOrganized into a storage medium by distributed technologies such as mass storage resource pool
- Provides the standard between virtualization and the virtualization ofSCSI和iSCSI接口
- 开放的API
- SmartCache在对SSD盘资源进行管理上,分为智能缓存池和SmartCache分区两部分.
- 开启SmartCache功能前,数据不区分冷热程度,都存放在机械硬盘中,由于机械硬盘需要占用一定的寻道时间,So read the data for a long time,Data read and write performance is not high
- 开启SmartCache功能后,存储系统将热点数据拷贝至SSD盘组成的智能缓存池中,To improve the performance of hot data.
- Another kind is the enterprise keyIT基础设施中,通过infiniband(Unlimited bandwidth technology)Server connected andSSD做CacheOr key technology such as main memory,The storage system greatly improve the performance and reliability of the,At the same time retain the high scalability of distributed storage,To support enterprise critical business applications,The large amount of data to solve these critical business needs.
- 一类是在大规模云计算数据中心中,将通用x86存储服务器池化,Establish a large-scale distributed storage resource pool,With industry standardSCSI和iSCSI接口,提供开放的API接口,Support various virtualization platform(如Hypervisor)And the industry mainstream applications(比如MySQL)等.
FusionStorageBelong to huawei distributedServer SAN产品,由FSM和FSA组成.
- FSM:FusionStorage管理模块,提供告警、监控、日志、Operation and maintenance functions such as configuration,Usually the main equipment deployment
- OSD:对象存储设备服务,执行具体的IO操作,On each server deploy multipleOSD进程,一块磁盘默认部署一个OSD进程,在SSDWhen family deposit,为了充分发挥SSD卡的性能,可以在一张SSD卡上部署多个OSD进程进行管理.
- VBS:虚拟块存储管理组件,负责卷元数据的管理,提供分布式集群接入点服务,Make computing resources can beVBS访问分布式存储资源,Each node on the default deployment of aVBS进程,形成VBS集群,也可以部署多个VBSTo improve the clusterIO性能(Don't recommend to deploy more)
- MDC:元数据控制,实现对分布式集群的状态控制,以及控制数据分布式规则、数据重建规则等;MDCThe default deployment in three nodesZK盘上,形成MDC集群
- FSA:FusionStorage代理进程,Deployed on each node,Realize the node andFSM的通信,其包含MDC、VBS和OSD三个进程,According to the requirements of the different configuration in the process of different nodes start different combinations to perform specific functions
7、FusionStorageThe interaction between the components process
- 在系统启动时,MDC与ZKThe interactive decision mainMDC,当主MDC故障后,其他MDC发现主MDCFault withZKInteractive who decided to become the new mainMDC
- 主MDC与其它MDCMonitor the heartbeat each other,由主MDC指定其它MDCWhether to belong toMDCAnd inform belongMDCTake over the storage pool;主MDCDecide to belongMDCAfter failure of replacement,一个MDCTake no more than two storage pool
- OSD启动时向MDCQuery belongsMDC,向归属MDC报告状态,归属MDCSends changes stateVBS,OSDAnd belongingMDCCan maintain the heart relationship,归属MDC在5S内未收到OSDThe heartbeat messages will thinkOSD异常,更新OSDView and give eachOSDView changes notice sending,且更新IOView toVBS,在5min内未收到OSDThe heartbeat message will play cluster(存储池)
- VBSStartup query masterMDC,向主MDC注册(主MDCMaintains a activityVBS的表,主MDC同步VBSList to the otherMDC,以便MDC能将OSDThe change of state of informVBS),向MDCConfirm whether you asleader(领导者),VBS从主MDC获取IO视图,主MDC向OSD获取元数据,其它VBS向主VBS获取元数据.
8、VBSWhether to need to form a cluster between?
- 需要,VBSWhen the block storage service,Need to simulate the block device(volume),And simulate how specific piece of equipment,例如容量、WWN号等,以及在接收到SCSI请求时,将IOSlice formkey-value,keyOf needtreeID、branchID、snapIDIs stored in the volume of metadata;As each new volume to create、快照、Delete action needs to be on volume of metadata to write,对卷的IO是由VBS完成的,如果所有的VBSCan the volume to write,So it may damage the metadata volume,So you need to choose the singleVBS,即主VBS来避免该问题;一套FusionStorageThere are only a masterVBS,VBSThe main role and aMDCProcess to determine the,所有VBS通过和MDCThe heartbeat mechanism between the guarantee system in the double master's will not happen,只有主VBSAble to manipulate metadata,So forVBSReceived the snapshot volume and management class order need to forward to the mainVBS上处理,对于挂载、卸载等流程,主VBSAfter finishing the metadata operations also need to transfer command to the targetVBSTo achieve volume mount、卸载等操作.
- zookeeper简称ZK,Distributed application coordination system is an open source,Used to complete the same naming service、状态同步服务、集群管理、分布式应用配置项的管理等工作.
- ZK数量3/5/7,The reason of odd becauseZK选举leader(领导者)机制,n+1>n,总结点数:2n+1Control cluster created after the completion of the,The number cannot be changed;
- MDC数量3~96个,默认MDC数量为3个(创建MDCCluster withZK数量一致),MDCNumber will increase in the number of storage pool and automatically expand;MDC数量=ZK数量+The storage pool number,MDCManages the storage pool,一个MDCManagement at most two.
11、MDCCan how many bad?
- MDCCan the number of bad=MDC总数据-1,Even if the system is only aMDCStill can keep the normal.
12、FusionStorageMost allow bad pieces plate
- Need to consider the level of security and replicas,In theory can be bad(副本数-1)The number of times the level of security within the hard drive;If the security level for the server level,有3台服务器,每台服务器有4块硬盘,副本数为2,Could be bad(2-1)*4=4,But the value is a short period of time the number of bad(The data is not repair in time)
- If you consider the data timely recovery,Allows the used space of the minimum number of hard disk;以上面为例,Assume that each size of my hard drive1TB,已用空间为1.8TB,在极端情况下,可以坏3*4-2=10块硬盘
- 副本机制:Data storage when the shard upset in the multiple nodes,These fragmented data support distribution on different storage nodes and cabinet,同时数据存储时采用多副本技术,支持两副本或三副本,数据会自动保存多份,Different copies of each shard save will be scattered to different nodes.
- 快速数据重建:When the hard disk failure lead to inconsistent data,FusionStorage通过内部的自检机制,通过比较不同节点上的副本分片,自动发现数据故障,Then start data repair mechanism,Assure the safety and reliability of the data.
- 掉电保护:System may occur during the operation of the server suddenly off the abnormal situation of electricity,FusionStorage使用保电介质来保存元数据和缓存数据,To prevent data loss when power supply drop,FusionStorage支持的保电介质为NVDIMM内存条或SSD.
- OS收到指令后,通过SCSI或iSCSI传递给VBS,然后通过key-value得出结果后,再由OSD通过SCSI传递给disk.
15、FusionStorageData reconstruction process
- 数据分片存储——硬件故障——故障自动检测——Automatic reconstruction data copy——Parallel node recovery
- FusionStorageEach of the hard disk is stored more thanDHT分区(partition),Copies of these partitions according to the strategy to other nodes in the system,当FusionStorageDetect the hard disk or node hardware failure,Automatically start a fix in the background.
16、FusionStorageWhat are the limits to the storage pool?
- The number of hard disk in each storage pool may not be less than12块
- The same resources in the pool is the type of storage nodes cache must agree
- The same storage nodes cache on the number of the resource pool must be consistent
- The same type of hard disk in resource pool must agree
- The number of storage nodes on the hard disk in the same resource pool is not greater than the difference between the2块
17、FusionStorageWhat are the deployment of the way?
- 分离部署
- High performance application scenario(如数据库应用)Separation is recommended for the deployment of
- 指的是将VBS和OSDDeployment respectively in different server
- 融合部署
- 指的是将VBS和OSD部署在同一台服务器中
- Virtualization application of fusion is recommended for the deployment of ways to deploy
18、FC场景中,怎样通过IP SAN的方式使用FusionStorage?
- 首先,要在FusionStorage中开启iSCSI功能,并进行相应的iSCSI端口配置(存储平面IP)
- 在FusionCompute中以IP SAN的形式将FusionStorageAdd to storage resources and associatedCNA主机,获取相应的WWN(iqn)号
- 在FusionStorageCreated in the starter addCNA主机的iqn号
- Create a host and associated starter
- Create a volume selectioniSCSIAgreement and mapping to create the host
- 在FusionComputeScanning in a storage device and add data storage
19、FusionStorageThe interrelationship between heart problem
- ZK与MDCThe heartbeat interval as1S,ZK在10SNot yet received the heart inside information is thatMDC异常
- MDC与VBSThe heartbeat interval as1S
- MDC与OSDThe heartbeat interval as1S,MDC在5SNot yet received the heart inside information is thatOSD异常,The play pool(集群),并修改OSD view、IO view和partition view进行引流,若5minReceived within a heartbeat automatically reconstructs the data.
20、FusionStorageWhat are the network flat,有何作用?
- 管理平面:用于FSM与FSA之间的通信
- 业务平面:用于OS与VBS之间的通信(通信平面)
- 存储平面:用于MDC、VBS和OSD之间的通信
- 数据库文件中的未分配的块和未使用的块的区别
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