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Browser reflow and redraw

2022-07-06 00:24:00 Zhouxiaofeng

1. Rendering in the browser

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From the top , We can see , The browser rendering process is as follows :

  • analysis HTML, Generate DOM Trees , analysis CSS, Generate CSSOM Trees
  • take DOM Trees and CSSOM Tree combined with , Generate render tree (Render Tree)
  • Layout( backflow ): According to the generated render tree , To return (Layout), Get the geometric information of the node ( Location , size )
  • Painting( Repaint ): Geometric information from the render tree and backflow , Gets the absolute pixels of the node
  • Display: Send pixels to GPU, Displayed on the page .

1.1 Generate render tree

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To build the render tree , The browser does the following :

  • from DOM The root node of the tree begins traversing each visible node .
  • For each of the visible nodes , find CSSOM The corresponding rule in the tree , And apply them .
  • According to each visible node and its corresponding style , Composition generates the render tree .

Invisible nodes include :

  • Some nodes that do not render output , such as script、meta、link etc. .
  • Some of the css Hidden nodes . such as display:none.

Be careful :

  • utilize visibility and opacity Hidden node , It will still be on the render tree . Only display:none Is not displayed on the render tree .
  • The render tree contains only visible nodes

1.2 backflow

When rendering trees (render Tree) Part of ( Or all ) Because of the size of the element , Layout , Changes such as hiding need to be rebuilt . This process is called reflow (reflow), That is to rearrange (relayout).

1.3 Repaint

When render tree Some of the elements in the , These attributes only affect the appearance of the element , style , It doesn't affect the layout , such as background-color . It's called redrawing .

2. When reflux repainting occurs

In the reflow stage, it is necessary to calculate the position and geometric information of nodes , When page layout and geometric information changes , You need to go back .

  • Add or remove visible DOM Elements
  • The position of the element changes
  • The size of the element changes ( Including margins 、 Within the frame 、 The frame size 、 Height and width, etc )
  • Content changes , Such as text changes or an image being replaced by another image of a different size .
  • When the page starts to render ( It can't be avoided )
  • The window size of the browser changes ( Because the backflow is based on the size of the viewport to calculate the location and size of the element )

Backflow must redraw , Repainting does not necessarily cause backflow . Redraw and backflow occur frequently when we set the node style , It can also significantly affect performance . The cost of backflow is much higher , Changing the children in the parent node is likely to cause a series of backflows to the parent node . Depending on the scope and extent of the change , More or less some nodes in the rendering tree need to be recalculated , Some changes will also trigger the rearrangement of the entire page .

3. Browser optimization mechanism

Each rearrangement results in additional computational overhead , Therefore, most browsers optimize the rearrangement process by queueing changes and executing them in batches . The browser queues up the changes , Until some time has passed or the operation has reached a threshold , Before emptying the queue . however ! When you get the operation of the layout information , A queue refresh is forced , Such as when you access the following properties or use the following methods :

  • offsetTop、offsetLeft、offsetWidth、offsetHeight
  • scrollTop、scrollLeft、scrollWidth、scrollHeight
  • clientTop、clientLeft、clientWidth、clientHeight
  • getComputedStyle()
  • getBoundingClientRect

Both the above properties and methods need to return the latest layout information , So the browser has to clear the queue , Triggers a backflow redraw to return the correct value . therefore , While we're modifying the style , It is best to avoid using the properties listed above , They all refresh the render queue .

4. Reduce backflow and redraw

4.1 Minimize redrawing and rearranging

Avoid frequent operation styles , Merge multiple pairs of DOM And style modification .

  • One time rewrite style attribute
  • Use cssText Instead of modifying the style many times
  • Define the style as class, One-time modification class attribute

4.2 Batch modification without document flow DOM

When we need to be right DOM When you make a series of changes , You can reduce the number of backflow redraws by following these steps :

  • Detach the element from the document stream
  • Make several changes to it
  • Brings the element back into the document .

The first and third steps of the process may cause reflux , But after the first step , Yes DOM None of the changes to the will cause backflow , Because it's not rendering trees anymore .

There are three ways to do this DOM Off stream :

  • Hidden elements , Application of modified , To display , This will show and hide nodes , Produce two redraws .
  • Using document fragments (document fragment) At present DOM Build a subtree outside , Application of modified , Copy it back into the document .
  • Copies the original element to a node that is detached from the document , After modifying the node , Replace the original element .

4.3 Avoid backflow caused by frequent reads / Redrawn properties

When we access some attributes of the element , Causes the browser to force the queue to be emptied , Do a forced synchronous layout . Attributes that need to be used multiple times , Use variables to cache , Avoid direct reading .

4.4 For complex animation elements, use absolute positioning to separate them from the document flow

For complex animation effects , This often causes backflow redrawing , therefore , We can use absolute positioning , Detach it from the document stream . This causes frequent backflow of parent and subsequent elements .

4.5 CSS3 Hardware acceleration (GPU Speed up )

Use css3 Hardware acceleration , It can make transform、opacity、filters These animations do not cause backflow redraw . But for other properties of animation , such as background-color these , It still causes backflow to redraw , But it can still improve the performance of these animations .

Common trigger for hardware acceleration css attribute :

  • transform
  • opacity
  • filter
  • Will-change

css3 Disadvantages of hardware acceleration

  • If you use too many elements css3 Hardware acceleration , This results in a large memory footprint , There will be performance issues .
  • stay GPU Rendering fonts will cause anti-aliasing to be ineffective . This is because GPU and CPU The algorithm is different . So if you don't turn off hardware acceleration at the end of the animation , It will create font blur .

4.6 Other details

  • Use CSS Instead of directly modifying the position or size of elements, animation .
  • Use visibility Replace display: none , Because the former only causes a redraw , The latter causes backflow ( Changed the layout )
  • Avoid modifying element styles in batches in loops .
  • Avoid using table Layout , Maybe a small change will make the whole thing table relayout .
  • JS Used in animation requestAnimationFrame replace setTimeout and setInterval.
  • CSS The selector matches from right to left , Avoid excessive node hierarchy
  • Set nodes that are frequently redrawn or backdrawn to layers , The layer prevents the rendering behavior of this node from affecting other nodes . such as video、canvas label , The browser will automatically turn the node into a layer
  • As far as possible DOM The end of the tree changes class.
  • Avoid multiple inline styles .
  • Apply animation effects to position The attribute is absolute or fixed Elements on .
  • Avoid using CSS expression ( for example :calc()).

requestAnimationFrame Compared with setTimeout、setInterval There are two main advantages of :

  • requestAnimationFrame Will put all the DOM Operations together , Done in one redraw or reflow , And the interval between redraws or reflows closely follows the refresh rate of the browser , Generally speaking , This frequency is per second 60 frame .
  • In hidden or invisible elements ,requestAnimationFrame Will not redraw or reflow , Which of course means less cpu,gpu And memory usage .

stop it requestAnimationFrame

Is there something like clearTimeout and clearInterval A similar approach like this ? Yes .cancelAnimationFrame() Receive a parameter requestAnimationFrame The default is to return a id,cancelAnimationFrame Just pass in this id You can stop .

