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Raki's notes on reading paper: soft gazetteers for low resource named entity recognition

2022-07-05 04:25:00 Sleeping Raki

Abstract & Introduction & Related Work

  • Research tasks
    Low resource named entity recognition
  • Existing methods and related work
    1. Will be based on discourse tags 、 Morphology and manually created entity list ( It is called place name index ) The integration of linguistic features into neural models will lead to Achieve better on English data NER
  • Facing the challenge
    1. However, it is difficult to integrate the features of place name dictionaries directly into these models , Because the Toponymic dictionaries of these languages either have limited coverage , Or not at all . Due to the lack of annotators of available low resource languages , Expanding them takes time and money .
  • Innovative ideas
    1. Introduced soft-gazetteers, A method of creating gazetteer features with continuous values based on ready-made data from high resource languages and large English knowledge bases
    2. The entity connection method is used
  • The experimental conclusion
    Our experiments have proved the effectiveness of our proposed soft place name dictionary feature , Among the four low resource languages , Average ratio baseline Improved 4 individual F1 spot . The four languages are : Kinyarwanda 、 Oromo 、 Sinhala and Tigrinya ( What kind of language ?)

Binary Gazetteer Features

Binary gazetteer features are used to indicate the corresponding n-gram Whether it appears in the gazetteer

Entity Linking

Entity link (EL) Is the name of the entity mention Rather than in a structured knowledge base (KB) Tasks associated with the corresponding entries in (Hachey wait forsomeone ,2013). for example , Entities to be mentioned " Mars " Link to Wikipedia entries . In most entity linking systems (Hachey wait forsomeone ,2013 year ;Sil wait forsomeone ,2018 year ), The first step is to screen out candidates KB entry , These entries are further processed by the entity disambiguation Algorithm . Candidate search method , Generally speaking , Also according to the input mention Score each candidate result

Soft Gazetteer Features

Creating gazetteers for low resource languages is difficult , We propose a list of soft lands , The value of comparing specific specified gazetteer features is 0 or 1, The soft land list is continuous , Its value is between 0 To 1 Between

For each of these span, We assume that there is an entity link extraction method that returns a series of candidate structured knowledge bases , And rank the candidate results
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Try different ways , Candidate list to generate feature vectors :

  1. Select only top1
  2. choose top3, Three eigenvectors
  3. about top3, Judgment and candidate types t Is it consistent
  4. Before calculation 30 Type count of candidates
  5. Calculate the difference between two consecutive scores
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We try different combinations of these features by splicing their respective vectors . The connected vector passes through a vector with tanh Nonlinear fully connected neural network layer , And then for NER In the model

Named Entity Recognition Model

Adding an automatic encoder to reconstruct handmade features will lead to NER Performance improvement . The automatic encoder will BiLSTM As input to a with sigmoid Activate the full connection layer of the function , And reconstruct the features . This has forced BiLSTM Retain information from features . The cross entropy loss of feature reconstruction of soft place name dictionary is the goal of automatic encoder , L A E L_{AE} LAE

The loss of training is CRF And self encoder loss The synthesis of
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Soft gazetteer methods

We tested different candidate retrieval methods designed for low resource languages . These methods are only trained with Wikipedia's small bilingual dictionary , Its scale is similar to that of the place name dictionary

  • WIKIMEN:WikiMention Methods are used in several of the most advanced EL In the system , among , Links to bilingual Wikipedia are used to retrieve appropriate English KB The candidate
  • Pivot-based-entity-linking: This method uses n-gram Neural embedding method (Wieting wait forsomeone ,2016) Encoding entity references at the character level , And calculate its relation with KB Similarity of items . We experimented with two variants , And follow Zhou wait forsomeone (2020) Super parameter selection .
    1)PBELSUPERVISED: Train according to a small number of bilingual Wikipedia links in the target low resource language .
    2)PBELZERO: In some high resource languages (“ Fulcrum ”) Training , And transfer to the target language in the way of zero starting point . The transfer language we use is Swahili for Kinyarwanda , Indonesian is used for Oromo , Hindi is used in Sinhala , And Amharic for Tigre


As the upper limit of accuracy , We compare it with two powerful human systems .

  • ORACLEEL: For the soft place name dictionary , We assume a perfect candidate search , If the content mentioned is not NIL, Always return the correct KB Items as primary candidates .
  • ORACLEGAZ: We artificially increase by adding all named entities to the place name dictionary BINARYGAZ The capacity of . All named entities in our dataset .

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We propose a low resource NER How to create features , And it shows its effectiveness in four low resource languages . Possible future directions include the use of a combination of more complex feature designs and candidate retrieval methods


The model is very simple , This soft land listing method feels a little complicated (

Anyway, it's OK


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