2022-07-02 09:45:00 【如鹿渴慕泉水】
BOOL lsGetFileLegalCopyright(LPCTSTR lptstrFilename, CString& strData)
if (lptstrFilename == NULL)
return FALSE;
DWORD dwHandle;
UINT dwBytesNeeded = GetFileVersionInfoSize(lptstrFilename, &dwHandle);
if (dwBytesNeeded > 0)
BYTE* lpVersionBlock = new BYTE[dwBytesNeeded];
if (lpVersionBlock == NULL)
return FALSE;
if (GetFileVersionInfo(lptstrFilename, 0, dwBytesNeeded, lpVersionBlock))
BYTE* lpTranslate = NULL;
if (VerQueryValue(lpVersionBlock, TEXT("\\VarFileInfo\\Translation"), (LPVOID*)&lpTranslate, &dwBytesNeeded) &&
(lpTranslate != NULL))
CString strSubBlock = TEXT(""), strTranslate = TEXT(""), strTranslation = TEXT("");
strTranslate.Format(TEXT("000%x"), *((unsigned short int*)lpTranslate));
strTranslation = strTranslate.Right(4);
strTranslate.Format(TEXT("000%x"), *((unsigned short int*) & lpTranslate[2]));
strTranslation += strTranslate.Right(4);
strSubBlock.Format(TEXT("\\StringFileInfo\\%s\\LegalCopyright"), strTranslation.GetBuffer(0));
if (VerQueryValue(lpVersionBlock, strSubBlock.GetBuffer(0), (LPVOID*)&lpTranslate, &dwBytesNeeded) &&
(lpTranslate != NULL))
strData.Format(TEXT("%s"), lpTranslate);
//LPTSTR lpszData = new TCHAR [dwBytesNeeded + 1];//强制多添加几个
//memset(lpszData, 0, sizeof(TCHAR)*(dwBytesNeeded + 1));
//memcpy(lpszData, lpTranslate, dwBytesNeeded);
//lpszData[dwBytesNeeded] = '\0'; //强制结尾
//strData.Format(TEXT("%s"), lpszData);
//delete [] lpszData;
delete[] lpVersionBlock;
return TRUE;
delete[] lpVersionBlock;
return FALSE;
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