当前位置:网站首页>Is software testing outsourcing going or not? Three years' real outsourcing experience tells you

Is software testing outsourcing going or not? Three years' real outsourcing experience tells you

2022-07-06 07:06:00 Learning leader

Unconsciously, I have been engaged in software testing for three years , From graduation to entering the outsourcing company, outsourcing to Microsoft for software testing , To join the famous foreign enterprises . Three years passed quickly . The long-term testing work also made me have a deeper understanding of software testing . I'll share with you my experience in testing , If there is any mistake, please correct it .

What is software testing outsourcing
Recently 10 The initiation of entrepreneurship in , The rise of entrepreneurial project outsourcing companies has sprung up , It's not just to reduce costs , More to solve the problem of hiring technicians or being unable to manage technicians .

So what does outsourcing mean ? It seems that everyone turns pale when they hear about outsourcing ! Here we have a detailed understanding of what outsourcing is ?

Outsourcing is similar to intermediary dispatch companies or labor export companies . It is our company that recruited you , But I sent you to other companies ( Party a ) Work . But in the end, your labor contract is with an outsourcing company , It has nothing to do with Party A .

for example : Interview to the testing position of softcom power , Finally, I was sent to work in today's headlines ! This situation belongs to outsourcing companies ;

There are two types of outsourcing :

1. On the spot ( Outsourcing ): Need to work directly in Party A's company , The above example is working directly on today's headlines !

On site , It belongs to human resource outsourcing , Generally speaking, companies that take out projects , Need to manage more , I hope to control the quality of the project more . So in this case , Your work environment , The work content is based on the requirements of the company , If the company's environment is good , project 、 The work content is appropriate , The arrangement and management of outsourcing personnel is very humanized , Then you will be very comfortable , vice versa . in addition , Those on site have the opportunity to become regular employees of the company .

2. Non resident ( Project outsourcing ): Outsourcing companies take jobs from outside , You work in our company . It is not our product !

Off site , It belongs to project outsourcing , Generally speaking, companies that take out projects , Only care about the time on the contract , Can you get products of acceptable quality . So in this case , Your own work status is determined by the company you signed , It doesn't have much to do with the company that took the project out .

What are the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing testing ?
First, let's talk about the advantages of outsourcing software testing :

You can access many software and hardware products that other companies cannot access . For example IBM, All software can be used in Intranet , and AIX,IBM Minicomputers and so on , It's also easy to get . At Microsoft , One of my friends is doing Windows7 The test of , Before Microsoft officially released , They can start with these mysterious things , This is really enviable .

You can learn a lot of skills from your colleagues . In such a large foreign enterprise , At the same time, you are exposed to either doctors or masters from famous schools , Returnees, etc , If you want to learn something from them , No one will be stingy with knowledge .

There will be some training . Not to mention Team Mutual training between our internal colleagues , At regular intervals , There will also be many others Team My colleagues will give some training lectures on new technologies , These lectures as long as you have time , You can listen to it .

although , Outsourcing testing has many advantages , But the following shortcomings cannot be ignored :

It is impossible to do anything without shortcomings , Do outsourcing testing , The biggest disadvantage is the lack of the so-called sense of belonging . Because from the day you joined , Is working in Party A's company , Usually, there is no need to go back to the outsourcing company . Many people say that looking around is not Regular It's from other outsourcing companies Contractor, Will feel no sense of belonging . Many outsourcing companies have made efforts in this regard , For example, on your birthday , The outsourcing company will order you a big cake and deliver it ; Give some gifts and shopping vouchers during festivals ; Organize spring outings, autumn outings, etc . As for whether these things can increase the sense of belonging , Different people have different opinions , What the wise see .

Many open source products are not allowed in the company ( for example Hibernate, Mainly because it needs to follow the open source agreement ), And many of the software commonly used outside have no chance to use .

Yes IBM It will be troublesome for products to have dependencies . quite a lot Contractor stay IBM Can use Rational Application

Developer Or is it Rational Softeware

Architect, Because their functions are too powerful . But I usually choose to use Eclipse, Because I'm afraid to leave IBM When , No company outside can afford to buy these software .

There are few white box tests . If you want to come to these foreign companies to do white box testing , I think the hope will be slim , because China There is little code here , So the possibility of doing white box test is much smaller . At most, it sometimes targets some API To use JUnit To write some code .

There are not many performance tests , If you used to use LR And other tools for performance testing , Then there will be no use coming here ( You can go to HP Outsourcing ,LoadRuner It belongs to it , My friends not only often use it there , There will also be free training ), because IBM The performance test of is either to write some scripts by yourself , Either it is Rational

  1. Performance Tester.

Don't think it's IBM Will use function automation test , In fact, most of the work is black box manual testing .Rational

Function Tester There are few opportunities to use . But each Team Development is in the late stage , I will write a little by myself Automation

Tools, To try to simplify their labor ,Shell,Bat Script ,Java Procedures, etc .

It's not easy to do a good test , Good testers need a wide range of knowledge , Good communication skill ( Not only with developers and project managers , And talk to other groups ). Rich testing experience , Great enthusiasm for testing , Patience, . We also need testers with rich business knowledge , And write code .

A good coder , It's not going to be tested , It's development .

Most test managers can type code

I found that several of my superiors can type code . They can develop and test , Everything will happen. , Can provide technical support to the testers . If a test manager doesn't know anything , internal hold I can't live with my people , The rest of the team doesn't care about you .

In general , Outsourcing is not as terrible as online transmission , You can still go , But whether outsourcing or not , Improving one's own technical ability is the last word , From outsourcing to large factories, many people are , Only by improving yourself can you go further on your career path , Skill is always the last word for job hopping, promotion and salary increase .

Source of the article : The Internet The copyright belongs to the original author

The above is not for commercial purposes , If it involves intellectual property , Please contact Xiaobian , We will deal with it immediately


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