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[while your roommate plays games, let's see a problem]

2022-07-06 13:11:00 Brother an Yu

CSDN Topic challenge No 1 period

  • Event details address :CSDN

  • The topic of the competition : Front end interview book

subject : The nine frames of the front end

Examination site : Grasp the framework

answer :

1. React

React Is one for building user interfaces JavaScript library .React Mainly for building UI, Many people think that React yes MVC Medium V( View ).React Come of Facebook Internal projects , Used to set up Instagram Website , And in 2013 year 5 In open source .React High performance , The code logic is very simple , More and more people have begun to pay attention to and use it .

2. Vue

Vue   Is a progressive framework for building user interfaces . Unlike other large frameworks ,Vue Designed to be applied layer by layer from the bottom up .Vue The core library focuses only on the view layer , Not only easy to get started , It is also easy to integrate with third-party libraries or existing projects . On the other hand , When and Modern tool chain   As well as a variety of Support library   When used in combination ,Vue It is also fully capable of providing drivers for complex single-page applications .

3. Angular

AngularJS Born in 2009 year , from Misko Hevery Et al. , after Google Acquired . It's an excellent front end JS frame , Has been used for Google Among many products of .AngularJS It has many characteristics , The most important thing is :MVVM、 modularization , Automated two-way binding 、 Semantic tags 、 Dependency injection, etc .

4. Svelte

Svelte It's a new way to build user interfaces . Traditional frameworks such as React and Vue A lot of work needs to be done in the browser , and Svelte Put this work into the compilation phase of building an application .

5. Alpine

Alpine.js It provides with... At a very low cost Vue or React Similar responsive and declarative features of such large frameworks . You can continue to operate DOM, And use it when you need it Alpine.js. It can be understood as JavaScript Version of Tailwind.

6. Preact

React Of 3kb Lightweight solutions , Have the same ES6 API. Small size 、 High performance 、 Light weight & Embeddable 、 Ecosystem compatibility and other characteristics .

7. LitElement

LitElement Is a simple framework , For building fast 、 Lightweight Web Components . It provides a reaction state 、 Scope style and a small 、 Fast and expressive declarative template system .

8. Stimulus

Stimulus Is a lightweight front-end framework . The framework passed data-contoller data-target data-action Equal attribute , hold HTML Elements and JavaScript Behavior binding ,Stimulus It doesn't deal with HTML Rendering , But for rendered HTML Add behavior .

9. Ember

Ember.js Is an open source free JavaScript Client Framework , Used to develop Web Applications . Using the model - View - controller (MVC) Pattern . The framework provides common data binding , The URL driven approach is used to build different applications , Focus on scalability .

CSDN Topic challenge No 1 period

  • Event details address :CSDN

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