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Docker compose configuration mysql, redis, mongodb
2022-07-02 12:21:00 【Ostrich5yw】
Docker-compose The configuration Mysql,Redis,MongoDB Detailed explanation
One 、docker-compose brief introduction
Compose Is used to define and run multiple containers Docker Application tools . adopt Compose, You can use YAML File to configure the application's services . then , Use a command , You can create and start all services from the configuration .
Use Compose It's basically a three-step process :
- Use Dockerfile Define your application environment , So that it can be copied anywhere .
- use docker-compose.yml Define the services that make up the application , So that they can run together in isolated environments .
docker-compose.yml Main structure :
①. version: # edition
②. services: # service
redis: # Service one
depends_on: # Depending on which service , It will start after the dependent service is started
redis: # Service two
web: # Service 3
③. Other settings ( Network volume 、 Global rules )
- function docker compose up or docker compose up -d( Background operation ) Run your entire application .
Be careful : Every time you modify any configuration file , All use docker-compose up --build Rebuild
summary : With docker-compose, When we want to start multiple services , There is no need to do it one by one docker run operation , You just need to write docker-compose.yml The configuration file , You can run all your services at once .
Two 、 Build an instance project
The example given here ,Web Frame usage Spring-boot, And use at the same time Mysql,Redis,MongoDB These three most common databases nowadays , Simply count it .( That is, every time you visit a web page , The counters in the three libraries are increased by one )
1. Front end and back end implementation
// Achieve every click on the web , Accumulate all databases , And return the value recorded by the current counter .
public String home(Model model){
int bef1 = mysqlMapper.selectMysql();
int res1 = mysqlMapper.selectMysql();
model.addAttribute("mysqlbef", bef1);
model.addAttribute("mysqlres", res1);
model.addAttribute("redisres", redisTemplate.opsForValue().increment("age"));
Query query = new Query(Criteria.where("name").is("5yw"));
List<Map> list = mongoTemplate.find(query, Map.class, "hellomongodb");
int bef3 = (int) list.get(0).get("age");
Update update = new Update();
update.set("age", bef3 + 1);
mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query, update, "hellomongodb");
List<Map> list1 = mongoTemplate.find(query, Map.class, "hellomongodb");
int res3 = (int) list1.get(0).get("age");
model.addAttribute("mongobef", bef3);
model.addAttribute("mongores", res3);
return "Page/home.html";
<!-- The front end receives the parameters passed by the back end and displays -->
<span id="mysql"></span>
<span id="redis"></span>
<span id="mongo"></span>
<script> var message1 = "Mysql After the update :" +[[${
mysqlres}]]; var message2 = "Redis After the update :" +[[${
redisres}]]; var message3 = "Mongo After the update :" +[[${
mongores}]]; document.getElementById("mysql").textContent = message1; document.getElementById("redis").textContent = message2; document.getElementById("mongo").textContent = message3; </script>
2.Dockerfile And docker-compose.yml
Dockerfile Will we Springboot packaged jar package , Assemble as docker Mirror image , In the docker Run in .
# Docker image for springboot file run
# VERSION 0.0.1
# Author: eangulee
# The basic image uses java
FROM java:8
# author
MAINTAINER 5yw <[email protected]>
# take jar The package is added to the container and renamed app.jar
ADD dockerweb-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar app.jar
# function jar package
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/app.jar"]
docker-compose.yml yes docker-compose Core profile for ,docker The image will be built and run according to this configuration file , In a class like ours, you need to enable multiple images (web,mysql,redis,mongo) Project ,docker-compose It reduces our workload a lot .( That is, we don't need to do each image in turn run operation )
version: '3.8'
build: .
depends_on: # send web The project will run after all databases are running
- mysql
- redis
- mongo
- 8000:8000 # Configure port mapping ( Host port : Container port )
image: 'mysql'
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: 123456 # To configure Mysql password
MYSQL_PASS: 123456
container_name: "mysql"
restart: always
- 3306:3306
volumes: # Volume mount
- /home/ostrich5yw/Desktop/DockerCompose/mysql/db:/var/lib/mysql
- /home/ostrich5yw/Desktop/DockerCompose/mysql/log:/var/log/mysql
- /home/ostrich5yw/Desktop/DockerCompose/mysql/conf/my.cnf:/etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf
image: 'redis'
container_name: "redis"
restart: always
- /home/ostrich5yw/Desktop/DockerCompose/redis/data:/data # Host path : Container path
- /home/ostrich5yw/Desktop/DockerCompose/redis/redis.conf:/etc/redis/redis.conf
image: 'mongo'
container_name: "mongo"
restart: always
- /home/ostrich5yw/Desktop/DockerCompose/mongo/db:/data/db
- /home/ostrich5yw/Desktop/DockerCompose/mongo/log:/data/logs
- 27017:27017
Pay particular attention to the service name ( for example dockerweb), The name here ,docker-compose They will be mapped to the corresponding domain name . For example, if we want to visit mysql, It's usually 192.168.0.xxx:3306, And when we have domain names , Just write as mysql:3306 that will do
When there are multiple services , such as Mysql1 stay,Mysql2 stay, We just need to write as mysql:3306 Without specifying IP.
3. Create a mirror image
We're going to write docker-compose.yml,Dockerfile And exported jar Put the package in the same folder , And create the three mount folders described in the configuration file .
We run docker-compose up Running the mirror .
After project operation , We need to Mysql And MongoDB Import initial data .
docker exec -it mysql /bin/bash Get into Mysql Mirror image
- mysql -uroot -p 123456
- create database test;
- use test;
varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL,age
) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci ROW_FORMAT = Dynamic;- INSERT INTO
VALUES (‘5yw’, 0);
docker exec -it mongo /bin/bash Get into MongoDB Mirror image
- mongo -u root -p 123456
- use test;
- db.createCollection(“hellomongodb”)
- db.getCollection(“hellomongodb”).insert( {
_id: ObjectId(“5feac4fba4de87481cd2139b”),
name: “5yw”,
age: NumberInt(“0”)
} );- exit
Through another window , Input curl localhost:8000 View results .
3、 ... and 、 Example program source code
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