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Tsinghua Yaoban programmers, online marriage was scolded?

2022-07-07 11:42:00 Demeanor 78

Programmers are really a misunderstood group . yesterday , Xiaohui published an article : Several misconceptions about programmers , cause infinite harm to peole ! It resonates with many readers , today , Let's continue on this topic .

Programmers are not only misunderstood in their careers , When solving personal problems , They are often at the bottom of the dating and disdain chain .

stay 2021 year , There was once a top student in the Yao class of Tsinghua University , In the process of online marriage search, I was ridiculed and abused in every way . Although this matter has passed for a long time , But Xiao Hui is still impressed .

The whole story goes like this :

Classmate Zhang is a graduate of Yao class in Tsinghua University , He worked as a programmer at JPMorgan Chase Bank and Google , Later I returned to my hometown and became a teacher , And part-time writing programs 、 Competition class with algorithm , Total monthly income 5W.

He posted a post about marriage seeking on the Internet , Describe your basic situation , I also attached some photos of my life .


little does one think , With his excellent condition , What you get online is not envy and affirmation , But a lot of abuse and ridicule .

What do people on the Internet say ?

Some people laughed at him for being fat and ugly ; Some people say that he has intelligence besides money , Nothing else ; Others say he is ordinary and confident ......


For these scoffers , Xiao Hui feels very sorry , Because they are not only bad , And ignorant .

Where do the best computer graduates come from in China ? If the Yao class of Tsinghua University is the second , There is no place to be the first .

The legendary Yao class of Tsinghua University , Its official name is the computer science experiment class of Tsinghua University , Founded by academician yaoqizhi, a world famous computer scientist , So it is called "Tsinghua Yaoban" for short .


from 2005 Year to date , From the Yao class of Tsinghua University 366 A graduate , Almost everyone is an elite in the industry , At a young age, these people have made outstanding achievements in various subdivisions of computer .

therefore , People who can graduate from Yao class of Tsinghua University , It's not too much to say that one in a million is an elite , If this is called normal , Then what is not common ?

Xiao Hui has seen the photo of classmate Zhang , To tell you the truth, it is not handsome , But he is only a man who devotes himself to learning , Not a traffic star . And those online scoffers , What is your own excellence ? I'm afraid apart from the ability to swear with the keyboard , Nothing at all .

The world is diverse , Some people like talented members of the opposite sex , Some people are Yan Kong , Some people like money , It's all normal . But no one has the right to abuse and laugh at people they don't like , Such people don't deserve the Internet , It's not worth falling in love with someone .

Finally, let me tell you a good news , Mr. Zhang finally found his favorite object , Here I wish them all the best , Happy and happy .

meanwhile , I also wish all single programmers , Can get rid of the order as soon as possible , Find your own happiness .


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