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Intermediate use tutorial of postman [environment variables, test scripts, assertions, interface documents, etc.]

2022-07-06 12:16:00 A pole


First of all, introduce a way to transfer to Chinese version ,GitHub link :https://github.com/hlmd/Postman-cn


This paper is about postman Intermediate use tutorial , Suitable for a certain postman Basic friends read , If not used postman Or similar software , Reading this article may be uncomfortable .

environment variable

New environment variable

Defined global variables and environment variables , It can be referenced in the interface .

 Insert picture description here

When adding an environment, you can click the plus sign in the upper left corner , Then add the public variables you want to use in the environment .
 Insert picture description here

This function is generally used for things like url Prefix This kind of variable will be reused in many places .

The reference method is to put the variable you want to reference between two curly braces , for example :{ {url}}

Like this :
 Insert picture description here
Of course, if you need to switch in multiple environments , There is no need to always modify url Value , You can create several more environment variables , Then switch quickly in the upper right corner :

Switch environment variables

 Insert picture description here
Click the small eye to see what variables are in the environment you are currently using :
 Insert picture description here

Interface Association

In fact, it also uses global variables

Write test script

 Insert picture description here
Pre request script and test script can be written js Code , The difference between them is , The pre request script is run before sending the request , The test script is run after sending .

Get the data in the test script and set it as a global variable , For example, when logging in token:

var result = postman.getResponseHeader("token");


pm.globals.set("token", result);

The global variables set in this way token Can be used on other interfaces , Use { {token}} To reference variables .

Of course , You can also use regular expressions to get variables , Just use it js Write regular , There is not much here .

Dynamic parameters

Built in dynamic parameters

  • { {$timestamp}} Generate timestamp of current time
  • { {$randomint}} Generate 0-1000 Between random numbers
  • { {$guid}} Generate shorthand GUID character string

Custom dynamic parameters

Pass in the pre request script js Code to set variables , Use when using { {times}} To get variables , It is similar to the test script written in Interface Association .

var times = Date.now();

pm.globals.set("times", times);

How to get global variables :

pm.globals.get("token", result);


Assertions can be used to determine whether the request is successful , Used for automated testing .

postman Support multiple assertion methods , On the right side of the test script, you can see , Click the blue word to get the code directly :


Here are some common :

pm.test("Status code is 200", function () {
pm.test("Body matches string", function () {
pm.test("Your test name", function () {
	var jsonData = pm.response.json();
pm.test("Body is correct", function () {


Create an impersonation server . Before the back-end interface is developed , The front end wants to call the interface , You can use it first postman Simulation server functions provided .

[ Failed to transfer the external chain picture , The origin station may have anti-theft chain mechanism , It is suggested to save the pictures and upload them directly (img-lb0hd92r-1653794601798)(https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/stick-i/resources@main/img/image-20220514150956834.png)]

Create an impersonation server , Just set the request name ,postman It will automatically generate a url For your temporary use , The url It can be accessed directly through the external network , But the returned data is fixed , But it's enough for the front-end to use temporarily .

Write interface documentation

There is a document button on the right side of each interface , Click to edit the description of the current interface :

 Insert picture description here

The tested interface and written documents can directly generate documents , You can see :

[ Failed to transfer the external chain picture , The origin station may have anti-theft chain mechanism , It is suggested to save the pictures and upload them directly (img-sNHaSKGs-1653794601799)(https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/stick-i/resources@main/img/image-20220514154220912.png)]

Then there is a Publish button in the upper right corner of the document , Clicking publish seems to generate online documents , But I haven't used .
 Insert picture description here

Save test samples

Send the completed request , You can save the request results , Provide reference for others .

 Insert picture description here
The saved example will be displayed in the left set , Placed under this interface .


The above content only describes the general method of use , You still need to use it yourself , If this article helps you , Welcome to my collection .


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