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Change vs theme and set background picture

2022-07-06 13:25:00 It's Wang Jiujiu

VS The theme is too boring , In order to add a little fun when learning programming , Here is how to set the theme and background pictures .


1. download VS The theme

2. Uninstall theme

3. Set the background image

4. Change the annotation color

1. download VS The theme

Click on the menu bar —— Tools —— The theme —— Get more topics .

Then the browser will start , Pop up the theme store , There are many free topics here .

Choose a theme , After entering, you can see the preview effect of the theme , Click on download download . After downloading and installing , Be careful to exit VS Program .

After successful installation , Return to tool —— The theme , Select the downloaded theme to use .

2. Uninstall theme

Click expand in the menu bar —— Management development .

In the installed , Select the downloaded theme to disable or uninstall .

3. Set the background image

Click expand in the menu bar —— Management development , In the pop-up window , Click online options .

download Dark Transparency Theme and ClaudiaIDE Expansion pack ( The installation process also needs to close the current project , If the item cannot be found online , You can also download it in the theme store , The expansion pack is free ) 

After installation , There will be self-contained cartoon character pictures , If you don't like it , We can also choose our own favorite pictures . The specific method is as follows :

1. Click Tools —— Options .

2. find ClaudiaIDE Options , Enter the layout on the right , The roller slides down , find “ Single background ” Options , Click the three dots on the right , Choose our pictures .( It's best not to choose too fancy pictures , Affect our viewing code )

Choose the path to save our pictures , Here I put the picture on the desktop , Click OK .

3. Set the layout of the picture : Because the picture size is different , It will not achieve the expected effect , Here or click ClaudiaIDE Options , Enter the layout on the right to start setting .

Will be extended to IDE Option set to true, You can tile the surface to the whole VS; Set the picture stretch to Uniform To Fill, The picture is tiled and unchanging .

  The final effect is as follows : 

If you want the menu bar to be transparent , Then you need to enable the just downloaded Dark Transparency Theme The theme .

Future girls 2K The original picture here is for you to put in Baidu online disk ( Permanent validity ), There are friends you like that can download and use .

2k Future girls .rar_ Free high speed download | Baidu SkyDrive - Share unlimited (baidu.com)

4. Change the annotation color

The annotation color of many themes is light , Not conducive to reading , Here, through the tools —— Options —— Environmental Science —— Font and color , To change the font style and color .


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