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Ue4- how to make a simple TPS role (II) - realize the basic movement of the role

2022-07-06 02:18:00 qq_ twenty million seven thousand one hundred and seventy-one

First open the project settings , Put the level scene we created , Set as editor default open map and game default map

At this time, we will find , The game mode we use is still the most basic gamemode, Next we need to create a dedicated game mode , Create a in the project path BluePrints Folder , Create a gamemode Blueprint file of type , And name it BP_TPS_GameMode

Double click to open the newly created BP_TPS_GameMode, Rotate on the right BP_TPS_GameModem, In the detail panel on the left, it defaults to pawn Class is modified to the one we just created TPS_Nova, Compile and save

  Next, go back to the role blueprint just created TPS_Nova Open its event chart , At this time, we should start to write some blueprints to control the character movement

First, we get the rotation of the character controller , use Get Control Rotation, The object obtained is the role itself

Next, we split his rotation , use Break Rotator Get him x,y,z

  Next, let's create a rotator to get the direction of the character's movement , use Make Rotator, And get the forward and right directions respectively  

  Next we use the input shaft , To get the user's operation input , Use inputaxis moveforward and inputaxis moveright Two blueprints , Create two acquisitions respectively add movement input

add movement input It is used to control the movement of characters , But he needs two parameters , One is the direction of movement , The other is the size of the motion value ( Used to control forward motion or reverse motion )

use inputaxis moveforward and inputaxis moveright The small green dots below transmit the size of the motion value to the mobile input , Pass the direction of vector value to the direction of motion

The last save , Click on the compilation , You can see the characters that can move freely in the level interface

At this time, we can't let the mobile camera , Control character rotation , Then we need to use add control yaw input To control the left and right rotation , And through inputaxis turn To get the input operation of the left and right movement of the mouse

  After compiling , Run the game , Go to the corner of the world , Moving the mouse can control the movement of the character

  Next, we can add upper limit rotation to the character , use add control pitch input This blueprint sets the up and down rotation of the character , use inputaxis lookup This event blueprint is used to get the up and down movement input of the mouse

  After entering the game, I found , It seems to operate anyway , Characters can't rotate up and down , This time back to TPS_Nova The blueprint , Choose TPS_Nova Oneself , In the right detail panel , There is one pawn The option to , It uses the controller to rotate pitch,yaw,roll Options for three axes , Only yaw Checked , however pitch Not checked

Because we use control To control the protagonist , Therefore, you need to check the configuration that can be rotated , You will now pitch On the hook

Compile again , Enter the game , Control the mouse to move up , The character faces the sky

  Control the mouse to move down , The character faces the earth

  This effect is completely different from the rotation control of other games , Because we control the character pitch The rotation of the shaft , and TPS The game uses a camera pitch The rotation of the shaft , Lead to different final results , We will solve this problem later



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