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Large scale DDoS attacks take Myanmar offline

2022-07-06 02:31:00 zy18165754120

At the time of the attack , The country's - Officially known as the Republic of the union of Myanmar - Is for 20 Preparing for the first real election in years .

According to the DDoS/IP Experts Arbor Networks call , since 10 month 25 Since the first attack began on August , Internet connections in Myanmar have been intermittent .

Arbor Networks The chief safety scientist of Craig Labovitz Doctor on his security blog Reported in DDoS attack , He said that the Burmese government had been 2007 The Internet link of the country was cut off in , To suppress the growing political unrest .

He said :“ In the past few days , A rapidly escalating large-scale DDoS Attacked the Ministry of Posts and telecommunications, Myanmar's main Internet provider (MPT), Disrupted most of the network traffic entering and leaving the country .”

according to Labovitz What the doctor said , Although the motive of this attack is not clear , but Twitter And some blogs are full of speculation , From blaming the Burmese government ( stay 11 month 7 Pre emptively destroy Internet connections before the Japanese election ) To the still mysterious motives of external attackers .

Arbor Networks The chief scientist of said , Myanmar Times Reports said , Since last Monday , The attack continued .

“ We estimate Myanmar's DDoS Be situated between 10 To 15 Gbps( Enough to overwhelm the country 45 Mbps T3 Hundreds of times the ground and satellite links )”, He said .

“DDoS Including for MP Address block (、、 and Multiple internal IP Dozens of separate attack components of the address ( for example TCP syn、rst flood) ). Attacks also seem to be fairly distributed ,ATLAS The data shows that the attack traffic spans 20 More suppliers , With a wide range of source addresses ”, He added .

according to Labovitz What the doctor said , Although for e-commerce and commercial websites DDoS Attacks are common , But geopolitically motivated large-scale attacks —— Especially needles ​​ An attack on the whole country —— Still very rare , But there are Some obvious exceptions .

“ With 10-15 Gbps The speed of , Myanmar's attack is also better than 2007 Georgia (814 Mbps) And Estonian DDoS The attack is much bigger . At the beginning of the year , Myanmar dissident website ( Hosted abroad ) I've also received DDoS attack ,” He said .

