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Spark DF增加一列
2022-07-06 00:23:00 【南风知我意丿】
val trdd = input.select(targetColumns).rdd.map(x=>{
if (x.get(0).toString().toDouble > critValueR || x.get(0).toString().toDouble < critValueL)
else Row(x.get(0).toString().toDouble,"T")
val schema = input.select(targetColumns).schema.add("flag", StringType, true)
val sample3 = ss.createDataFrame(trdd, schema).distinct().withColumnRenamed(targetColumns, "idx")
val code :(Int => String) = (arg: Int) => {
if (arg > critValueR || arg < critValueL) "F" else "T"}
val addCol = udf(code)
val sample3 = input.select(targetColumns).withColumn("flag", addCol(input(targetColumns)))
.withColumnRenamed(targetColumns, "idx")
val sample3 = ss.sqlContext.sql("select distinct "+targetColname+
" as idx,case when "+targetColname+">"+critValueR+" then 'F'"+
" when "+targetColname+"<"+critValueL+" then 'F' else 'T' end as flag from tmp")
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.monotonically_increasing_id
val inputnew = input.withColumn("idx", monotonically_increasing_id)
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