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Openshift deployment application
2022-07-02 08:36:00 【freesharer】
OpenShift Deploy the application
openshift Support the following ways to create applications
- Create applications from images
- Create an application from source code
- Create an application from a template
OpenShift Create user
Openshift After cluster deployment , There is one. kubeadmin The default user , But you can't edit and change the password , Therefore, the best practice and solution is to create a new user and upgrade the user's permission to cluster-admin
, Convenient for subsequent login console.
stay OpenShift Use identity providers in (identity provider ) To authenticate , Therefore, you need to choose one before creating users identity provider, The simplest provider is htpasswd,htpasswd Just a simple file , Include user name and password , It does not require any complicated installation or setup .
Here's how to use htpasswd The provider is OpenShift The cluster creates some administrator users . It is not recommended to set this authentication method in the production cluster , It's not safe . Users cannot easily change their passwords in this way , And any administrator can enter and read htpasswd The content of the document .
1、 establish htpasswd Document and OAuth Provider ,ubuntu Default by oneself htpasswd
First , Create an empty htpasswd file , The following operations are bastion Node execution .
touch htpasswd
2、 Next , Use htpasswd
The command adds the user and password to the file .
htpasswd -Bb htpasswd admin Openshift#123
3、 stay openshift-config
Create a Secret . This includes htpasswd The full content of the document , In order to OpenShift You can read it to verify the user name and password :
oc --user=admin create secret generic htpasswd \
--from-file=htpasswd \
-n openshift-config
4、 Now create in the cluster OAuth Custom resources , Configure only 1 individual Identity provider htpasswd. This refers to the one just created above Secret :
oc replace -f - <<API apiVersion: config.openshift.io/v1 kind: OAuth metadata: name: cluster spec: identityProviders: - name: Local Password mappingMethod: claim type: HTPasswd htpasswd: fileData: name: htpasswd API
5、 Create a group for administrator users :
oc adm groups new mylocaladmins
6、 Add users to groups :
oc adm groups add-users mylocaladmins admin
7、 Log back in OpenShift Console, There are many login methods , choice Local Password, Enter the username and password :admin Openshift#123 Log in .
After logging in again , You can see that a new one has been created admin user
OpenShift Use deployment to create applications
1、 Projects allow users to organize and manage their content in separate spaces , But in part openshift- and kube- The first item is the default item , Run the system components of the cluster ,openshift It is not recommended or restricted that users run under these projects pod Or service .
Create a new project first , Namespace , Switch to the Project menu bar , Here we use demo Project as an example
2、 Click deploy in the workload , Switch to the one created above demo project , Click Create deployment , namely deployment Application of type
3、 Modification example yaml To configure , Note that the image must be nonroot type , And can't listen 1024 The following ports , Choose here dockerhub Upper bitnami nginx Mirror image .
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: example
namespace: demo
app: nginx
replicas: 3
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: >-
- containerPort: 8080
4、 Click create , wait for pod Status as running
5、 Create services for deployed applications , Switch to the network , Click Service , Create services
modify yaml For , Pay attention to revision selector And port , Be consistent with the deployed application
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: example
namespace: demo
app: nginx
- protocol: TCP
port: 8080
targetPort: 8080
6、 Finally, create a route for the deployed application , To access outside the cluster
The configuration is as follows , The host name is consistent with the initial planning of the cluster , The domain name format is :*.apps.okd4.example.com
After the route is created, it is shown as follows , Click the location to directly access
7、 Or manually enter the routing address in the browser to access the application :http://example.apps.okd4.example.com/
8、 You can also use the command mode to deploy the application from the specified image , Appoint dockerhub Upper nginx Mirror image
[email protected]:~# oc new-app --image=docker.io/bitnami/nginx:1.20.2
--> Found container image ec80aa6 (3 hours old) from docker.io for "docker.io/bitnami/nginx:1.20.2"
* An image stream tag will be created as "nginx:1.20.2" that will track this image
--> Creating resources ...
imagestream.image.openshift.io "nginx" created
deployment.apps "nginx" created
service "nginx" created
--> Success
Application is not exposed. You can expose services to the outside world by executing one or more of the commands below:
'oc expose service/nginx'
Run 'oc status' to view your app.
Automatically create deployment and service, But you need to manually create routes to expose applications outside the cluster
[email protected]:~# oc expose service/nginx
route.route.openshift.io/nginx exposed
OpenShift Use the development perspective to create applications
1、 Switch to the developer perspective , Click Add , Select container mirror
2、 Mirror selection dockerhub Mirror image :docker.io/bitnami/nginx:1.20.2
You can also choose The image stream label of the internal container image warehouse
, You need to create a mirror stream in advance , The mirror stream label points to dockerhub A mirror image in .
oc import-image nginx-app \
--from=docker.io/bitnami/nginx:1.20.2 \
After configuration, click Create .
3、 Switch to topology , Click on the open URL Visit
Browser access is as follows :
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