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(3) Introduction to bioinformatics of R language - function, data Frame, simple DNA reading and analysis

2022-07-06 12:20:00 EricFrenzy

notes : This blog aims to share personal learning experience , Please forgive me for any irregularities !

Function function

Like other programming languages ,R Language also has built-in functions ( As previously used c()) And custom functions . Functions generally consist of three important parts : Input parameters , Function main body , Returns the parameter .R Language functions also allow no input parameters or return parameters . The following example is in R Construct and call functions in language :

# use R Language built in function() Function to declare a function , And declare the input parameters in parentheses . It can be used = Set default values for parameters 
#getDouble The name of the function constructed for 
getDouble <- function(num=1){
  result <- num * 2 # Function main body 
  return(result) # For return parameters return()

myResult <- getDouble(num=20) # Call function ,myResult Should be 40

return() and print() The difference is that it is different from print() Will be in Console Display output instead of return() Can't .

data.frame Data frame

Compared with list,data.frame In Computational Biology R Language is more widely used . It's like matrix equally ,data.frame It is also a two-dimensional data structure , That is, it consists of rows and columns . However ,matrix All elements of are like vector The same must be the same data type , but data.frame Just ensure that the data type of each column is the same . This makes data.frame It can be easily used to read something like .csv or .xlsx Such a table file may have multiple data types .data.frame See the following example for the structure of :

id <- c("ENO2", "TDH3", "RPL39", "GAL4") # The code of protein 

protName <- c("enolase", "glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase", "60S ribosomal protein L39", "regulatory protein Gal4") # The full name of protein 

abundance <- c(24563, 22369, 16232, 32.3) # Content in cells , Company ppm

length <- c(437, 332, 51, 881) # The amount of amino acids in protein 

yeastProt <- data.frame(id, protName, abundance, length, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 
# structure data.frame; Every input vector The length should be the same 
#vector The variable name of will become the header ,vector The value of will be filled in by column data.frame

The construction is complete data.frame It should be as shown in the figure below :
data.framedata.frame Index access and matrix similar , See the following example for details :

yeastProt[,1] # Output No 1 The entire contents of the column 
yeastProt[2, ] # Output No 2 The whole line , Including the header 
yeastProt[1, 2] # Output No 1 Xing di 2 The elements of the column ,enolase
yeastProt[1:3, c(1, 3)] # Output No 1-3 Xing di 1 and 3 Elements , Including the header 
yeastProt$length[1:2] # The output column title is length Of the 1 And the 2 Elements ,437 332
yeastProt[1, "abundance"] # Output No 1 The column title is abundance The elements of ,24563
yeastProt[yeastProt[, 4] > 500, 1] # Output yeastProt The first 4 Column greater than 500 Of the lines 1 Column elements ,GAL4

The following table is vector, matrix, data.frame Cross conversion :

vector To matrix To data.frame To

Converting other data types into data.frame when , The header may be incorrect . Please refer to the following example for modifying the header :

myMatrix <- matrix(data=1:12, ncol=3, nrow=4) #3x4 Of matrix
myDF <- as.data.frame(myMatrix) # To data.frame
# After conversion, the default column title is V1, V2, V3...  The default row title is 1,2,3...
colnames(myDF) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3") # Custom column headings 
rownames(myDF) <- c("r1", "r2", "r3", "r4") # Custom row Title 

After setting up ,matrix It is transformed into the following figure data.frame:

DNA Sequence reading and analysis examples

.fasta File is a common file format generated by reading nucleic acid or protein sequences . There are some explanatory information at the beginning of the document , Such as source species and chromosome numbers ; Next is nucleic acid represented by a single letter / The sequence produced by protein coding . Please start from this link Download the use NC_045512.2 edition COVID19 Of DNA Sequencing data , Extraction code : vfti.
Please see the following example R Language analysis of this sequence :

install.packages('seqinr', repos='http://cran.us.r-project.org') # Install third party libraries 
library("seqinr") # Load third party Library 
covid <- read.fasta(file="covid19.fasta") # Read .fasta file , Note that the path is best written completely . Read yes list Format 
covid_seq <- covid[[1]] # Store the complete sequence as a single vector

DNA from 4 Kind of base form :A、T、C、G.A and T pairing ,C and G pairing . According to chagfu's law (Chargaff’s law) It can be deduced that ,DNA in A and T Same number of ,C and G Same number of . because C and G After pairing, it is linked by three hydrogen bonds ,CG The combination is not easy to be broken up , That is to say DNA The height of CG The content will reduce the possibility of its variation .
Calculation CG The content is shown in the following example :

countTable <- table(covid_seq) # Count each one base Number of occurrences 
cgCount <- countTable[["c"]]+countTable[["g"]] #C and G The number of 
totalCount <- length(covid_seq) # Total length of the sequence 
cgContent <- cgCount/totalCount #CG Proportion in the sequence 

Another important concept is DNA word, That is, the length is greater than 1 individual base Of DNA Combine . Through analysis DNA word Whether it is overexpressed or underexpressed , To a certain extent, we can infer the evolution trajectory of this species . ρ ρ ρ Used to express a DNA word Whether it is overexpressed or underexpressed . For a length of 2 Of DNA word, The calculation formula is as follows :
ρ ( x y ) = f x y f x ⋅ f y ρ(xy) = \frac{f_{xy}}{f_{x}·f_{y}} ρ(xy)=fxfyfxy
among f x y f_{xy} fxy yes DNA word Divided by the total length of the sequence , f x f_{x} fx and f y f_{y} fy It's a single base Divided by the total length of the sequence . Calculate sth DNA word See the following example for how to express :

baseCount <- count(covid_seq, 1) # use seqinr In this third-party library count() The length of the function is 1 Of base Number of occurrences of , and R Built in table() similar 
wordCount <- count(covid_seq, 2) # Find a length of 2 Of DNA word Number of occurrences of 
totalLength <- length(covid_seq) # Total sequence length 

# such as , We are looking for TT This DNA word Number of occurrences of 
rouTT <- (wordCount[["tt"]]/totalLength)/((baseCount[["t"]]/totalLength)*(baseCount[["t"]]/totalLength))

When ρ ρ ρ be equal to 1 when , This DNA word For completely random , With a single base The product of probability of occurrence is the same . However , When ρ ρ ρ Greater than 1 when , Its probability of occurrence is greater than that of random occurrence , It means that it is over expressed , So we can infer this DNA word It may have some beneficial effects on the evolution of this species . vice versa .


Next time, we will take the data of molecular biology and ecology as an example , Introduce R Matrix diagram in language 、 bar chart 、 The pie chart 、 Dot matrix and linear regression 、 How to use the strip chart , Coming soon ! If you have any questions or ideas, please leave messages and comments !

