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The basic usage of JMeter BeanShell. The following syntax can only be used in BeanShell

2022-07-06 01:04:00 Amen's love

One 、 background

BeanShell By java Compiling , Is a lightweight scripting language , It is also equivalent to a small free JAVA Source interpreter , Support for object-oriented scripting language features , It can also be embedded in JAVA In the source code , Can dynamically execute JAVA Source code and extends some features of scripting language .

Two 、BeanShell Bring your own grammar

// 1. Log printing 
log.info(" This is my first beanshell");
log.error(" This is my first beanshell");
// 2. Variables within a thread   It can be done by 
vars.put("name"," Zhang San ");
String name = vars.get("name");
log.info("----- Thread variable name:"+name);

// 3. Add get global variables 
props.put("_name"," Li Si ");
String _name = props.get("_name");
log.info("----- Global variables _name:"+_name);
// 4.  Get the sampler in front 
String preCode = prev.getResponseCode();
String preData = prev.getResponseDataAsString();
log.info(" Get the shape code of the previous sampler ---》"+preCode);
log.info(" Get the return value of the previous sampler ---》"+preData);

3、 ... and 、 quote java Code processing complex logic

3.1 Mode one direct writing java Code

public int add(int a,int b)   {
        int count = a+b;
        return count;

3.2 Mode two introduce .java file

//  Mode two   call .java  file 
MainTest test = new MainTest();

3.3 Mode three introduce .jar file

Failure !


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