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Implementation of crawling web pages and saving them to MySQL using the scrapy framework
2022-07-07 15:17:00 【1024 questions】
Hello everyone , In this issue, abin will share with you Scrapy Crawler framework and local Mysql Use . Today, the web page ah bin crawled is Hupu Sports Network .
(1) Open Hupu Sports Network , Analyze the data of the web page , Use xpath Positioning elements .
(2) After the first analysis of the web page, start creating a scrapy Reptile Engineering , Execute the following command at the terminal :
“scrapy startproject huty( notes :‘hpty’ Is the name of the crawler project )”, Get the project package shown in the figure below :
(3) Enter into “hpty/hpty/spiders” Create a crawler file called ‘“sww”, Execute the following command at the terminal : “scrapy genspider sww” (4) After the first two steps , Edit the crawler files related to the whole crawler project . 1、setting Editor of the document :
The gentleman agreement was originally True Change it to False.
Then open this line of code that was originally commented out .
2、 Yes item File for editing , This file is used to define data types , The code is as follows :
# Define here the models for your scraped items## See documentation in:# https://docs.scrapy.org/en/latest/topics/items.htmlimport scrapyclass HptyItem(scrapy.Item): # define the fields for your item here like: # name = scrapy.Field() players = scrapy.Field() The team = scrapy.Field() ranking = scrapy.Field() Average score = scrapy.Field() shooting = scrapy.Field() Three-point percentage = scrapy.Field() Free throw percentage = scrapy.Field()
3、 Edit the most important crawler files ( namely “hpty” file ), The code is as follows :
import scrapyfrom ..items import HptyItemclass SwwSpider(scrapy.Spider): name = 'sww' allowed_domains = ['https://nba.hupu.com/stats/players'] start_urls = ['https://nba.hupu.com/stats/players'] def parse(self, response): whh = response.xpath('//tbody/tr[not(@class)]') for i in whh: ranking = i.xpath( './td[1]/text()').extract()# ranking players = i.xpath( './td[2]/a/text()').extract() # players The team = i.xpath( './td[3]/a/text()').extract() # The team Average score = i.xpath( './td[4]/text()').extract() # score shooting = i.xpath( './td[6]/text()').extract() # shooting Three-point percentage = i.xpath( './td[8]/text()').extract() # Three-point percentage Free throw percentage = i.xpath( './td[10]/text()').extract() # Free throw percentage data = HptyItem( players = players , The team = The team , ranking = ranking , Average score = Average score , shooting = shooting , Three-point percentage = Three-point percentage , Free throw percentage = Free throw percentage ) yield data
4、 Yes pipelines File for editing , The code is as follows :
# Define your item pipelines here## Don't forget to add your pipeline to the ITEM_PIPELINES setting# See: https://docs.scrapy.org/en/latest/topics/item-pipeline.html# useful for handling different item types with a single interfacefrom cursor import cursorfrom itemadapter import ItemAdapterimport pymysqlclass HptyPipeline: def process_item(self, item, spider): db = pymysql.connect(host="Localhost", user="root", passwd="root", db="sww", charset="utf8") cursor = db.cursor() players = item[" players "][0] The team = item[" The team "][0] ranking = item[" ranking "][0] Average score = item[" Average score "][0] shooting = item[" shooting "] Three-point percentage = item[" Three-point percentage "][0] Free throw percentage = item[" Free throw percentage "][0] # Three-point percentage = item[" Three-point percentage "][0].strip('%') # Free throw percentage = item[" Free throw percentage "][0].strip('%') cursor.execute( 'INSERT INTO nba( players , The team , ranking , Average score , shooting , Three-point percentage , Free throw percentage ) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)', ( players , The team , ranking , Average score , shooting , Three-point percentage , Free throw percentage ) ) # Commit transaction operations db.commit() # Close cursor cursor.close() db.close() return item
(5) stay scrapy After the frame is designed , Come first mysql Create a file called “sww” The database of , Create a database named “nba” Data sheet for , The code is as follows : 1、 Create database
create database sww;
2、 Create data table
create table nba ( players char(20), The team char(10), ranking char(10), Average score char(25), shooting char(20), Three-point percentage char(20), Free throw percentage char(20));
3、 You can see the structure of the table by creating the database and data table :
(6) stay mysql After creating the data table , Return to the terminal again , Enter the following command :“scrapy crawl sww”, The result
This is about using Scrapy The frame crawls the web page and saves it to Mysql This is the end of the article on the implementation of , More about Scrapy Crawl the web page and save the content. Please search the previous articles of SDN or continue to browse the relevant articles below. I hope you will support SDN in the future !
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