当前位置:网站首页>ZABBIX API creates hosts in batches according to the host information in Excel files
ZABBIX API creates hosts in batches according to the host information in Excel files
2022-07-02 02:53:00 【Xiaobo】
example :excel The file consists of the following data : Host name - Visible name -ip Address - Port number - Host group - Mount template name
Py The code is as follows :
from openpyxl import load_workbook
import json
import urllib.request
min_line = 2 # Define the row from which to read data , Need to be revised
max_line = 9 # What line of data does the definition end in , Need to be revised
# The number of columns ( I.e. header ) Should be fixed , In this example, the data is divided into 6 Class is 6 Column , No longer define variables , Adjust according to the number of columns GetHostInfo The value used in the function Need to be revised
HostName_list = [] # Define host Hostname list
Visible_HostName_list = [] # Define the host visible name list
HostIP_list = [] # Define host IP list
HostPort_list = [] # Define host port list
HostGroup_list = [] # Define host group list
HostTemplate_list = [] # Define the host template list
class ZabbixApi:
def __init__(self): # Initialization information modify
self.url = 'http://192.10.10.xx/api_jsonrpc.php'
self.user = 'Admin'
self.passwd = 'zabbix'
self.header = {"Content-Type": "application/json-rpc"}
# self.auth = self.UserLogin()
def UserLogin(self): # api Login operation
data = {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "user.login",
"params": {
"user": self.user,
"password": self.passwd
"id": 0
return self.UrlRequest(data)
def UrlRequest(self, data):
request = urllib.request.Request(self.url, json.dumps(data).encode('utf-8'), self.header)
result = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
response = json.loads(result.read().decode('utf-8'))
return response
def GetHostInfo(self): # take excel All host information in the file is stored in the corresponding list
wb = load_workbook('zabbix_host_add.xlsx')
ws = wb.active
for row in ws.iter_rows(min_row=min_line, max_col=6, max_row=max_line, values_only=True):
def CreateHost(self): # Create add host
rows_number = max_line - min_line + 1
for i in range(rows_number):
# following ID Modify according to the actual value of the environment
if HostGroup_list[i] == 'zabbix_test1':
GroupID = 18
if HostGroup_list[i] == 'zabbix_test2':
GroupID = 19
if HostTemplate_list[i] == 'Template App Zabbix Server':
TemplateID = 10047
if HostTemplate_list[i] == 'Template Module Linux CPU by Zabbix agent':
TemplateID = 10272
# Pay attention to the parameters "interfaces" Fill in all required items in ,(dns Don't ignore ) Otherwise, an error will be reported 'data': 'Incorrect arguments passed to function.'
data = {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "host.create",
"params": {
"host": HostName_list[i],
"name": Visible_HostName_list[i],
"groups": {
"name": HostGroup_list[i],
"groupid": GroupID
"interfaces": {
"main": 1,
"useip": 1,
"type": 1,
"dns": "",
"port": HostPort_list[i],
"ip": HostIP_list[i]
"templates": {
"host": HostTemplate_list[i],
"templateid": TemplateID
"auth": token,
"id": 1
print(f" Creating host -{i}: {HostName_list[i]}")
if i == rows_number - 1:
return " All hosts have been created !"
if __name__ == '__main__':
zapi = ZabbixApi()
response = zapi.UserLogin()
token = response['result']
print(f' Identity token is "{token}"')
info = zapi.CreateHost()
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