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【机器人库】 awesome-robotics-libraries
2022-07-06 02:00:00 【十年一梦实验室】
A curated list of robotics simulators and libraries.
Table of Contents 目录
Simulators 仿真器
Libraries 库
Dynamics Simulation
Inverse Kinematics
Machine Learning
Motion Planning and Control
Robot Modeling
Robot Platform
Other Awesome Lists 其他很棒的清单
Contributing 贡献
Simulators 仿真器
AirSim - 基于虚幻引擎Unreal Engine的自动驾驶汽车仿真器 [github AirSim]
ARGoS -基于物理的模拟器,旨在模拟大型机器人群[github ilpincy/argos3]
ARTE -Matlab工具箱专注于机器人操作臂 [github 4rtur1t0/ARTE]
CARLA -用于自动驾驶研究的开源仿真器 [github carla-simulator/carla]
CoppeliaSim - Formaly V-REP. 虚拟机器人实验平台Virtual robot experimentation platform [github CoppeliaRobotics/CoppeliaSimLib]
Gazebo - 动态多机器人仿真器 [github osrf/gazebo]
GraspIt! - 用于掌握可容纳任意手和机器人设计的研究的仿真器 [github graspit]
Habitat-Sim - 用于嵌入式人工智能研究的仿真平台[github facebookresearch/habitat-sim]
Hexapod Robot Simulator - 六足机器人仿真器-开源六足机器人逆运动学和步态可视化器 [github mithi/hexapod]
Ignition Gazebo - 开源机器人仿真器 [github ignitionrobotics/ign-gazebo]
Isaac - Nvidia的机器人虚拟仿真器
MORSE - -模块化开放式机器人模拟引擎 [github morse]
Neurorobotics Platform - 神经网络控制的机器人的Internet访问模拟 [bitbucket]
PyBullet - 一个易于使用的模拟器,用于机器人技术和深度强化学习 [github bullet3]
Robot Gui - 一个基于three.js的3D机器人界面 [github glumb/robot-gui]
Simbad - Java 3D机器人模拟器,可使用可用的传感器通过修改环境来编写自己的机器人控制器。
Unity - 流行的游戏引擎,现在提供用于机器人仿真的开源工具,教程和资源 [github Unity-Technologies/Unity-Robotics-Hub]
Webots - 提供完整开发环境的机器人仿真器 [github omichel/webots]
Commercial 商业的
Actin Simulation 肌动蛋白模拟
Artiminds - 规划,编程,操作,分析和优化Planning, programming, operation, analysis and optimization
Kineo - 工业机器人和数字模型审查应用程序的路径规划和轨迹优化Path planning and trajectory optimization for industrial robotics and digital mock-up review applications
RobotDK - 机器人的仿真和OLP
Robot Virtual Worlds
Virtual Robotics Toolkit
Visual Components
Cloud 云
AWS RoboMaker - 简化大规模开发,测试和部署智能机器人应用程序的服务
Libraries 库
Dynamics Simulation 动态仿真
:警告:下表不完整。 如果发现不正确或缺失的内容,请随时举报。
Name Models Features Languages Licenses Code Popularity
ARCSim soft C++
Bullet rigid, soft ik, id, urdf, sdf C++, Python Zlib github bullet3
CHRONO::ENGINE rigid, soft, granular, fluid ik, urdf C++, Python BSD-3-Clause github chrono
DART rigid, soft ik, id, plan, urdf, sdf C++, Python BSD-2-Clause github dart
Drake rigid, aero, fluid ik, trj-opt, plan C++, Matlab BSD-3-Clause github drake
Flex rigid, soft, particle, fluid C++ github NVIDIAGameWorks/FleX
FROST rigid MATLAB BSD-3-Clause github ayonga/frost-dev
IBDS rigid, particle C++ Zlib
idyntree rigid id C++, Python, Matlab, Lua LGPL-2.1 github idyntree
KDL rigid ik C++ LGPL-2.1 github orocos_kinematics_dynamics
kindr rigid (todo) C++, Matlab BSD-3-Clause github kindr
Klampt (todo) (todo) C++, Python BSD-3-Clause github Klampt
LibrePilot uav, vehicles (todo) C++ GPL-3.0 bitbucket, github LibrePilot
MARS (todo) (todo) C++, Python LGPL-3.0 github mars
MBDyn (todo) (todo) C++ GPL-2.1 download
MBSim (todo) (todo) C++ (not specified) github mbsim-env/mbsim
MBSlib (todo) (todo) C++ LGPL-3.0 github mbslib
metapod (todo) (todo) C++ LGPL-3.0 github metapod
Moby rigid id C++ GPL-2.0 github Moby
mrpt vehicle slam, cv C++, Python, Matlab BSD-3-Clause github mrpt
MuJoCo (todo) id C++, Python licenses closed source
mvsim vehicle (todo) C++ GPL-3.0 github ual-arm-ros-pkg/mvsim
Newton Dynamics (todo) (todo) C++ Zlib github newton-dynamics
nphysics (todo) (todo) Rust BSD-3-Clause github sebcrozet/nphysics
ODE rigid C++ LGPL-2.1 or BSD-3-Clause bitbucket
OpenRAVE (todo) (todo) C++, Python LGPL-3.0 github openrave
pinocchio rigid ik, id, urdf, analytical derivatives, code generation C++, Python BSD-2-Clause github pinocchio
PositionBasedDynamics (todo) (todo) C++ MIT github PositionBasedDynamics
PhysX (todo) (todo) C++ unknown github NVIDIAGameWorks/PhysX
PyDy (todo) (todo) Python BSD-3-Clause github pydy
RBDL rigid ik,id,urdf C++, Python Zlib github rbdl
RBDyn rigid (todo) C++, Python LGPL-3.0 github RBDyn
RaiSim (todo) (todo) C++ custom github leggedrobotics/raisimLib
ReactPhysics3d (todo) (todo) C++ Zlib github reactphysics3d
RigidBodyDynamics.jl rigid (todo) Julia MIT “Expat” github RigidBodyDynamics.jl
Rigs of Rods rigid, soft, vehicle (todo) C++ GPL-3.0 github RigsOfRods/rigs-of-rods
Robopy (todo) (todo) Python 3 MIT github adityadua24/robopy
Robotics Library (todo) (todo) C++ GPL-3.0 or BSD-2-Clause github rl
RobWork (todo) (todo) C++ Apache-2.0 gitlab
siconos (todo) (todo) C++, Python Apache-2.0 github siconos
Simbody rigid, molecules id, urdf C++ Apache-2.0 github simbody
SOFA rigid, soft, medical (todo) C++ LGPL-2.1 github sofa
Tiny Differentiable Simulator rigid (todo) C++, Python Apache-2.0 github google-research/tiny-differentiable-simulator
trep rigid dm, trj-opt C, Python GPL-3.0 github trep
qu3e rigid - C++ Zlib github qu3e
rigid: 刚体
soft: 软体
granular: 颗粒状物质(如沙子)
fluid: fluid dynamics 流体动力学
vehicles 车辆
uav: 无人机(如无人机)
medical 医疗的
molecules 分子
parallel: 并联(如Stewart平台)
仿真,分析,计划,控制设计的功能Features on Simulation, Analysis, Planning, Control Design
dm: 离散力学
ik: 反向运动学求解器(请在此列表中找到IK专用软件包)
id: 逆动力学
slam: 同时定位和映射
trj-opt: 轨迹优化
plan: 运动规划算法
cv: 计算机视觉
urdf: urdf解析器
sdf: sdf解析器
Inverse Kinematics 逆运动学
IKBT-用于以符号形式解决机器人手臂逆运动学的python程序包[github uw-biorobotics / IKBT]
RelaxedIK-准确可行的机器人手臂运动的实时合成[github uwgraphics / relaxed_ik]
Machine Learning 机器学习
DLL-C ++的深度学习库(DLL)[github wichtounet / dll]
DyNet-动态神经网络工具包[github clab / dynet]
Fido-用于嵌入式电子和机器人技术的轻量级C ++机器学习库[github FidoProject / Fido]
MiniDNN-用于深度神经网络的仅标头C ++库[github yixuan / MiniDNN]
mlpack-可扩展的C ++机器学习库[github mlpack / mlpack]
OpenAI Gym-开发和比较强化学习算法[github体育馆]
Gym-dart [github dart-env]
gym-gazebo[github dart-env]
RLLib-强化学习中的时差学习算法[github samindaa / RLLib]
tiny-dnn-C ++ 14中仅标头,无依赖项的深度学习框架[github tiny-dnn / tiny-dnn]
Motion Planning and Control 运动规划与控制
AIKIDO-解决机器人运动规划和决策问题。 [github aikido]
Control Toolbox-用于机器人技术,最优和模型预测控制的开源C ++库[github ethz-adrl / control-toolbox]
GPMP2-高斯过程运动规划器2 [github gtrll / gpmp2]
MoveIt! -运动规划框架[github moveit]
OMPL-开放运动规划库[bitbucket,github ompl]
pymanoid-基于OpenRAVE的人形机器人原型开发环境[github stephane-caron / pymanoid]
ROS Behavior Tree-[github miccol / ROS-Behavior-Tree]
Ruckig-Real-time,时间最佳且受加加速度限制的在线轨迹生成。 [github ruckig]
Kautham项目-用于运动规划的机器人仿真工具包[github kautham]
TOPP-RA-受到运动学和动态约束的时间参数化机器人轨迹[github_hungpham2511 / toppra]
Motion Optimizer 运动优化器
TopiCo-时间最优轨迹的生成和控制[github AIS-Bonn / TopiCo]
towr-一种基于特征的轻量级C ++库,用于腿部机器人的轨迹优化[github ethz-adrl / towr]
trajopt-通过局部优化生成机器人轨迹的框架[github joschu / trajopt]
Cover-Tree-用于快速k最近邻搜索的Cover tree数据结构[github Cover-Tree]
Mike Izbicki等人,ICML 2015,报道了更快的覆盖树。
FLANN-近似最近邻居的快速库[github flann]
nanoflann-具有KD树的最近邻搜索[github nanoflann]
3D 映射
libpointmatcher-机器人技术中用于2-D / 3-D映射的迭代最近点库[github ethz-asl / libpointmatcher]
Octree-使用Octree的快速半径邻居搜索[github jbehley / octree]
OctoMap-基于Octrees的高效概率3D映射框架[github octomap]
PCL-2D / 3D图像和点云处理[github PointCloudLibrary / pcl]
voxblox-基于灵活的基于体素的映射,着重于截断的和欧几里得符号距离字段[github voxblox]
Goxel-免费和开源3D体素编辑器[github guillaumechereau / goxel]
CasADi-用于算法微分和数值优化的符号框架[github casadi]
Ceres Solver-大型非线性优化库[github ceres-solver]
eigen-qld-将QLD QP解算器与Eigen3库一起使用的接口[github jrl-umi3218 / eigen-qld]
EXOTica-机器人平台的通用优化工具集[github ipab-slmc / exotica]
hpipm-高性能内点方法QP求解器(Ipopt,Snopt)[github giaf / hpipm]
HYPRE-稀疏线性系统的并行求解器,具有多网格方法[github hypre-space / hypre]
ifopt-非线性编程求解器(Ipopt,Snopt)的基于特征的轻量级C ++接口[github ifopt]
Ipopt-大规模非线性优化库[github Ipopt]
libcmaes-使用CMA-ES算法的黑盒随机优化[github beniz / libcmaes]
limbo-黑盒函数的高斯过程和贝叶斯优化[github resibots / limbo]
lpsolvers-具有统一API的Python中的线性编程求解器[github lpsolvers]
NLopt-非线性优化[github nlopt]
OptimLib-非线性函数数值优化方法的轻型C ++库[github kthohr / optim]
Pagmo-用于大规模并行优化的科学库[github esa / pagmo2]
pymoo-Python中的多目标优化[github msu-coinlab / pymoo]
qpsolvers-具有统一API的Python二次编程求解器[github qpsolvers]
RobOptim-机器人的数值优化。 [github roboptim / roboptim-core]
SCS-解决大型凸锥问题的数值优化[github scs]
sferes2-进化计算[github sferes2 / sferes2]
urdf-表示机器人模型的XML格式[github ros / urdfdom]
phobos-Blender的附件,用于创建URDF和SMURF机器人模型[github phobos]
AutoRally-用于高级感知和控制研究的高性能测试平台[github autorally / autorally]
Linorobot-ROS兼容的地面机器人[github linorobot / linorobot]
onine-基于Linorobot和Braccio Arm的服务机器人[github grassjelly / onine]
ROS-编写机器人软件的灵活框架[github repos]
ROS 2-机器人操作系统(ROS)软件堆栈的2.0版[github repos]
YARP-适用于从类人动物到嵌入式设备的通信和设备接口[github robotology / yarp]
Cartographer-跨多个平台和传感器配置的2D和3D实时SLAM [github cartographer]
DSO-用于视觉里程表的新颖的直接和稀疏公式[github dso]
ElasticFusion-实时密集视觉SLAM系统[github ElasticFusion]
fiducials-使用基准标记同时进行定位和映射[github UbiquityRobotics / fiducials]
Kintinuous-实时大规模密集视觉SLAM系统[github Kintinuous]
LSD-SLAM-实时单眼SLAM [github lsdslam]
ORB-SLAM2-用于单眼,立体声和RGB-D摄像机的实时SLAM库[github ORB_SLAM2]
RTAP-Map-基于全局贝叶斯闭环检测器的RGB-D Graph SLAM方法[github introlab / rtabmap]
SRBA-灵活解决相对子坐标下SLAM / BA的问题,适用于不同的子映射策略[github srba]
很棒的SLAM数据集 https://github.com/youngguncho/awesome-slam-datasets
ViSP-视觉伺服平台[github lagadic / visp]
Fluid Engine Dev-Jet-用于计算机图形应用程序的流体模拟引擎[github doyubkim / fluid-engine-dev]
Kratos-用于构建并行多学科仿真软件的框架[github KratosMultiphysics / Kratos]
Fastor-C ++ 11/14/17中的轻量级高性能张量代数框架[github romeric / Fastor]
linalg.h-用于C ++ 11的单头文件公共域线性代数库[github sgorsten / linalg]
manif-用于Lie理论的小型c ++ 11仅限头文件的库。 [github artivis / manif]
Sophus-使用Eigen的李群库[github strasdat / Sophus]
SpaceVelAlg-具有Eigen3的空间矢量代数[github jrl-umi3218 / SpaceVecAlg]
fuse-在机器人上实时执行传感器融合的通用体系结构[github locusrobotics / fuse]
Other Awesome Lists
Awesome Robotics (Kiloreux) https://github.com/Kiloreux/awesome-robotics
Awesome Robotics (ahundt) https://github.com/ahundt/awesome-robotics
Awesome Robotic Tooling https://github.com/Ly0n/awesome-robotic-tooling
Awesome Artificial Intelligence https://github.com/owainlewis/awesome-artificial-intelligence
Awesome Collision Detection https://github.com/jslee02/awesome-collision-detection
Awesome Computer Vision https://github.com/jbhuang0604/awesome-computer-vision
Awesome Machine Learning https://github.com/josephmisiti/awesome-machine-learning
Awesome Deep Learning github.com/ChristosChristofidis/awesome-deep-learning
Awesome Gazebo github.com/fkromer/awesome-gazebo
Awesome Grasping https://github.com/Po-Jen/awesome-grasping
Awesome Human Robot Interaction https://github.com/Po-Jen/awesome-human-robot-interaction
PythonRobotics - Python sample codes for robotics algorithms https://github.com/AtsushiSakai/PythonRobotics
Robotics Coursework - A list of robotics courses you can take online https://github.com/mithi/robotics-coursework
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