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Embedded-c Language-5

2022-07-05 17:05:00 Orange peel does not stop school

One 、 function ( The core )

1.1. clear :

whatever C Program ,C The source file contains two parts : A pair of variables ( Including arrays ) And a bunch of functions

1.2. The concept of function :

A function is a combination of statements , It is used to realize some relatively independent and universal functions
analysis : Code without functions is extremely tedious , The code is written repeatedly , Increase the workload of development : Just write the above repeated code once , Other files can only be used , Reduce development effort
    programme :
     vim add.c

// Write an addition function add
     int add(int x, int y)
    if(x < 0 || y < 0) {
        printf(" Please re-enter a positive number .\n");
        return -1; // Let the program end , Can't continue to run 
    // You can add only if the entered number is a positive number 
    sum = a + b;
    printf("sum = %d\n", sum);
    return sum;

    vim main1.c

 int main(void)
    int a;
    int b;
    int sum = 0;
    scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);
    sum = add(a, b);
    return 0;

     vim main2.c

  int main(void)
    int a;
    int b;
    int sum = 0;
    scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);
    sum = add(a, b);
    return 0;

     vim main3.c ....main250.c Just use it easily add Function
1.3. Function features :
      1. Consisting of one or more statements
      2. Can be reused

1.4. The function uses three steps :
a) Function declaration :
   1. Function declaration function : Tell compiler , In the future, this function can be used by others or yourself , Function declarations do not allocate memory space
   2. Syntax of function declaration :extern Return value data type   Function name ( Formal parameter table );
      Suggest : Function declaration plus extern( Improve the readability of the code ), In theory, there is no need to add  
   3. Function declaration features :
      1. If the function is defined before the function is called , Function declarations can be omitted , Otherwise, it must be declared that
      2. There is no statement in this statement , So the compiler gcc It will give a default function ,, form :
         extern int Function name (); 
      3. The naming of function names follows the naming rules of identifiers

b) Function definition :
   1. Function definition function : Is the concrete implementation process of a function , It will contain a bunch of statements , It can be used by others or yourself in the future , Function definitions allocate memory
   2. Syntax of function definitions :
      Return value data type   Function name ( Formal parameter table )
     A bunch of function body statements ;
      } // The function of curly braces is to circle statements with
      for example :

 int  add(int x, int y) //x=100,y=200
    return x + y;
     x = 250; // Report errors 
     y = 251; // Report errors 
     int main(void)
    sum = add(100, 200) = 300; //main Function USES add function 
    return 0;

  1.5 Function definition features :

     1. Return value data type : It is to return a number to the code using this function after the function runs , Then this number must have a corresponding data type , If the function does not return a value , The data type of the return value is void keyword .

     2. Formal parameter table : Is a bunch of variable definitions , These variables can only be used inside the body of this function , You can't use the function , The values of formal parameters are assigned by the code that uses these functions , There are multiple variables of formal parameters , Comma , Separate , If the code using the function doesn't want to pass parameters to the function , When defining a function, the formal parameter table is written void
         Suggest : The number of formal parameter table variable definitions should not exceed 4 individual , Less than or equal to 4 individual , Otherwise, it will affect the efficiency of function
         for example :
         int add(int x, int y, int z, int m) {} // good
         int add(int x, int y, int z, int m, int n) {} // The execution efficiency of the code is reduced

     3. The return value of the function :
        If the function needs to return a number , With keywords return, for example :return Return value
        Bear in mind : If you forget to write return Return value ,gcc In the future Returns a random number
        Be careful : The number type of the return value should be consistent with the data type of the return value when the function is defined , If it's not consistent , There will be implicit conversions , May cause data loss
        for example :

int add(int x, int y)
        int sum = x + y;
        return sum;

        If the function no return value , You don't have to write return Or write return Leave nothing behind !
        for example :

void add(int x, int y)
        printf("%d\n", x+y);
        return; // Or don't write 

c) Function call :
   1. Function call function : Commonly known as using functions , Call function , Access function
   2. Function call syntax : A variable that receives the return value of a function = Function name ( Argument table );
   3. Function call features :
      Argument table : Is the value assigned to the formal parameter table of the function
       for example : sum = add(100, 200);//100,200 It's a real parameter , Give... In the future add Functional x,y
       The memory space of arguments and formal parameters are independent , The address is different , But the data stored inside is the same !

d) The form used by the function :
form 1: No parameter no return value
          for example : void Function name (void) 
             Function statement ;
form 2: No parameter return value
          for example :int Function name (void)
             Function statement ;
form 3: Ginseng (1 Parameters ) No return value
          for example :void Function name (int x)
             Function statement ;
form 4: Ginseng ( Multiple parameters , It is recommended to be less than or equal to 4 individual ) No return value
          for example :void Function name (int x, int y, int m, int n)
             Function statement ;
form 5: With parameter and return value
          for example :int Function name (int x, int y, int m, int n)    
             Function statement ;
form 6: The parameter may have a return value ( This is not recommended )
          for example :int Function name ()    
             Function statement ;

e)return Key words and exit function
   return keyword : Implement function return
   exit function : Let the program end forcibly , To use this function, you need to add a header file :#include <stdlib.h>

f) Arguments and formal arguments
    A formal parameter is a copy of an argument Copy , When an argument passes a parameter to a formal parameter , Is to copy the number in the argument to the formal parameter

1.5. Functions and arrays
a) The previous code is to study how functions operate variables , That is, how the function operates the memory allocated through variables
b) Function to access array programming formula
   /* Define functions that access arrays */
  void Function name ( The first address of the array , Length of array )

          You can view array elements

          You can modify array elements


   for example :

  void array_function(int a[], int lenght)


// View the values of array elements

printf("%d\n", a[ Subscript ]);

// Modify the value of array elements

a[ Subscript ] =  The new value ;


   Shape parameter :int a[] The essence is the first address of an array , Not an array , Because defining array syntax like this is not acceptable , When a function accesses an element through this address , It can be used as an array

clear : You cannot use variables , Because if it's a variable , A formal parameter is a copy of an argument , You can only change formal parameters, but not actual parameters , To change , at present Only function and array techniques can be used

2. Scope and visibility

2.1. clear :C Language variables by data type ( Memory size ) branch :12 Kind of (char....double)

2.2. clear :C Language variables are divided into two categories according to scope and visibility : Local and global variables

2.3. Definition of local variables : Variables defined within a function

       for example :

      void A (void) 


int a = 250; // local variable


2.4. Global variable definition : Variables defined outside functions

      for example :

      int g_b = 520; // Global variables

      void A (void) 


int a = 250; // local variable


      int g_c = 521; // Global variables

2.5.static keyword

       If you define variables before Add static Keyword modification , Indicates that this variable is a static variable

       If the defined variable is not preceded by static Keyword modification , Indicates that this variable is a non static variable

       for example :

      int a = 250; // Nonstatic variable

      static int a = 250; // Static variables

2.6. Conclusion : Final C Language variables are classified by scope and visibility , Finally, it is divided into four categories :

       Local non static variables / Local static variable / Global non static variables / Global static variables

2.7. Explain the characteristics of local non-static variables in detail :

a) form 1:

   void A(void)
printf("a = %d\n", a); // Can not be , Report errors ,gcc There is no defined error in the compilation times 
int a = 250; // Define local nonstatic variables 
printf("a = %d\n", a); // Sure 

b) form 2:  

 void A(void)
if(1) {
     int a = 250;
     printf("a = %d\n", a); // Sure 
printf("a = %d\n", a); // Can not be , Report errors ,gcc There is no defined error in the compilation times 

c) The formal parameter of the function

   void A(int a) //a It can be used in the whole function body , Out of the function can not be used

d) Local non static variables characteristic

   1. This variable is used in : Start at the defined place and then go down to Recent curly braces end

                 Be careful :if...else/switch...case/for/while/do-while

   2. Assigned by this variable Memory life cycle : From where it is defined, the operating system allocates memory to variables , Until recently, the curly bracket operating system immediately reclaimed the memory of variables , Only the next time you run this code can you reallocate memory for variables

2.8. Explain the characteristics of local static variables in detail :

a) form 1: 

  void A(void)
         printf("a = %d\n",a);// Can not be , Report errors ,gcc There is no defined error in the compilation times 
         static int a = 250; // Local static variable 
         printf("a = %d\n",a); // Sure 

b) form 2:

   void A(void)
if(1) {
    static int a = 250; // Local static variable 
     printf("a = %d\n",a); // Sure 
   printf("a = %d\n",a);// Can not be , Report errors ,gcc There is no defined error in the compilation times 

c) Characteristics of local static variables :

   1. This variable is used in : From the place of definition to the end of the nearest curly bracket

   2. The memory life cycle allocated by this variable : Allocate memory from the defined place until the end of the program , Primary distribution , The program doesn't end , Not assigned next time , Then the last use , The program doesn't end , The memory will not be reallocated next time

   3. Heartfelt advice : Use less such variables

2.9. Explain global non static variables in detail :   

a) form 1   

 void B(void)
printf("g_a = %d\n", g_a); // Can not be ,gcc An undefined error is reported 
    int  g_a = 10; // Define and initialize global non static variables 
   void A(void)
printf("g_a = %d\n", g_a); // Sure , Function internal access to global non static variables 
   void C(void)
printf("g_a = %d\n", g_a); // Sure , Function internal access to global non static variables 

b) form 2: Definition and use of global non static variables In different source files Conduct

    Bear in mind : If a source file specifies a global non static variable , Another source file wants to directly access this global non static variable , Just declare this global non static variable

              Syntax for declaring global non static variables :extern data type   Global non static variable name ;

              Conclusion : Once declared , You can access global non static variables defined in other files

  vim var1.c Add the following

  int g_a = 250; // Define global non static variables 
 // Definition A function 
  void A(void)
printf("A function :g_a = %d\n", g_a); // View and print global non static variables 
// Definition B function 
  void B(void)
g_a = 520; // Modify global non static variables 

  vim var2.c Add the following   

/* Definition D function */
  void D(void)
printf("%d\n", g_a); //gcc Compiler error , No definition 
  // Due to cross file access functions , Declare functions 
  extern void A(void);
  extern void B(void);
  // In order to use var1.c Global non static variables of , Declare it   
  extern int g_a;
  /* Defined function C*/
  void C(void)
printf("%d\n", g_a); // You can visit 
  int main(void)
printf("%d\n", g_a);
return 0;

   Compile command :gcc -o var var1.c var2.c // take var1.c and var2.c Compile to generate an executable file var

c) Bear in mind : Global non static variables characteristic

   1. The scope of use of this variable : There are two situations

      1. If it is Access to this document , The scope starts from the defined place and then goes down. All functions can access , The previous function cannot be accessed

      2. If it is Different documents ( Cross file ) Visit between , The scope starts from the declared place and then goes down. All functions can access , The previous function cannot be accessed

   2. The memory life cycle allocated by this variable : Starting from , When a program is run, the operating system allocates memory for it , Until the end of the program , The operating system reclaims its memory

   3. Bear in mind : Global non static variables are rarely used in actual development , Use with caution , It is prone to disordered access ! If you must , Be sure to remember that mutually exclusive access protection , But this kind of mutually exclusive protection reduces the efficiency of code execution

2.10. Explain the global static variables :

a) form : The definition and use access of global static variables are in the same file , And this Global static variables can only be used in this file , Other source files are not accessible

    vim var3.c

 void B(void)
printf("g_a = %d\n", g_a); // Can not be ,gcc An undefined error is reported 
    static int  g_a = 10; // Define initialization global static variables , It can only be used for var3.c in    
   void A(void)
printf("g_a = %d\n", g_a); // Sure , Function internal access to global non static variables 
   void C(void)
printf("g_a = %d\n", g_a); // Sure , Function internal access to global non static variables 

  vim var4.c 

 extern void A(void); // Declare functions A
 extern void B(void); // Declare functions B
 extern int g_a; // Declare global static variables g_a
 int main(void)
printf("g_a = %d\n", g_a); //gcc Report errors 
return 0;

   compile :gcc -o var var3.c var4.c

b) Global static variable characteristics :

    1. This variable is used in : Can only be used in files that define variables (var3.c), And is All other functions can be accessed from the defined place down in turn , Previous functions are not accessible  

    2. This variable allocates the life cycle of memory : Starting from , When the program is run, the operating system will allocate memory for it until the end of the program , The operating system reclaims its memory

    3. Global static variables should also be used sparingly , Use with caution , If you have to visit , Remember to mutually exclusive access , However, it is less likely than global non-static variables to have disorder !

2.11.static Keyword summary ( The written examination questions are required ):

        1.static Decorated global variables can only be used in this file , The rest of the files are inaccessible

        2.static Modified function ( When defining a function ) For this document only , The rest of the files are not callable

        3.static Modified variables and functions are relatively safe to use in the future , It plays the role of indirect protection , The probability of disorder is reduced


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