# encoding: utf-8 import requests import urllib.request import numpy as np import os ,stat import pickle as pkl import cv2 as cv import xlrd def getImg(url, basedir, filename): try: urllib.request.urlretrieve(url,filename=basedir+"{name}.jpg".format(name = filename)) except IOError as e: print("IOE ERROR") except Exception as e: print("Exception") def loadPkl(name): if not os.path.exists(name): color_feature = {} data = open(name, 'wb') pkl.dump(color_feature, data) data.close() data = open(name, 'rb') return pkl.load(data) def savePkl(color_feature, name): data = open(name, 'wb') pkl.dump(color_feature, data) data.close() def getImgInfoFromCsv(filename): data = xlrd.open_workbook(filename) try: sh = data.sheet_by_name("Sheet1") except: print(" There is no such document !!!") nrows = sh.nrows # Get the number of lines ncols = sh.ncols # Get the number of columns res = {} # Get the data from the table and store it in the rowlist in for i in range(1, nrows): img_id = sh.cell_value(i, 0) img_url = sh.cell_value(i, 1) res[img_id] = img_url return res def getImgInfoFromTxt(filename): res = {} with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: data = f.readlines() for i in data: if i.strip().split(" ")[0] not in res: res[i.strip().split(" ")[0]] = i.strip().split(" ")[1] return res def getColorFeature(img): return 1, 2, 3, 4 # img_info example: {img_id, : "http://ww.png"} def processColorFeature(img_info, color_feature): for i in img_info.keys(): url = img_info[i] file = requests.get(url) img = cv.imdecode(np.fromstring(file.content, np.uint8), 1) a, b, c, d = getColorFeature(img) color_feature[i] = [a, b, c, d] return color_feature def pklToTxt(source, dim): data = open(source, 'w') feature_info = pkl.load(data) with open(dim, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for i in feature_info.keys(): temp = i + " " + " ".join(feature_info[i]) + "\n" f.write(temp) if __name__ == "__main__": savename = "banner_color.pickle" info_name = "" #get history color feature color_feature = loadPkl(savename) #get origin img information img_info = getImgInfoFromCsv(info_name) #process feature = processColorFeature(img_info, color_feature) #save result savePkl(feature, savename)