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This time, thoroughly understand the MySQL index

2022-07-06 13:38:00 Li bohuan


One : Basic overview of index

Two : The underlying principle of indexing ——B+ Tree analysis

3、 ... and : Clustered index and non clustered index

Four : Inability to utilize indexes  

One : Basic overview of index

          I don't say much nonsense , Look directly at the official definition of index : A kind of help mysql Data structure to improve query efficiency . So the advantage of indexing is : It greatly accelerates the speed of data query !! however , Index also has its disadvantages :

  1. Maintaining the index requires the resources of the database
  2. Indexing requires disk space
  3. When adding, deleting and modifying the data in the table , Because to maintain the index , It's affected by speed

         Look at the classification of the index (innodb): primary key : After being set as the primary key, the database will automatically index it ,innodb Index for clustering . Single value index : That is, an index contains only a single column , A table can have multiple single-column indexes . unique index : The value of the index must be unique , But null values are allowed . Composite index : That is, an index contains multiple columns . Primary key index Index column value cannot be empty , The index column value of the unique index can be empty .

         Finally, let's take a look at the basic operation of indexing , First, let's look at the primary key index , It is automatically created . We create a... In the database user surface , Let's look at its index . You can see the index name Key_name yes PRIMARY, The index type is BTREE, Here is B+ Trees , Not at all B Trees .

-- The primary key index is automatically created when creating a table --
create table user(id varchar(20) primary key, name varchar(20));
show index from user;

          Let's look at the general index ( Single value index ), There are two ways to create , One is When creating a table , One is Create a table after it is created . above user Table has been created , Let's see how to give name Field plus index . You can use the following sql sentence , give the result as follows .

CREATE index name_index on user(name);
show index from user;

          We can also create ordinary indexes when creating tables , When creating an index, you cannot actively specify the index name , The default is consistent with the field name , The creation method and results are as follows .

create table teacher(id varchar(20) primary key, name varchar(20),key(name));
show index from teacher;

          Then let's look at the unique index , It can also be created when and after creating a table , Similar to normal index creation , It's just using unique keyword , As shown in the figure , When and after creating the table . Note the unique index Null when YES, That is, the index column value can be empty .

create table teacher2(id varchar(20) primary key, name varchar(20),unique(name));
show index from teacher2;

create table teacher3(id varchar(20) primary key, name varchar(20));
create unique index name_index on teacher3(name);
show index from teacher3;

          Finally, let's look at the creation of composite index , It is based on multiple columns to create an index , It is similar to ordinary index creation , Creating a table is key(name,age,bir), After the table is created create index name_index on user(name,age,bir), No more demonstrations . Pay attention to one point , When creating an index name,age,bir There is order and quantity , When using the index, we first need to comply with the leftmost prefix principle . seeing the name of a thing one thinks of its function , That is to say The leftmost is the starting point of any continuous index They all match . in addition ,mysql In order to make better use of the index, the engine will Dynamically adjust the order of query fields , In order to take advantage of the index . For example, the above situation , If there is only the leftmost prefix principle , The query is only based on name and name,age as well as name,age,bir You can use the index . After introducing dynamic adjustment ,bir,age,name and name,bir,age You can also use indexes , As long as the leftmost prefix is included .

Two : The underlying principle of indexing ——B+ Tree analysis

         First of all, let's think about a question , We query a certain data in the database , Is it faster to query in an ordered set or in an unordered set ? In a disordered set, we may be lucky , I found it once , But there may be bad luck , Traverse the whole set and finally find , If the amount of data in the database is large , This is very unstable and slow . And if it is an ordered set , The number and speed of our queries are relatively stable , And faster than unordered sets . therefore MySQL The data will be Sort , And use a pointer to Connect . You can see that the underlying inode is divided into three parts : Primary key value , Specific data , Pointer to the next node .

          But here comes the problem , This forms a linked list structure , As shown in the figure below , We know that the time complexity of linked list query is O(n), This is very slow for massive data query . therefore MySQL It is optimized , Store data by page , Default storage 16KB, Then make a page directory , Query the data according to the page directory , As shown in the figure below . Page directories do not store specific data , It mainly stores every page First node Of Primary key value and pointer . thus , We first look in the page directory to find the data , According to the primary key value and pointer , And then locate specific data , In this way, query efficiency can be improved . When the amount of data is too high , We can add a page directory to the page directory , In this way, more data can be stored ! The above structure is B+ Trees .

          So let's see , How much data can this design store . We see first 2 Layer of B+ Trees , That is, the root node and several leaf nodes , Each node is the page we mentioned above . Look at the root node first , Its internal structure is : Primary key + The pointer . Each page of the data 16KB, The general type of table is INT( Occupy 4 Bytes ) perhaps BIGINT(8 Bytes ), Pointer size again innodb The source code is set to 6 byte , We take the primary key as 8 byte . In this case , The root node can store 16KB/(8B+6B) = 1170 A pointer to the , And each pointer points to a page . Let's see how many pieces of data can be saved per page , Each piece of data consists of a primary key + The pointer + Data values , We calculate by the small , each page 16KB Storage 20 Data . In this case ,2 Layer of B+ Trees can store 1170 * 20 = 23400 Data . The third level is the two-level page directory plus leaf nodes , Be able to store 1170 * 1170 * 20 = 27,378,000 Data , Reach ten million level . Four layers can reach 10 billion level data .

        Now let's take a closer look B+ Some introduction of trees , And why not choose B Tree as index data structure .B+ The tree is right B Tree optimization , Let's take a look first B Trees .

        B Trees are a kind of Self balancing tree , One m Step B Trees , Will meet some characteristics , Include B The order of a tree is the number of child nodes at most , Each non leaf node will contain keyword information and pointer information , most important of all B The search of the tree may end at a non leaf node ,B The search of the tree starts from the root node and performs binary search according to keywords , If it hits a non leaf node, it ends , Otherwise, continue to look down through the pointer . and B+ Trees Search process and B Trees Basically the same , The difference lies in B+ The tree ends only when the leaf node is searched , All keywords will appear in the linked list composed of leaf nodes , And the keywords of the linked list are ordered from left to right . A non leaf node is the index of a leaf node , Not specific data .B+ The tree is shown in the figure below .

          You can see ,B Treelike Non leaf nodes also store data data, In this case , According to our above calculation , Contents of each page (16KB) The number of pointers that can be stored will be reduced , Then store the same amount of data ,B The number of layers of trees may be higher than B+ Trees !! This will increase the number of disks IO The number of times ( Every query node ( page ) There will be a disk IO),I/O Reading and writing times are the main factors that affect the efficiency of index retrieval , Then it affects the efficiency of query . in addition ,B Trees in Query based on range There is no performance in the operation of B+ Good tree , because B+ The leaf node of the tree uses Pointer order links together , As long as you traverse the leaf node, you can traverse the whole tree , Comparison B+ For trees , because B The leaf nodes of the tree are independent of each other , So for range query , You need to query again from the root node , Added disk I/O Operating frequency . Last ,B+ Tree addition and deletion file ( node ) when , More efficient , because B+ The leaf node of the tree contains all the keywords , And Orderly linked list structure storage , This can improve the efficiency of addition and deletion .

        MySQL Of innodb The storage engine is designed to keep the root node in memory , That is, to find the row record of a key value, only 1-3 Secondary disk IO operation (3 layer B+ Trees ). The primary key index can be used twice at most IO You can find it , The ordinary index will find the primary key index first and then search , So there will be one more disk IO.

        AVL Trees compare with B Trees are less efficient , The first is that each node stores too little data , The second is that the height of the tree is higher , disk IO The number is even higher . So why not use hash table as the data structure of index ? There are mainly the following reasons

  1. Fuzzy Lookup does not support : Hash table is to map the index field into the corresponding hash code, and then store it in the corresponding location , In this case , If we're going to do a fuzzy search , Obviously, hash table structure is not supported , You can only traverse this table . and B+ The tree can quickly find the corresponding data through the leftmost prefix principle .
  2. Range lookup is not supported : If we want to do a range lookup , For example, find ID by 1 ~ 500 People who , Hash tables also do not support , Can only traverse the whole table
  3. Hash conflict problem : The index field is mapped into hash code through hash , If many fields just map to the hash code of the same value , Then the index structure will be a long linked list , In this case , The search time will be greatly increased

3、 ... and : Clustered index and non clustered index

          First look at the definition , Cluster index : Put the data storage and index together , The leaf node of the index structure holds the row data . Nonclustered index : Store data and indexes separately , The leaf node of the index structure points to the corresponding position of the data . To put it bluntly, the index we drew above is cluster index , Put the data storage and index together !! A clustered index is not necessarily a primary key index , The primary key index must be a clustered index . Actual data page Only according to one tree B+ Trees sort , So each table can only have one clustered index , The rest are non clustered indexes , Non clustered index can be understood as built on non clustered index ( Secondary index ) Index above . The secondary index leaf node no longer stores the physical location of the row , It's the primary key value , Secondary index access data always requires secondary search . As shown in the figure below .

  1. InnoDB Using clustered index , Organize the primary key into a tree B+ In the tree , The row data is stored on the leaf node , If you use "where id=14" This condition looks up the primary key , According to B+ The search algorithm of tree can find the corresponding leaf node , Then get the line data .
  2. If yes Name Column to search , It takes two steps ∶ The first step is to assist in indexing B+ Search the tree for Name, Go to its leaf node to get the corresponding primary key . The second step is to use the primary key in the primary index B+ The tree species will be executed once more B+ Tree retrieval operations , Finally, you can get the whole row of data when you reach the leaf node .( The point is that you need to build secondary indexes through other keys ).
  3. Cluster index is the primary key by default , If the primary key is not defined in the table ,InnoDB A unique and non empty index will be selected instead of .


        MyISAM Using a non clustered index , Two non clustered indexes B+ Trees don't look different , The structure of nodes is completely consistent, but The content stored is different nothing more , primary key B+ The node of the tree stores the primary key , Secondary key index B+ The tree stores auxiliary keys . Table data is stored in a separate place , These two B+ The leaf nodes of the tree all use an address to point to the real table data , For table data , There is no difference between the two keys . Because the index tree is independent , Retrieve the index tree without access to the primary key through the secondary key .
        So here comes the question , Every time you use a secondary index, you have to go through two B+ Tree search , It seems that the efficiency of clustered index is obviously lower than that of non clustered index , Isn't that an unnecessary move ? What are the advantages of clustering index ?

  1. Because row data and clustered leaf nodes are stored together , There will be multiple rows of data on the same page , When accessing different row records of the same data page , The page has been loaded into Buffer in , On another visit , Access will be done in memory , You don't have to access the disk . In this way, the primary key and row data are loaded into memory together , Find the leaf node and immediately return the row data , If you follow the primary key ID To organize data , Getting data faster .
  2. The leaf node of the secondary index , Store primary key values , Instead of the address where the data is stored . The advantage is The maintenance cost of the index is lower , When the row data changes , The nodes of the index tree also need to be split and changed , Or the data we need to look up , Last time IO There is no... In the read-write cache , There needs to be a new IO In operation , It can avoid the maintenance of the secondary time index , Just maintain the clustered index tree . Another benefit is , Because the secondary index stores the primary key value , Reduce the storage space occupied by the secondary index .

Four : Inability to utilize indexes  

  1. Use... In query statements LIKE keyword : Use... In a query statement LIKE Keyword query , If it matches the string The first character is "%", Index will not be used . If "%"" Not in the first position , The index will be used
  2. Use... In query statements Multi column index ( Composite index ): The multi column index is in the... Of the table Multiple fields Create an index on , Only the First field , Indexes are used .
  3. Use... In query statements OR keyword : The query statement has only OR When a keyword , If OR The columns of the two conditions are indexes , Then the index will be used in the query . If OR A column with one condition is not an index , Then the index will not be used in the query .
  4. If the column type is string , Be sure to use the index in the condition No , Otherwise, the index is not used
  5. If mysql It is estimated that full table scanning is faster than indexing , Index is not used

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