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Shell_ 05_ operator

2022-07-06 16:51:00 Coke loving w


Operators are divided into : Arithmetic operator 、 Relational operator 、 Logical operators 、 String operators and file test operators

1) When using operators , You must add spaces on the left and right sides of the operator to separate other variables

Command operator

Association system command execution : There is a dependency between the two commands ( And 、 or )

Command execution
command 1 && command 2 If command 1 Successful execution , Then start to execute the command 2
If command 1 An error occurred during execution , Do not execute the order 2
command 1 || command 2 If command 1 Successful execution , Do not execute the order 2
If command 1 An error occurred during execution , Then start to execute the command 2

1) Whether the command is successfully executed depends on “$?” Is the variable 0 To judge

Such as : stay /root/test/abc Create files under folders test and test2
 Insert picture description here

// Regardless of /abc Does the folder exist , Can be established

Arithmetic operator

Suppose there are variables a and b, The values are 10 and 20

Operator explain give an example
+ Add `expr $a + $b` The result is 30.
- Subtraction `expr $a - $b` The result is -10.
* Multiplication `expr $a \* $b` The result is 200.
/ division `expr $b / $a` The result is 2.
% Remainder `expr $b % $a` The result is 0.
= assignment a=$b Will put the variable b The value is assigned to a
= = Used to compare two numbers Same returns true( really )[ $a == $b ] return false( false )
!= Used to compare two numbers If not, return to true[ $a != $b ] return true

1)bash It doesn't support arithmetic itself , It can be done by awk、expr and bc To achieve

2) Through the bracket operation form :[ $ Variable 1 Operator $ Variable 2 ]

// If you assign the result of the operation to other variables , It is also necessary to add $

expr command : Record the result of expression calculation

Command format :expr value 1 Operator value 2

1) Only integer level operations can be performed

Such as : Use expr Do four calculations
 Insert picture description here

//“*” Operators need to pass “\” Transference

Bracket operators

Judging symbols : brackets “[ ]”

Command format :[ Detection expression ]

1)[ ] Belongs to operator , When using, you need to add spaces at the beginning and end

2) Variables in brackets , It is best to use double quotation marks

3) Constants in brackets , It's best to use a single / In double quotation marks

Test parameters meaning analysis
1. About file type detection
-e File path Test files ( Including directory ) Whether there is If it is , Then return to true[ -e $file ] return true
-d File path Check if the file is a directory If it is , Then return to true[ -d $file ] return false
-f File path Check if the file is a normal file If it is , Then return to true[ -f $file ] return true
-s File path Check if the file is empty ( file size ) Not empty return true[ -s $file ] return true
-p File path Check whether the file is a pipeline file If it is , Then return to true[ -p $file ] return false
-b File path Check whether the file is a block device file If it is , Then return to true[ -b $file ] return false
-c File path Detect whether the file is a character device file If it is , Then return to true[ -c $file ] return false
-S File path Check whether the file is Socket file If it is , Then return to true[ -c $file ] return false
2. About file permission detection
-r File path Check whether the file is readable If it is , Then return to true[ -r $file ] return true
-w File path Check whether the file is writable If it is , Then return to true[ -w $file ] return true
-x File path Check if the file is executable If it is , Then return to true[ -x $file ] return true
-u File path Check if the file is set SUID position If it is , Then return to true[ -u $file ] return false
-g File path Check if the file is set SGID position If it is , Then return to true[ -g $file ] return false
-k File path Check whether the file is set with the adhesive bit (Sticky Bit) If it is , Then return to true[ -k $file ] return false
3. About the detection of document comparison
-nt (new than) Check whether the first file is newer than the second If new , Then return to true[ $file1 -nt $file2 ]
-ot (old than) Check whether the first file is older than the second If it's old , Then return to true[ $file1 -ot $file2 ]
-ef Check whether the two files are the same If the same file , Then return to true[ $file1 -ef $file2 ]
4. About integer detection
-eq (eaqul) Check whether two numbers are equal Equal return true[ $a -eq $b ] return false.
-ne (not equal) Check whether two numbers are equal Unequal return true[ $a -ne $b ] return true.
-gt (great than) Check whether the number on the left is greater than that on the right If it is , Then return to true[ $a -gt $b ] return false.
-ge Check whether the number on the left is equal to or greater than the number on the right If it is , Then return to true[ $a -ge $b ] return false.
-lt (less than) Check if the number on the left is less than the number on the right If it is , Then return to true[ $a -lt $b ] return true.
-le Check whether the number on the left is less than or equal to the number on the right If it is , Then return to true[ $a -le $b ] return true.
5. About string detection
-z Check if the string length is 0 by 0 return true[ -z $c ] return false
-n Check if the string length is 0 Not for 0 return true[ -n $c ] return true
\> Check whether the left string is larger than the right string Greater than return true( according to ASCII)[ $c \> $d ] return true
\< Check whether the left string is smaller than the right string Less than return true( according to ASCII)[ $c \< $d ] return false
= = Checks if two strings are equal Equal return true[ $c = = $d ] return false
6. About multiple condition detection
-a ( And operation ) Both expressions are true To return to true[ $a -lt 20 -a $b -gt 100 ] return false
-o ( Or operations ) There is an expression for true Then return to true[ $a -lt 20 -o $b -gt 100 ] return true
! ( Non operation ) Expression for true Then return to false[ ! false ] return true

1) Suppose there are variables a and b, The values are 10 and 20

2) Suppose there are variables c and d, The values are ‘abc’ and ‘efg’

3) The authority is judged as or : Only one of the three identities has , Think true

test command : The file / Data for specified detection

Command format :test Detection expression

1) The use method and effect are equivalent to the bracket judgment symbol

Such as : Compare sizes of integers
 Insert picture description here
//test And brackets do not directly print test results , Need to use “$?” see

Double parenthesis operation

Double parentheses can realize advanced mathematical expressions in Inner parentheses

1) Format :(( Mathematical expression ))

2) A mathematical expression can be any mathematical assignment or comparison expression ;

3) More used for for loop , The implementation is similar to C Linguistic for Circular format ;

Operator explain
++ Self increasing operation
Self built operation
! Logical negation
~ Position inversion
** Power operation
<< Left displacement
>> Right displacement
& Bit Boolean and
| Bit Boolean or
&& And operation
|| Or operations

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