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Time bomb inside the software: 0-day log4shell is just the tip of the iceberg

2022-07-07 11:50:00 Uncle meow

“ If an attacker can penetrate something like log4j In such a popular library , They will soon operate with privileges in most data centers around the world .”
— Jeff Williams, Contrast Security (2018)
 Insert picture description here

Why are today's cyber security threats more threatening , And how they differ from the obstacles we have encountered in the past

In the past two years , The rise of ransomware is just the tip of the iceberg . The front page headlines and the disclosure of harmful software supply chain attacks have raised network security to the top agenda of many governments and organizations . meanwhile , Even the general public is aware of Nation-State Activists and criminal organizations have brought a series of new cyber threats .
When I write this article Log4Shell It has happened . So this is the best example I will share – Why is the current cyber threat more threatening .
What I need to tell you is , The nature of cyber security threats is different from the challenges we have faced in the past – From technical complexity to growing interdependence . therefore , Attackers seize opportunities much faster than our mitigation . But first let's talk about what is Log4Shell.

Log4j 0-day Loophole ( also called "Log4Shell")(CVE-2021–44228 & CVE-2021–45046)

Companies around the world are trying to reduce the damage caused by the most important open source software security vulnerabilities discovered over the years . In the last 20 years , In countless Java An application named Log4j The program , A flaw in the program , Almost every company is forced to investigate their software to determine whether it is vulnerable .
Zero-day Loophole (CVE-2021–44228) On 2021 year 12 month 9 Daily announcement , go by the name of Log4j or Log4Shell, It is currently being targeted . therefore CVE-2021-44228 Designated as the highest “ serious ” Sex rating , The risk score is 10/10.
As I write this article , There is a second vulnerability , Record as CVE-2021-45046. according to MITRE That's what I'm saying , New loopholes CVE 2021-45046 The description of shows , stay Apache Log4j 2.15.0 To solve CVE-2021-44228 The fix for “ Incomplete in some non default configurations ”.

Updated Log4j CVEs Summary

  • CVE-2021-44228(CVSS score :10.0)– influence Log4j 2.0-beta9 To 2.14.1 Version of Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (2.15.0 Fixed in version )
  • CVE-2021-45046(CVSS score :9.0)– Influence from Log4j 2.0-beta9 To 2.15.0 Version information disclosure and Remote Code Execution Vulnerability , barring 2.12.2( stay 2.16.0 Fixed in version )
  • CVE-2021-45105(CVSS score :7.5)– Influence from Log4j 2.0-beta9 To 2.16.0 Version denial of Service Vulnerability ( Already in 2.17.0 Fixed in version )
  • CVE-2021-4104(CVSS score :8.1)– influence Log4j 1.2 Version of the untrusted deserialization defect ( No fix ; Upgrade directly to 2.17.0 edition )

Why is this vulnerability so destructive ?

Most security vulnerabilities require a certain degree of expertise to be exploited . But this is called “Log4Shell” The workload of the program is very small .

  1. Most software ( In fact, all commercial software ) All activity logs will be saved when the software is running , Allow developers and operators to view and find out the problem when users encounter problems .
  2. This activity includes the key content that the user enters into the website form .
  3. Log4Shell The vulnerability allows an attacker to Web Enter a crafted string in the form , Once recorded , Will control the computer running it to download malicious code .
  4. Decide which data to record according to the application , The malicious string can be found in various fields , From aiming at Web Server's HTTP User agent to Minecraft Chat room messages in .
  5. At the time , That computer was “ hijacked ”.
  6. Malware designed to exploit this vulnerability began to spread Sunday night .
  7. Then the attacker further exploits the affected system , For example, install encrypted mining software , Blackmail software and so on .

The result of exploiting this vulnerability is that the infected system can be completely controlled . In addition, whether authenticated or not , This vulnerability can be exploited , Thus increasing the overall severity 、 Scale and potential impact , therefore CVSS The score is abnormally high .
According to the MITRE and ZDNet call , up to now , The attacker has exploited this vulnerability :

  • Install crypto miner on vulnerable systems ;
  • Steal system credentials ( The credentials were stolen );
  • Deploy ransomware ;
  • Hidden deeper in the damaged network ( persistence );
  • Stealing data .


at present ,Log4j Vulnerable versions range from 2.0 Version to 2.14.1. Besides , Abandoned 1.X There are still potential loopholes in . The reasonable solution is to install the currently available Log4j Patch version to fix this vulnerability , namely Log4j edition 2.16.0.
Besides , Endpoint detection and response (EDR)、Web Application Firewall (WAF) And intrusion detection systems (IPS) And other network security solutions are trying to provide “ Virtual patch ” To ease the problem .
to update  --2021 year 12 month 20 Japan (CVE-2021–45105)
Apache Log4j2 edition 2.0-alpha1 To 2.16.0( barring 2.12.3) Cannot prevent self referencing from finding uncontrolled recursion . This allows attackers who control thread context mapping data to cause a denial of service when interpreting a well-designed string . The problem already exists Log4j 2.17.0 and 2.12.3 Medium repair .

The nature of cyber crime

When we observe 20 Years ago, when cyber criminals , They have to be very technical – What we saw in the movie “ Real hackers ” Wearing a hood , Typing quickly on the keyboard . Now the entry threshold of cyber crime is low , And cyber crime is becoming a service .
Today's most profitable cyber crime is extortion of software , It will breed more dangerous threats and require more innovative Cyber Defense . for example , Extort software as a service (RaaS) It provides opportunities for non-technical criminals to use the Internet for extortion . However , Given the rapid changes in the threat pattern , The real challenge is to understand the risks .
Another way that hackers can profit from more complex cyber crimes is to provide “ Infrastructure as a service ”. Those in this field provide services and infrastructure – Including bulletproof hosting and botnet leasing – Other criminals use these services and infrastructure to complete their dirty work .
Bulletproof hosting can help cyber criminals put web pages and servers on Internet On , Don't worry about being deleted by the law enforcement department . Cyber criminals can pay for botnet rental , Give them temporary access to the infected computer network , Used to distribute spam or DDoS Attack and so on .

Complexity and interdependence

Make it clear that , This is not the first time we have encountered such a holiday saboteur . The last time I encountered such a crisis was 2014 In OpenSSL Found in Heartbleed When there's a leak . Shouldn't we learn from our mistakes ?
Almost all major technology companies have agreed to contribute to a fund , To maintain OpenSSL And other key open source projects . However , There are two more complex issues :

  1. scale :Java It has long been one of the most famous enterprise software programming languages ,Log4j yes Java One of the most popular logging tools in applications .
  2. How to build software :Log4j It is also used in various open source software programs , These programs are often used as the basis for other software .

In the past 20 years , Open source software has led to the explosive growth of enterprise software innovation . For all that , There is also an open secret in this world : Many famous and prominent open source projects are maintained by a few people , They don't have to pay for this work .
However , The problem is not lack of funds : Too many open source projects are used to build some of the world's most critical software , And just identifying the software that needs to be supported is a huge challenge .

More attacks — IoT( Example )

Even major technology companies like Microsoft have improved their security posture , But today's attack surface is also wider than before . A special contributor to this cause is the Internet of things (IoT) equipment .
One of the ways hackers can take devices offline is to send malicious packets that crash the machine . Another thing is when they can execute code on the device , This opens up the possibility of persisting or moving horizontally to other types of targets on the network .
With mainframe servers 、 Desktop computer 、 Laptops are different from mobile devices , From a security point of view , The Internet of things is difficult to update . It's not simple “ Do or not do ” Our ideology , But the limitations lead to challenges in the security of the Internet of things .
Many IOT devices are designed to be very small , And the power just meets the specific functional requirements . therefore , Not enough memory 、 To store or CPU Function to accommodate security updates . Therefore, it is impossible for most iots operating in the field to repair .
This year, 8 month ,Realtek Warning that it WiFi Three of the modules SDK There are four loopholes . According to the announcement , There may be nearly onemillion vulnerable devices in use , This includes VoIP equipment 、 wireless router 、 Repeater 、IP The camera 、 Intelligent lighting control , It may also include any designed with this chip WiFi Connecting device .
With Realtek For example , Repair involves updating the firmware of related products , This will introduce many difficulties :

  • Find out whether the IOT device in use contains the chipset ;
  • Check whether the device is in a vulnerable version ;
  • Update firmware .

Updating firmware usually involves direct access to the device . In most cases, this is another challenge , These IOT devices may be located in inaccessible locations ( The ceiling 、 In oil tank 、 In another machine …).
Perhaps it is worth adding , Everyone can use Shodan The vulnerability search engine found the affected hardware , This means that hackers can do the same .

go back to BlackHat 2016,Log4Shell Was found to be .

Last , Another reminder , We should pay more attention to safety research . for example , stay Black Hat USA 2016 in ,Alvaro Muñoz and Oleksandr Mirosh Studied JNDI problem .
Although there is no specific name Log4j, But it is Log4j Use defects in the underlying interface . Of course , know Log4Shell It's a “ I already told you ” It's not good for all security professionals , They are taking 110% The speed of efforts to solve this problem .
However , Know it's in 2016 Discovered in 2003 , This highlights the importance of enabling the security team to obtain relevant information from research , And the resources needed to apply these lessons to the organization's own infrastructure and practices ( Time , Money, etc ).

Suggest  -- Again , Zero trust and defense in depth

Proven safety principles , Such as defense in depth and zero trust framework , It can also play an important role . Many security teams are well aware of these concepts , And hope to apply it to the organization's software and solution deployment .
However , They often encounter resistance from other stakeholders , Or lack of resources to deploy them . As I mentioned before , We are still on the journey to achieve this goal .
Hope with automation ( For example, infrastructure is code , Mainly used to surround CI/CD Modern pipeline constructed ) The increasing popularity of , Enable security teams to work with developers , Build more secure solutions across multiple systems from the beginning .
The zero trust principle is on the host 、 Application and network levels also play a crucial role . For example, at the host level Log4j What actual permissions and functions does the process of need . More and more behavior monitoring (EDR、NDR and XDR) And runtime protection can be used as a powerful combination to reduce the impact of the utilized system .
It is worth noting that , Zero trust access manifests itself through differential segments at the network level . because Log4Shell It's a two-stage attack – The payload must be downloaded from the system controlled by the attacker -- The ability to isolate infected systems is beneficial .

Last words – Time bomb inside the software

Whether it's Log4j still Realtek Loophole – Are the tip of the iceberg . In the early days when worms and viruses are ready to weaken important parts of the network , As an industry, we haven't done anything : We have not implemented better technology , Reduce our attack surface , Or solve the memory corruption problem in the code base .
To understand IT/OT/IoT The real danger behind the connection foundation , There is still a lot of work to be done . But we can participate in finding vulnerabilities , Fix them , And the more forces of all parties providing higher-level solutions , The faster we can transition to a safer world .


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