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Excel import function of jeesite form page
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jeeSite Of the form page Excel Import function
This article is using jeeSiteV4.3 Version of the framework based on Excel The import function of , If you haven't used jeeSite frame , You can ignore this article directly .
Use Excel There are actually three types of imported fields , One is a common type , Namely Excel What's written in , We just insert it directly into the database ; There is also a dictionary type ,Excel It's a key , We need to put the corresponding key ( Chinese characters ) Turn it into code ( Usually number ) ; The remaining one is object type , For example, employee type , Need to put Excel The position name in is converted to the position code in the database .
Next , Let's introduce .
Common type
You need to write @ExcelFields,sort yes Excel The order of the list fields ,align Is it in the middle?
@ExcelField(title=" Project registration code ", attrName="engineeringRegistration", align= ExcelField.Align.CENTER, sort=10),
public Quality() {
Dictionary type
You need to add on the basis of common types dictType=“professional_category”, This is the configuration in your dictionary data
@ExcelField(title=" Major categories ", attrName="firstType",dictType="professional_category", align= ExcelField.Align.LEFT, sort=70),
@ExcelField(title=" Professional sub category ", attrName="secondType",dictType="professional_category", align= ExcelField.Align.CENTER, sort=80),
public Quality() {
object type
You need to add on the basis of common types fieldType=, This represents the entity type , Will automatically send you Excel in The Chinese characters written in the list are converted into corresponding codes
@ExcelField(title=" Company name ", attrName="office", align = ExcelField.Align.CENTER, sort=40,fieldType=OfficeType.class),
@ExcelField(title=" Name of project manager ", attrName="employee", align= ExcelField.Align.CENTER, sort=140,fieldType= EmployeeType.class),
public Quality() {
We can see OfficeType This class ,EmployeeType There is no , We can also write one for our own reference .
/** * Copyright (c) 2013-Now http://jeesite.com All rights reserved. * No deletion without permission, or be held responsible to law. */
package com.jeesite.common.utils.excel.fieldtype;
import java.util.List;
import com.jeesite.common.lang.StringUtils;
import com.jeesite.modules.sys.entity.Office;
import com.jeesite.modules.sys.utils.EmpUtils;
/** * Field type conversion * @author ThinkGem * @version 2020-3-5 * @example fieldType = OfficeType.class */
public class OfficeType implements FieldType {
private List<Office> list;
public OfficeType() {
list = EmpUtils.getOfficeAllList();
/** * Get object value ( Import ) */
public Object getValue(String val) {
for (Office e : list){
if (StringUtils.trimToEmpty(val).equals(e.getOfficeName())){
return e;
return null;
/** * Set object value ( export ) */
public String setValue(Object val) {
if (val != null && ((Office)val).getOfficeName() != null){
return ((Office)val).getOfficeName();
return StringUtils.EMPTY;
/** * Copyright (c) 2013-Now http://jeesite.com All rights reserved. * No deletion without permission, or be held responsible to law. */
package com.jeesite.common.utils.excel.fieldtype;
import com.jeesite.common.lang.StringUtils;
import com.jeesite.common.utils.SpringUtils;
import com.jeesite.modules.sys.entity.Employee;
import com.jeesite.modules.sys.service.EmployeeService;
import java.util.List;
/** * Field type conversion * @author ThinkGem * @version 2020-3-5 * @example fieldType = EmployeeType.class */
public class EmployeeType implements FieldType {
private List<Employee> list;
private static EmployeeService employeeService = SpringUtils.getBean(EmployeeService.class);;
public EmployeeType() {
Employee where = new Employee();
list = employeeService.findList(where);
/** * Get object value ( Import ) */
public Object getValue(String val) {
for (Employee e : list){
if (StringUtils.trimToEmpty(val).equals(e.getEmpName())){
return e;
return null;
/** * Set object value ( export ) */
public String setValue(Object val) {
if (val != null && ((Employee)val).getEmpName() != null){
return ((Employee)val).getEmpName();
return StringUtils.EMPTY;
thus , Configuration on entity type , We're done with . Next , Go to the front page
front end
jeeSite There is no need for us to configure Excel Templates , It will be based on ExcelFields Automatic configuration Excel, When I click download , There will be Excel
<div class="box-tools pull-right">
<a href="#" class="btn btn-default" id="btnSearch" title="${text(' Inquire about ')}"><i class="fa fa-filter"></i> ${text(' Inquire about ')}</a>
<!--<a href="#" class="btn btn-default" id="btnExport"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-export"></i> ${text(' export ')}</a>-->
<a href="#" class="btn btn-default" id="btnImport"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-import"></i> ${text(' Import ')}</a>
type: 1,
area: ['400px'],
title: '${text(" Import quality inspection task data ")}',
resize: false,
scrollbar: true,
content: js.template('importTpl'),
success: function(layero, index){
btn: ['<i class="fa fa-check"></i> ${text(" Import ")}',
'<i class="fa fa-remove"></i> ${text(" close ")}'],
btn1: function(index, layero){
var form = {
inputForm: layero.find('#inputForm'),
file: layero.find('#file').val()
if (form.file == '' || (!js.endWith(form.file, '.xls') && !js.endWith(form.file, '.xlsx'))){
js.showMessage("${text(' The file is incorrect , Please select suffix “xls” or “xlsx” The file of .')}", null, 'warning');
return false;
js.ajaxSubmitForm(form.inputForm, function(data){
if(data.result == Global.TRUE){
}, "json");
return true;
// The configuration file
<script id="importTpl" type="text/template">//<!-- <form id="inputForm" action="${ctx}/importData" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="form-horizontal mt20 mb10" style="overflow:auto;max-height:200px;"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-xs-offset-1"> <input type="file" id="file" name="file" class="form-file"/> <div class="mt10 pt5"> <a href="${ctx}/importTemplate" class="btn btn-default btn-xs"><i class="fa fa-file-excel-o"></i> ${
text(' Download the template ')}</a> </div> <font color="red" class="pull-left mt10"> ${
text(' Tips : Only import is allowed “xls” or “xlsx” Format file !')} </font> </div> </div> </form> //--></script>
Back end
/** * Download and import user data template */
@RequestMapping(value = "importTemplate")
public void importTemplate(HttpServletResponse response) {
Quality empUser = new Quality();
User user = UserUtils.getUser();
List<Quality> list = ListUtils.newArrayList(empUser);
String fileName = " Task data template .xlsx";
try(ExcelExport ee = new ExcelExport(" Mission data ", Quality.class, ExcelField.Type.IMPORT)){
ee.setDataList(list).write(response, fileName);
/** * Import user data */
@PostMapping(value = "importData")
public String importData(MultipartFile file, String updateSupport) {
try {
boolean isUpdateSupport = Global.YES.equals(updateSupport);
String message = qualityService.importData(file, isUpdateSupport);
return renderResult(Global.TRUE, "posfull:"+message);
} catch (Exception ex) {
return renderResult(Global.FALSE, "posfull:"+ex.getMessage());
/** * Import user data * @param file Imported user data file * @param isUpdateSupport Update support , If it already exists , Update the data */
public String importData(MultipartFile file, Boolean isUpdateSupport) {
if (file == null){
throw new ServiceException(text(" Please select the imported data file !"));
int successNum = 0; int failureNum = 0;
StringBuilder successMsg = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder failureMsg = new StringBuilder();
try(ExcelImport ei = new ExcelImport(file, 2, 0)){
List<Quality> list = ei.getDataList(Quality.class);
for (Quality quality : list) {
// Verify the data file
// Verify that the Department is empty
if (StringUtils.isBlank(quality.getOffice().getOfficeName())) {
failureMsg.append("<br/>" + failureNum
+ " Import failed : Company cannot be empty ");
if (StringUtils.isBlank(quality.getEmployee().getEmpName())) {
failureMsg.append("<br/>" + failureNum
+ " Import failed : The project manager cannot be empty ");
// Currently logged in by
String createby = UserUtils.getUser().getUserName();
quality.setCreateTime(new Date());
successMsg.append("<br/>" + successNum + " Task information " + " Successful import ");
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = "<br/>" + failureNum + " Import failed :";
if (e instanceof ConstraintViolationException){
ConstraintViolationException cve = (ConstraintViolationException)e;
for (ConstraintViolation<?> violation : cve.getConstraintViolations()) {
msg += Global.getText(violation.getMessage()) + " ("+violation.getPropertyPath()+")";
msg += e.getMessage();
logger.error(msg, e);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
if (failureNum > 0) {
failureMsg.insert(0, " I'm sorry , Import failed ! common " + failureNum + " The data format is incorrect , Error is as follows :");
throw new ServiceException(failureMsg.toString());
successMsg.insert(0, " Congratulations , The data has been imported successfully ! common " + successNum + " strip , The data are as follows :");
return successMsg.toString();
Here we are ,jeeSite Of the form page Excel Import function , It's done , I hope I can help you . Welcome to comment , give the thumbs-up , forward .
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