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Registration opportunity of autowiredannotationbeanpostprocessor under annotation development mode
2022-07-02 19:31:00 【Light dust ×】
Annotation mode
Write a test method ,new Yes. AnnotationConfigApplicationContext , Appoint basePackages
public void test() {
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ac = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext("com.zubus.bean");
BeforeInstantiation bean = ac.getBean(BeforeInstantiation.class);
Into the this()
It will new One AnnotatedBeanDefinitionReader
new AnnotatedBeanDefinitionReader() In the process of , There is a different line of code
Continue to follow up
It is in this method , hold AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor Your registration is Set<BeanDefinitionHolder> in
xml The way
In the use of xml In the process of mode development , Our program entry is generally ClassPathXmlApplicationContext
public void test() throws Exception{
ClassPathXmlApplicationContext applicationContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("spring-test.xml");
Student student = (Student)applicationContext.getBean("student");
System.out.println(student.getUsername()+" "+student.getPassword());
establish ClassPathXmlApplicationContext when , Would call this Constructors
Call the parent constructor in the constructor , Finish loading some properties , And the resolution of the configuration file path , Then get to the point ——refresh()
At the core refresh() In the method , One step is to create BeanFactory
establish BeanFactory after , It incidentally brings our xml The configuration file is also parsed
establish BeanFactory, then loadBeanDefinitions
loadBeanDefinitions The process is complicated , Those who are interested can go line by line degbug Source code , Here are a few key steps
Several of the same name loadBeanDefinitions Tune in and out , It's best to transfer to a real worker doLoadBeanDefinitions
loadBeanDefinitions Not the focus of attention this time ,doLoadBeanDefinitions There is no need to delve into the details of , What's important is that doLoadBeanDefinitions After completion , I just got one Document Get object , It's not what we want bean Defining information , namely BeanDefinition, So we went on a call registerBeanDefinitions Steps for
In this registerBeanDefinitions In the process of , Nine twists and eighteen turns
Also tone do The first method is to do real work
Start parsing the previous Document 了
There are two types of parsed tags , One is DefaultElement, One is CustomElement
A digression , What is? DefaultElement, These four are , Namely import、alias、bean、beans, let me put it another way , Except for these four , Everything else is CustomElement
In my test environment , The first label is context, Nature is walking parseCustomElement
Then continue to analyze
Transfer to NamespaceHandlerSupport Of parse Method
Further down is ComponentScanBeanDefinitionParser Of parse Method , It's finally over , The tag is parsed and encapsulated into BeanDefinitionHolder, Then there is another action registerComponents
It's this humble little action ,registerComponents, It contains mystery
This one in here AnnotationConfigUtils.registerAnnotationConfigProcessors, Are you familiar with it? Yes , I'm here again , That's it AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor Registration of
It's much more complicated than annotation , It's too deep , To make a long story short , In short ,xml The way is to create the container ,loadBeanDefinitions Registered at .
thus , Under two development modes AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor We have mastered the registration time
This is just registration , The next step is to analyze where it was not created as an object
The next step is to analyze where it is called and executed
Please look at the next breakdown ~
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