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Compile GDAL source code with nmake (win10, vs2022)
2022-07-06 12:47:00 【Alexabc3000】
To compile Gdal-master Source code , need PROJ Support for , and PROJ Again SQLite Support for .
SQLite、PROJ、Gdal-master See the web page for the source code and compilation of :
You can also use nmake Create... On the command line ( Reference page BuildingOnWindows – GDAL )
Using the command line , Get into VS2022 Developer command line window
cd D:\Programs\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build
cd D:\SourceCodes\gdal-master
set BINDIR=d:\programs\gdal\gdal-bin
set DATADIR=d:\programs\gdal\gdal-data
set INCDIR=d:\programs\gdal\gdal-include
set LIBDIR=d:\programs\gdal\gdal-lib
Modify file “nmake.opt” The content of :
(1) take
#PROJ_INCLUDE = -Id:\install-proj\local\include
Change it to
PROJ_INCLUDE = -ID:\My3rdParty\include
(2) take
#PROJ_LIBRARY = d:\install-proj\local\lib\proj_6_0.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib
Change it to
PROJ_LIBRARY = D:\My3rdParty\lib\proj.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib
Use the following commands in sequence , establish x64 Of Release edition
nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=1930 WIN64=1
nmake /f makefile.vc install MSVC_VER=1930 WIN64=yes
nmake /f makefile.vc devinstall MSVC_VER=1930 WIN64=yes
After execution , Catalog “d:\programs\gdal” The contents in are as follows ( Use command “tree /f d:\programs\gdal” List )
│ │ gdal303.dll
│ │ gdaladdo.exe
│ │ gdalbuildvrt.exe
│ │ gdaldem.exe
│ │ gdalenhance.exe
│ │ gdalinfo.exe
│ │ gdallocationinfo.exe
│ │ gdalmanage.exe
│ │ gdalmdiminfo.exe
│ │ gdalmdimtranslate.exe
│ │ gdalsrsinfo.exe
│ │ gdaltindex.exe
│ │ gdaltransform.exe
│ │ gdalwarp.exe
│ │ gdal_contour.exe
│ │ gdal_create.exe
│ │ gdal_grid.exe
│ │ gdal_rasterize.exe
│ │ gdal_translate.exe
│ │ gdal_viewshed.exe
│ │ gnmanalyse.exe
│ │ gnmmanage.exe
│ │ nearblack.exe
│ │ ogr2ogr.exe
│ │ ogrinfo.exe
│ │ ogrlineref.exe
│ │ ogrtindex.exe
│ │
│ └─gdalplugins
│ drivers.ini
│ bag_template.xml
│ cubewerx_extra.wkt
│ default.rsc
│ ecw_cs.wkt
│ eedaconf.json
│ epsg.wkt
│ esri_StatePlane_extra.wkt
│ gdalicon.png
│ GDALLogoBW.svg
│ GDALLogoColor.svg
│ GDALLogoGS.svg
│ gdalmdiminfo_output.schema.json
│ gdalvrt.xsd
│ gmlasconf.xml
│ gmlasconf.xsd
│ gml_registry.xml
│ grib2_center.csv
│ grib2_process.csv
│ grib2_subcenter.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_0_0.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_0_1.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_0_13.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_0_14.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_0_15.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_0_16.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_0_17.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_0_18.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_0_19.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_0_190.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_0_191.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_0_2.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_0_20.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_0_3.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_0_4.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_0_5.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_0_6.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_0_7.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_10_0.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_10_1.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_10_191.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_10_2.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_10_3.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_10_4.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_1_0.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_1_1.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_1_2.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_20_0.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_20_1.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_20_2.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_2_0.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_2_3.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_2_4.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_2_5.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_3_0.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_3_1.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_3_2.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_3_3.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_3_4.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_3_5.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_3_6.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_4_0.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_4_1.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_4_10.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_4_2.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_4_3.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_4_4.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_4_5.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_4_6.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_4_7.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_4_8.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_4_9.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_local_Canada.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_local_HPC.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_local_index.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_local_MRMS.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_local_NCEP.csv
│ grib2_table_4_2_local_NDFD.csv
│ grib2_table_4_5.csv
│ grib2_table_versions.csv
│ gt_datum.csv
│ gt_ellips.csv
│ header.dxf
│ inspire_cp_BasicPropertyUnit.gfs
│ inspire_cp_CadastralBoundary.gfs
│ inspire_cp_CadastralParcel.gfs
│ inspire_cp_CadastralZoning.gfs
│ jpfgdgml_AdmArea.gfs
│ jpfgdgml_AdmBdry.gfs
│ jpfgdgml_AdmPt.gfs
│ jpfgdgml_BldA.gfs
│ jpfgdgml_BldL.gfs
│ jpfgdgml_Cntr.gfs
│ jpfgdgml_CommBdry.gfs
│ jpfgdgml_CommPt.gfs
│ jpfgdgml_Cstline.gfs
│ jpfgdgml_ElevPt.gfs
│ jpfgdgml_GCP.gfs
│ jpfgdgml_LeveeEdge.gfs
│ jpfgdgml_RailCL.gfs
│ jpfgdgml_RdArea.gfs
│ jpfgdgml_RdASL.gfs
│ jpfgdgml_RdCompt.gfs
│ jpfgdgml_RdEdg.gfs
│ jpfgdgml_RdMgtBdry.gfs
│ jpfgdgml_RdSgmtA.gfs
│ jpfgdgml_RvrMgtBdry.gfs
│ jpfgdgml_SBAPt.gfs
│ jpfgdgml_SBArea.gfs
│ jpfgdgml_SBBdry.gfs
│ jpfgdgml_WA.gfs
│ jpfgdgml_WL.gfs
│ jpfgdgml_WStrA.gfs
│ jpfgdgml_WStrL.gfs
│ netcdf_config.xsd
│ nitf_spec.xml
│ nitf_spec.xsd
│ ogrvrt.xsd
│ osmconf.ini
│ ozi_datum.csv
│ ozi_ellips.csv
│ pci_datum.txt
│ pci_ellips.txt
│ pdfcomposition.xsd
│ pds4_template.xml
│ plscenesconf.json
│ ruian_vf_ob_v1.gfs
│ ruian_vf_st_uvoh_v1.gfs
│ ruian_vf_st_v1.gfs
│ ruian_vf_v1.gfs
│ s57agencies.csv
│ s57attributes.csv
│ s57expectedinput.csv
│ s57objectclasses.csv
│ seed_2d.dgn
│ seed_3d.dgn
│ stateplane.csv
│ template_tiles.mapml
│ tms_LINZAntarticaMapTileGrid.json
│ tms_MapML_APSTILE.json
│ tms_MapML_CBMTILE.json
│ tms_NZTM2000.json
│ trailer.dxf
│ vdv452.xml
│ vdv452.xsd
│ vicar.json
│ armadillo_headers.h
│ cplkeywordparser.h
│ cpl_alibaba_oss.h
│ cpl_atomic_ops.h
│ cpl_auto_close.h
│ cpl_aws.h
│ cpl_azure.h
│ cpl_compressor.h
│ cpl_config.h
│ cpl_config_extras.h
│ cpl_conv.h
│ cpl_cpu_features.h
│ cpl_csv.h
│ cpl_curl_priv.h
│ cpl_error.h
│ cpl_error_internal.h
│ cpl_float.h
│ cpl_google_cloud.h
│ cpl_hash_set.h
│ cpl_http.h
│ cpl_json.h
│ cpl_json_header.h
│ cpl_json_streaming_parser.h
│ cpl_json_streaming_writer.h
│ cpl_list.h
│ cpl_md5.h
│ cpl_mem_cache.h
│ cpl_minixml.h
│ cpl_minizip_ioapi.h
│ cpl_minizip_unzip.h
│ cpl_minizip_zip.h
│ cpl_multiproc.h
│ cpl_odbc.h
│ cpl_port.h
│ cpl_progress.h
│ cpl_quad_tree.h
│ cpl_sha1.h
│ cpl_sha256.h
│ cpl_spawn.h
│ cpl_string.h
│ cpl_swift.h
│ cpl_time.h
│ cpl_userfaultfd.h
│ cpl_vax.h
│ cpl_virtualmem.h
│ cpl_vsi.h
│ cpl_vsil_curl_class.h
│ cpl_vsil_curl_priv.h
│ cpl_vsil_plugin.h
│ cpl_vsi_error.h
│ cpl_vsi_virtual.h
│ cpl_worker_thread_pool.h
│ cpl_zlib_header.h
│ gdal.h
│ gdalexif.h
│ gdalgeorefpamdataset.h
│ gdalgrid.h
│ gdalgrid_priv.h
│ gdaljp2abstractdataset.h
│ gdaljp2metadata.h
│ gdaljp2metadatagenerator.h
│ gdallinearsystem.h
│ gdalpansharpen.h
│ gdalpython.h
│ gdalsse_priv.h
│ gdalwarper.h
│ gdalwarpkernel_opencl.h
│ gdal_alg.h
│ gdal_alg_priv.h
│ gdal_csv.h
│ gdal_frmts.h
│ gdal_mdreader.h
│ gdal_pam.h
│ gdal_priv.h
│ gdal_proxy.h
│ gdal_rat.h
│ gdal_simplesurf.h
│ gdal_thread_pool.h
│ gdal_utils.h
│ gdal_version.h
│ gdal_vrt.h
│ gnm.h
│ gnmgraph.h
│ gnm_api.h
│ gvgcpfit.h
│ internal_qhull_headers.h
│ memdataset.h
│ nasakeywordhandler.h
│ ograpispy.h
│ ogrgeomediageometry.h
│ ogrpgeogeometry.h
│ ogrsf_frmts.h
│ ogr_api.h
│ ogr_attrind.h
│ ogr_core.h
│ ogr_expat.h
│ ogr_feature.h
│ ogr_featurestyle.h
│ ogr_geocoding.h
│ ogr_geometry.h
│ ogr_geos.h
│ ogr_geo_utils.h
│ ogr_libs.h
│ ogr_p.h
│ ogr_proj_p.h
│ ogr_sfcgal.h
│ ogr_spatialref.h
│ ogr_srs_api.h
│ ogr_srs_esri_names.h
│ ogr_swq.h
│ ogr_xerces.h
│ ogr_xerces_headers.h
│ rawdataset.h
│ thinplatespline.h
│ vrtdataset.h
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