Spark AQE
About the slmgr command
The relationship between FPGA internal hardware structure and code
Keepalive component cache does not take effect
Classical concurrency problem: the dining problem of philosophers
Start from the bottom structure and learn the introduction of fpga---fifo IP core and its key parameters
Idea remotely submits spark tasks to the yarn cluster
Uniapp development, packaged as H5 and deployed to the server
LeetCode 6006. Take out the least number of magic beans
Natural language processing (NLP) - third party Library (Toolkit):allenlp [library for building various NLP models; based on pytorch]
[groovy] JSON serialization (convert class objects to JSON strings | convert using jsonbuilder | convert using jsonoutput | format JSON strings for output)
Notepad + + regular expression replace String
Global and Chinese market of digital serial inverter 2022-2028: Research Report on technology, participants, trends, market size and share
[Online gadgets] a collection of online gadgets that will be used in the development process
Leetcode 44 Wildcard matching (2022.02.13)
MIT博士论文 | 使用神经符号学习的鲁棒可靠智能系统
Spark DF adds a column
[groovy] compile time metaprogramming (compile time method injection | method injection using buildfromspec, buildfromstring, buildfromcode)
Introduction of motor
Recognize the small experiment of extracting and displaying Mel spectrum (observe the difference between different y_axis and x_axis)
[groovy] JSON serialization (jsonbuilder builder | generates JSON string with root node name | generates JSON string without root node name)
Problems and solutions of converting date into specified string in date class
LeetCode 6005. The minimum operand to make an array an alternating array