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Lecture 1: the entry node of the link in the linked list

2022-07-08 00:28:00 Fight! Sao Nian!

subject : The entry node of a link in a list
Given a linked list , If it contains rings , Then the inlet node of the output ring .

If it does not contain a ring , The output null.

Data range
node val Value range [1,1000].
Chain length [0,500].

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Given the linked list shown above :
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Be careful , there 2 Indicates that the number is 2 The node of , Node number from 0 Start . So the number is 2 The node of is val be equal to 3 The node of .

Then the inlet node of the output ring 3.

title :
Method 1 : Hashtable
We can use unordered_set, To save the node pointer , If the same pointer is found (set The size of the remains the same ), It means the entry node

Method 2 : Speed pointer
principle : Two steps at a time , Slow pointer one step at a time , If there is a ring, it must meet
Pictured , Suppose the slow pointer starts from a Go to the b Finally, I met the fast pointer in c, If the slow pointer returns to b spot , Then the fast pointer will return to d spot ( Because I will walk more y Step )
Then we can find that when the slow pointer goes b spot , Then the pointer will go to d spot ( Because of the fallback ), that x+y It will be an integral multiple of the circle ( In fact, the fast pointer may have gone through many circles , But it doesn't affect , It is equivalent to the remainder operation )
Finally, we move the slow pointer to the starting point , The two pointers take the same number of steps , Will meet at the entrance ( Because the fast pointer has gone y Step , To walk again x Step will definitely be b spot , And slow the pointer x Step will also be in b spot )

Number of executions :x+y+2x+2y+2x=5x+3y( because x+y Less than the total length , So time complexity 0(n))
 Insert picture description here

/** * Definition for singly-linked list. * struct ListNode { * int val; * ListNode *next; * ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {} * }; */
class Solution {
    ListNode *entryNodeOfLoop(ListNode *head) {
        if(!head)return NULL;
        set<ListNode *> s;
            int size=s.size();
            if(size==s.size())return head;
        return NULL;

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