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Let the bullets fly for a while

2022-07-06 08:18:00 Non famous programmer

The male number on it 「 Acer Lang 」, It's a spare number for me , In case the big one loses contact one day , I usually send about three of my thoughts a week , Reading notes , Cognitive perception and other articles , Lead us to explore the road of spiritual and financial freedom .

Actually , Before stimulation and response , There should be a space , We can call it : Before stimulation and response , Let the bullet fly for a while .

Why do you do this ? Actually , It's simple , Let me give you an example , Everyone is clear .

Today is the era of mobile Internet , Everyone is from the media , This means that everyone can speak , Do we often see various reversal events on the Internet ?

such as : Someone broke the news that he had been treated unfairly , Being bullied , Then he told a story about himself and others , I feel that the party concerned is really pathetic .

so what ? Netizens stood in line one after another , Scold the bad man who bullied the party . When another person comes out to tell the truth , You just found out , I went. I was cheated , The plot is full of ups and downs , Flip repeatedly .

Netizens who are cursory , Stand here later , Stand there later , Being fooled around .

This is actually a phenomenon , Conform to the economic principles of cognition and thinking , therefore , Most netizens will always be fooled by the plot .

Human cognition and thinking abide by an economic principle : Try to save effort , Apply an existing model to a bunch of phenomena , And give a conclusion —— This is the characteristic of our cognition , If you want to get rid of it, you can't get rid of it .“ management ” It is precisely to recognize the weakness of human nature , Then use certain methods and measures to correct this weakness and error .

I said a word before : People avoid real thinking , What are you willing to do . This is in line with the economic principle of saving effort as much as possible in people's cognition and thinking .

We need to use 「 Delay judgment 」 Learn to manage yourself .

“ Delay judgment ” Not procrastination , But return to a situation , That is to restore the truth . To restore the truth, we must return from static to dynamic .

Because the world is not only complex , And it's dynamic , The world is constantly blooming possibilities . Judgments based on real facts may change in the next second , Because the scene will change , New possibilities will emerge , You need to delay judgment .

When you look at the world, the time period is different , The world you see is different .

I saw such a group of pictures on the Internet before , First I saw a cock , Cockscomb scarlet ; Then you find , This cock is the design on a stamp ; Then you find , The image turns into a girl holding an envelope , And the stamp is pasted on the upper left corner of the envelope ; Then you find , The girl with the envelope , It's just the content of a poster posted on the wall ; After that , The poster is just a part of a busy street view .

If you are in a hurry to judge , You will think that what you see is a live animal , Only when you delay judgment , You can better restore the truth , Better see the whole picture of things .

The old saying often says , Seeing is believing. , In fact, the truth of the world is a complex polyhedron , What you see may be just a face , It's not like mastering the truth . We are always alert , The so-called truth in hand now , Is it just a piece of jigsaw puzzle ? It's too early to judge now ? Only so , To get rid of many cognitive fallacies .

The world is changeable , Our means of knowing the world should also change , To meet the requirements of cognition . Cognition plus the dimension of time , Add the dimension of space , In order to better prevent a leaf from blinding the eyes .

therefore , Back to our first sentence : Between stimulus and response , Let the bullet fly for a while . You do this. , You will find that you are not so easy to fall into the trap of blind narrow thinking .

This is delayed judgment , Delay decision making .

Last , If you like knowledge and cognition , Ideological articles , Welcome to click on the card below , Follow my new number 「 Acer Lang 」, It's full of my thoughts .

Click on the card above to follow me

Let's explore the path of wealth and spiritual freedom

Focus on :

Human cognition and thinking abide by an economic principle : Try to save effort , Apply an existing model to a bunch of phenomena , And give a conclusion —— This is the characteristic of our cognition , If you want to get rid of it, you can't get rid of it .

Cognition plus the dimension of time , Add the dimension of space , In order to better prevent a leaf from blinding the eyes .


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