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JS interview questions (I)

2022-07-06 13:24:00 Famiglistimo66

One 、JavaScript Basics

1、 Introduction to basic data types

All programming languages have the concept of data types .

stay JavaScript in , Data types can be divided into basic data types and reference data types . The basic data types include Undefined,Null,Boolean,Number,String5 Types . stay ES6 A basic data type is added in Symbol.

There are Object,Function,Array,Date etc. .

problem : What is the difference between the two types ?

Different storage locations

difference Basic data type Reference data type
Storage location Stack (stack) Pile up (heap)
Take up space Small , Fixed size Big , Size is not fixed

Reference data types store pointers in the stack , The pointer points to the starting address of the entity in the heap . When the interpreter looks for a reference value , Will first retrieve its address in the stack , Get the address and get the entity from the heap .

[ Failed to transfer the external chain picture , The origin station may have anti-theft chain mechanism , It is suggested to save the pictures and upload them directly (img-gaOuN7U3-1644670612785)(images/ Basic data type and reference type .png)]

Now let's review the basic data types , Later, we will review the content of quotation type , And look at the corresponding common interview questions .

1.1 Undefined type

Undefined Type has only one unique literal undefined, It means that a variable does not exist .

problem : Which scenes will appear undefined?

First of all : When using variables that are declared but not initialized , Returns the undefined

var a
console.log(a) //undefined

second : When getting a nonexistent property of an object , Returns the undefined

var obj={

Third : Function has no explicit return value , But print the call result of the function

function fn(){
console.log(fn()) //undefined

Fourth : When defining a function , Multiple formal parameters are used , But the number of parameters passed during the call is less than the number of formal parameters , Then the parameter without matching is undefined

function fn(p1,p2,p3){
    console.log(p3) //undefined

1.2 Null type

Null Type has only one unique literal null, An object that represents a null pointer , It's also in use typeof Running symbol detection null Value will return object Why .

problem : Which scenes will appear null

First of all : In general , If the declared variable is to save a value later , It should be assigned to... At the time of declaration null

var obj=null
function foo(){
    return {

second :JavaScript In obtaining DOM Element time , If the specified element object is not obtained , It will return null

document.querySelector('#id') //null

Third : When using regular expressions for matching , If there is no matching result , It will return null

'test'.match(/a/);// null

1.3 Undefined And null Compare

Undefined and Null Although there are two different basic data types , But there are similarities in some cases , Let's take a look at their similarities and differences .

(1) The same thing

First of all :Undefined and Null Both data types have only one literal , Namely undefined and null.

second :Undefined and Null The type is being converted to Boolean Value of type , Will be converted to false.

Third : When you need to convert them into objects , Will throw one TypeError It's abnormal .

var a;
var b=null;
cosnole.log(a.name);//Cannot read property 'name' of undefined
cosnole.log(b.name);//Cannot read property 'name' of undefined

Fourth :Undefined Type derived from Null type , So under the comparison of non strict equality , The two are equal . As shown in the following code :

null==undefined //true

(2) Difference

First of all :null yes JavaScript Key words of , and undefined yes JavaScript A global variable of , That is to mount on window A variable on the object , It's not a keyword .

second : In the use of typeof Operator to detect ,Undefined The value of type will return undefined. and Null The value of type is returned as object

typeof undefined ;//undefined
typeof null ;//object

Third : When string type conversion is required ,null It will be converted to a string null, and undefined String will be converted undefined.

undefined+" abc" //"undefined abc"
null+" abc" //"null abc"

Fourth : When converting numeric types ,undefined Will be converted to NaN, Unable to participate in the calculation , and null Will be converted to 0, Can participate in calculation .

undefined +0;// NaN
null+0 ;// 0

The fifth : Suggest : In any case, it is not necessary to assign the value of a variable display to undefined. If you need to define a variable to save the object to be used in the future , It should be initialized to null.

1.4 Boolean type

Boolean type ( Boolean type ) The literal quantity of is only two , Namely true and false, They are case sensitive .

Boolean The most commonly used scenario is for if Sentence judgment . stay JavaScript in ,if Statement can accept any type of expression , namely if(a) Statement a, It can be Boolean,Number,String,Object,Null,Undefined Other types .

If a No Boolean Type value , that JavaScript The parser will automatically call Boolean( ) Function pair a Do type conversion , Return to the final compliance if Sentence judgment true Or is it false value .

Different types and Boolean The conversion of the value of type is Boolean The focus of the type .

First of all :String Type conversion to Boolean type

Empty characters will be converted to false, Any non empty string will be converted to true

second :Number Type conversion to Boolean type

0 and NaN Will be converted to false. Besides 0 and NaN Everything else will change true.

Third :Object Type conversion Boolean type

If object by null when , Will be converted to false, If object Not for null, Will be converted into true.

var obj={
Boolean(obj) //true

var obj=null

Fourth :Function Type conversion Boolean type

whatever Function The type will be converted to true

var fn=function(){

The fifth :Null Type conversion to Boolean type , We know Null There is only one type null value , Will be converted to false.

The sixth :Undefined Type conversion Boolean type , We know Undefined There is only one type undefined value , Will be converted to false.

1.5 Number type

stay JavaScript in ,Number Type data includes integer data , Floating point data is also included .

Let's first look at the handling of integer . Integer can be decimal , It can also be expressed in octal or hexadecimal .

First of all : octal : If you want to express a value in octal , Then the first must be 0, Other bits must be 0–7 The number of , If the following number is greater than 7, It breaks the octal rule , At this time, it will be treated as a decimal number .

var num1=024
console.log(num1) //20
var num2=079
console.log(num2) //79

num1 The first is 0 For octal , Every last number is in 0--7 Between , So it conforms to octal rule , Finally, the decimal system is 20

num2 The first is also 0, But the last one has surpassed 7, So it doesn't belong to octal , Here, it is directly treated as decimal , The final output is 79.

second : Hexadecimal :

If you want to express a value in hexadecimal , Then the first two must be 0x, The other bits must be (0–9,a--f perhaps A--F). If it's beyond that range , An exception will be thrown .

var num1=0x5f //95
var num2=Ox5h //Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token

And Boolean Same type , When other types are in contact with Number Data conversion of type , Will also abide by certain rules .

1.5.1 Number Type conversion

In actual development , We often encounter converting other types of values to Number Case of type . stay JavaScript in , Altogether 3 Functions can complete this conversion , Namely Number() function ,parseInt( ) function ,parseFloat( ) function . Let's take a look at the precautions for these functions .

Number( ) function

Number( ) Function can be used to convert any type to Number type , It follows the following rules when converting :

First of all : If it's a number , According to the corresponding hexadecimal data format , Unified conversion to decimal returns .

Number(10) //10
Number(010) // 8, 010 It's octal data , The conversion to decimal is 8
Number(0x10) // 16,0x10 Is hexadecimal data , The conversion to decimal is 16

second : If it is Boolean Type value ,true return 1,false Return yes 0

Number(true) //1
Number(false) //0

Third : If the value is null, Then return to 0

Number(null) //0

Fourth : If the value is undefined, Then return to NaN

Number(undefined) //NaN

The fifth : If the value is of string type , The following rules need to be followed

(1) If the string contains only numbers , Will be directly converted to decimal numbers ; If the number is preceded by 0, Will directly ignore this 0.

Number('21') //21
Number('012') //12

(2) If the string is a valid floating-point number , Will be directly converted to the corresponding floating-point number , The preceding multiple repeated 0 Will be deleted , Keep only one .

Number('0.12') //0.12
Number('00.12') //0.12

(3) If the string is a valid hexadecimal form , Will be converted to the corresponding decimal value

Number('0x12') //18

(4) If the string is a valid octal , Will not be converted according to octal , Instead, it is converted directly according to decimal system and output , Because the front 0 Will be directly ignored .

Number('010') //10
Number('0020') //20

(5) If the string is empty , That is, the string does not contain any characters , Or consecutive spaces , It will be converted to 0.

Number('') //0
Number(' ')//0

(6) If the string contains any discomfort above 5 Other format contents in case , Will return NaN

Number('123a') //NaN
Number('abc') //NaN

The sixth : If it's an object type , Will call the... Of the object valueOf( ) Function to get the return value , And judge whether the return value can be converted to Number type , If not , Will call the object toString( ) Function to get the return value , And judge whether it can be converted into Number type . If not satisfied , Then return to NaN.

The following is through valueOf( ) Function converts an object to Number type .

var obj={
        return this.age
Number(obj) //12

The following is through toString( ) Function converts an object to Number type .

var obj={
        return this.age

parseInt( ) function

parseInt() Function is used to parse a string , And return the integer value corresponding to the specified cardinality .

Grammar format :


among string The parameter represents the value to be parsed , If the parameter is not a string , Then you can use toString( ) Function to convert it to a string . And the blank character in front of the string will be ignored .

radix It represents the radix of base conversion , It can be binary , Decimal system , Octal and hexadecimal . The default value is 10.

Because different results may be obtained when the same number is processed with different base numbers , So in any case parseInt Function time , It is recommended to manually supplement the second parameter .

parseInt( ) Function will return the integer value after string parsing , If the string cannot be converted to Number type , Will return NaN.


In the use of parseInt When the function converts a string to an integer , Something to be aware of :

First of all : If the parameter passed in is of non string type , You need to convert it to string type first . Even if the incoming data is integer .

second :parseInt( ) When the function is converting , The principle of pre matching will be adopted for the incoming string .


For strings fg123, Start with the first character ,f Is to meet the hexadecimal data , Because the range of hexadecimal data is 0--9,a--f, So keep f, Then there is the second character g, It does not meet the hexadecimal data range , Therefore, the second character is discarded from the last character , The final string only retains characters f, Then put the character f Convert to hexadecimal data , by 15, Therefore, the final result returned is 15.

Another thing to note is , If arithmetic operations are involved in the incoming string , It won't be implemented , Arithmetic symbols are treated as characters .

parseInt('16*2')// 16, Here, it is directly treated as a string , Does not perform multiplication 
parseInt(16*2) // 32 

Third : Dealing with floating point numbers

If the value passed in is a floating point number , The decimal point and the number after it will be ignored , Round directly .

parseInt(12.98) //12

Fourth :map( ) Function and parseInt( ) Function problem

Let's assume a scenario , There is an array , Every element in the array is a numeric string ,[‘1’,‘2’,‘3’,‘4’], If you convert all the elements in this array to integers , How to deal with it ?

Here we may think of using map( ) function , Then call... In this function parseInt( ) Function to complete the conversion . So the code is as follows :

      var arr = ["1", "2", "3", "4"];
      var result = arr.map(parseInt);

The result of executing the above procedure is :[1,NaN,NaN,NaN]

Why does this happen ?

The above code is equivalent to the following code

 var arr = ["1", "2", "3", "4"];
      // var result = arr.map(parseInt);
      var result = arr.map(function (val, index) {
        return parseInt(val, index);

Through the above code , You can find ,parseInt The second parameter of the function is actually the index value of the array . therefore , The overall form is as follows :

parseInt('1',0) //  Any integer in 0 When rounding the radix , Will return to itself , So what's going back here is 1
parseInt('2',1) // Be careful parseInt The value range of the second parameter is 2--36, So it doesn't meet the conditions , You can only go back here NaN
parseInt('3',2) //  It means that you will 3 Process as binary , But binary only has 0 and 1, therefore 3 Out of range , Unable to convert , return `NaN`
parseInt('4',3) // take 4 Treat as ternary , however 4 Cannot be represented by ternary data , return NaN

So when we were map( ) Use in a function parseInt( ) Function time , Can't directly parseInt( ) Function as map( ) The parameters of the function , It needs to be map( ) Function in the callback function , And try to specify the cardinality . The code is as follows :

      var arr = ["1", "2", "3", "4"];
      var result = arr.map(function (val) {
        return parseInt(val, 10);

