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What are the technical differences in source code anti disclosure

2022-07-07 12:01:00 cnsinda_ sdc

With the popularization and development of computer and network technology , Great changes have taken place in the office mode and business flow of companies and enterprises .

The world has 60% People are mainly engaged in the generation of information 、 Service work of processing and storage and related technologies . Creation of a large amount of data information 、 Storage 、 Revolutionary changes have taken place in the way of transmission and sharing , Mainly in the following three aspects :

1、 Market competition and technological innovation by means of informatization and traditional mechanized production ;

2、 Replace paper media archives with information-based means to preserve enterprise business information , It includes the core secrets related to the core competitiveness of the enterprise , The accumulation of business information forms the core competence of the enterprise , Help enterprises stay ahead , The leakage of core competence information will inevitably lead to the decline of enterprises ;

3、 Informatization means fully permeate the whole process of enterprise management .

This involves a problem : How to protect confidential company information , Security of electronic documents ! Most enterprises just take a lot of measures to prevent hacker attacks , The problems that have come out one after another make the enterprise bosses more headache , That's it :

1、 How to prevent employees from copying and taking away confidential information without authorization ?

2、 How to prevent design drawings 、 Confidential information such as program source code is disclosed to competitors ?

3、 How to enable employees to efficiently share enterprise knowledge while protecting the security of confidential documents ?

Survey results show that ,68% Every year 6 Sensitive data loss events ;

20% Every year 22 The above electronic documents have been leaked ;

75% The leak of the secret comes from the intentional act of internal employees ; The average loss caused by each disclosure of electronic documents is 50 Thousands of dollars .

In the past cases of enterprise leakage , Due to the difficulty of obtaining evidence , And the limitations of existing laws , The losses of enterprises are often huge and irreparable . In the face of deliberate disclosure by insiders , Firewall in enterprise network 、 Intrusion detection and all kinds of file encryption and other technical means can not play a real preventive role . Protect confidential electronic documents by seeking more perfect technical means , It is the inevitable choice of the enterprise .

For these needs, how should we choose the appropriate software ?

One : Common encryption mode in the market

Transparent encryption : The design idea of transparent encryption is based on windows File system ( Filter ) drive (IFS) technology , Working in windows Kernel layer . When we install computer hardware , Always install its driver , Such as a printer 、U Disk drive . File system driver is a virtual driver that treats files as a device . When an application operates on a suffix file , The file driver will monitor the operation of the program , And change its operation mode , So as to achieve the effect of encryption .

Environment encryption : The design idea of environment encryption is that the client is in secret related occasions , Start an encrypted sandbox , A sandbox is a container , Classified software , Throw the file into the container for encryption . And this container is transparent , Users don't feel its existence . Adopt the most advanced disk filter drive , File filter driver , Network filter driver and other kernel level in-depth encryption anti disclosure technologies , Each module only makes the one they are best at , So it's very stable . People who don't enter sandbox mode and those who enter sandbox mode are divided into two spaces , Cut off from each other , So don't worry about leaks .

Two : The stability of the product

No stability, no application , After reading a wide range of encryption software of domestic brands , Many people are attracted by the peripheral functions of encryption software and ignore the functionality of encryption software itself . The first thing to ask is BS Architecture 、 There is no desktop control 、 Can you push it remotely 、 Can it be compatible LINUX、MAC And so on . I think these fancy features can really add to the application , But ignore the core stability of encryption software , Talking about functionality is the misunderstanding of encryption software selection .

   No access to encryption software , Experience in selecting management software , It's easy to ignore the stability of encryption software . I think software development should be more mature , Can guarantee stability , Encryption software is different from management software , It involves WINDOWS Bottom drive , It can realize encryption protection , It is very difficult to ensure the stability of the system in development . Most of the management software is relatively stable , But there are few products that can really achieve stability of encryption software .

Encryption software is not stable, several performance

1: Destroy file

Destroying drawings and documents is the first enemy of encryption software , It often happens in transparent encryption software . Transparent encryption software is running , Accidentally damaged the file , So that the file can't be typed , This is the last thing customers want to happen , But it happened . In the early development stage of encryption software industry, many software have this problem , It's now , It is also common for the so-called famous encryption software to destroy files . Transparent encryption software will never destroy files , That's almost impossible . Just destroy the drawings under some environmental conditions , What's the probability . But once something like file destruction happens , It is a headache for enterprises , Maybe that document is the result of a department or a project team spending a week or more , This problem will not appear in environmental encryption .

This problem is very important to the design industry , Companies that need drawings and documents , It needs to be carefully considered when selecting models . If you don't choose a good product , It is not only not helpful for future use , And create a lot of problems , Affect the normal work of employees .

2: Frequent conflicts with the operating system

Blue screen crash and other phenomena , This is also a typical problem in the use of the company . This frequent system conflict drives users crazy , It will directly lead customers to give up the idea of using encryption software . If the encryption kernel is developed by ourselves , The solution is relatively simple , Just keep mending BUG The process of , The more customers of software applications ,BUG The more solved , The system gradually stabilized . If a few simple of encryption software BUG It's too late to solve , We should suspect that it is not independently developed , Some manufacturers buy other people's cores or OEM Other people's things , It doesn't have the ability to control the encryption kernel at all , Some small problems , It's very hard to solve .

   The customer used encryption software and crashed 、 A series of problems such as slow speed , Is it your own software problem ? not always ! On the one hand, some employees are emotionally disgusted with encryption software , In addition, the computer maintenance of small and medium-sized enterprises is not standardized , A little problem without analysis is attributed to encryption software . Therefore, our implementers spend a lot of time investigating the source of the conflict , Or prove your innocence , Or find out the cause of the problem for troubleshooting .

   How can we find a stable encryption software , This is really hard , First, test and try it out by yourself , The test is simply to use the function of the software , But it cannot reflect the overall stability of the software . If conditions permit , It's best to install it on your computer and use it normally for a period of time , This can test the basic stability of an encryption software . If you can't continue your trial , Is it necessary to sell such products . But to prove whether a product is really stable , It still depends on whether it has mass applications , There are at least hundreds of customers , There are more than thousands of sites , To test that a product is really stable .

3、 ... and : Product compatibility

   The stability and compatibility of products are inseparable , For example, the stability under the system , In fact, it is compatible with all kinds of software , Operating system compatibility . We classify it as the basic stability of software , It's actually compatibility . What we're talking about here is more about compatibility with other management software or hardware applications . This is very important , A very stable encryption software , If you can't integrate well with other systems , The project may end up stuck .

1: ERP、PDM、OA And other management software .

Transparent encryption software : To ensure that it can be used in an encrypted environment ,ERP The exported file is automatically encrypted ,ERP Can read encrypted files , And ensure the normal operation of the system , That's all right. .PDM The integration of is relatively complex , There are also many customer requirements , Some customers require full ciphertext , Encrypt in and out , And can preview with built-in browser normally 、 By PDM The system reads normally . And some customers ask to enter PDM when , Automatic file decryption ; Out PDM The file is automatically encrypted when the system is running .CS Architecturally PDM It's relatively easy to integrate ,BS Architecturally PDM It's much harder , There may be more problems . Follow BS framework PDM equally ,OA There are many problems , especially WebOFFICE The problem of , At present, there are still few products that can follow WEBOFFICE Good integration . Due to the limitations of transparent encryption , Therefore, the integration of management software is worse than environmental encryption .

Environment encryption software : The integration of environmental encryption software and management software is better , Because the encryption mode is different , The integration with management software will be more easily recognized by customers , Environment encryption can be seamlessly integrated with management software .ERP、PDM Include OA And other management software , Whether it's CS Architecture is still BS The architecture is compatible . The only thing that can be done is the client PC Or credible PC To access the management software , It does not affect the normal browsing of the built-in browser , You can choose whether to encrypt the outgoing file . In terms of compatible management software , Environment encryption software is better .

2: Technical drawings 、 Documents and other encryption protection

Since you want to encrypt the drawing , It must involve design customers and machining center customers in manufacturing industry , At present, the most common customer is CNC design 、 Design Institute 、 research institute 、 Advertising companies, etc . The cumbersome thing about drawing design is that NC needs to import drawings into relevant equipment , Then it is processed by the equipment .

Transparent encryption software : A better solution is to send encrypted files to the machine through software , Automatic decryption during transportation . Due to the frequent integration with machining centers , The software of the machining center is varied , So the workload is still relatively large , And the settings can be customized by users , If this cannot be customized , That's a headache , Once you meet a similar customer , It will be painful .

Environment encryption software : The solution of environment encryption is to send the drawing to the machining center , Because environment encryption is not for process control , Therefore, there will be no problem of being unable to customize due to the variety of software , When the directed decryption of the drawing is sent to the machining center , You can also do monitoring backup , Because the status of plaintext is required for sending to the monitoring center , In the process of sending, for more security , You can make a monitoring backup and audit these documents sent to the machining center in the future , In case of random sending of other key data .

3: Encryption protection for source code

Encrypt source code , This kind is usually software development companies , Hardware product R & D manufacturer , Website development ,APP Development, etc . The customer needs to automatically decrypt when writing the chip , Most electronic enterprises need to burn and debug embedded boards or other hardware peripherals . The customer requests to encrypt the program source code . And automatically decrypt when writing to the chip . This requires the encryption software to support source code encryption , It also requires that the encryption software can automatically decrypt the output ( Similar to drawing Machining Center ).

Transparent encryption software : In the process of source code encryption , Many processes call the source code , Like a machining center , Need custom tools , Some encryption software needs to use the task manager to see what process has called , Write it down by yourself , Then do integration , This is very backward , And some software can't be customized . This will encounter the same problem as the machining center , Once there is such a customer , Or the needs in this regard , It's bound to become a headache . There are also some website development customers , Local debugging is required , After encryption, local debugging cannot see the content .

Environment encryption software : In the development process , Environment encryption can be based on its own design advantages , It is easy to protect the source code . When the user is debugging , Trusted settings can be made for hardware , The source code is sent to a specific device in clear text , Enable users to debug and call normally . If users are not confident about the security of decentralized information , You can set up a white list , Document recording hardware debugging , For later review , Go back to the source .

These are some key points in the selection of encryption software products , These points are also the criteria for judging the performance of an encryption software . You can refer to the above points , The ability of each software to measure , Help enterprises find a suitable encryption software .

At the end, I will also recommend a software for your reference .

Use appropriate encryption software , You need to judge according to your needs . From easy to use , Multi terminal control , Do not affect work efficiency SDC Sandbox is very suitable for R & D companies . Use the principle of sandbox to protect the normal operation of source code in the environment , And will not be leaked out of the environment . This kind of software is currently available in our company , It still works , It does not affect the development and use of employees . You can see SDC Sandbox look .


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