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Ultra simple integration of Huawei system integrity testing, complete equipment security protection

2020-11-09 17:44:00 Huawei Developer Forum

In unsafe devices , If root Or unlock the phone , Running an application is usually accompanied by a certain security risk , For example, it is used by malicious virus or Trojan software root Permission to implant virus 、 Tamper with user equipment information and destroy the system . therefore , How to do a good job in the application of security protection 、 Avoid safety risks in the environment of unsafe equipment , Has become a factor that developers must consider . Regarding this , Huawei opens security detection service , Provide system integrity check (SysIntegrity API), It can be used to detect whether the equipment environment in which the application is running is safe , If the device is root、 Being unlocked, etc .

One 、 The service is introduced

Huawei system integrity testing includes the following features :

  1. Based on trusted execution environment TEE Provide system integrity test results : When the device starts safely , stay TEE To evaluate the integrity of the detection system , High credibility , And dynamically evaluate the integrity of the system .
  2. The system integrity test results are safe and reliable : The system integrity test results are signed by digital certificate , The test results cannot be tampered with .

The business flow chart is shown in the figure below :

 Insert picture description here

(1). Your application integration HMS Core SDK call Safety Detect service.
(2). request TSMS(Trusted Security Management Service) Server signature detection results Server.
(3). Your app requests its own service test results .
---- end

Two 、 Scene case introduction

Now there is finance 、 entertainment 、 Convenient life 、 News reading and many other fields App Integrated with Huawei system integrity detection :
Financial application integration Huawei SysIntegrity, It can effectively improve transaction security . for example , You can enter the credit card security code in the user (CVC) when , Make sure the system environment of the mobile phone is safe . If the mobile phone device fails to pass the system integrity test verification , You are not allowed to use the app , In order to protect the transaction security :

 Insert picture description here

 Insert picture description here
life 、 News reading class application , Integrate SysIntegrity Can effectively prevent hacker attacks , Ensure the security of in app payment and other activities

 Insert picture description here
Video entertainment application integration SysIntegrity, Can help protect content copyright ; When a user registers 、 When watching and downloading offline video , You can ensure that users are on content provider approved devices , Complete streaming and video playback :

 Insert picture description here

3、 ... and 、 Developing code

1 stay AppGallery Connect Configuration information in

Before developing applications , Need to be in AppGallery Connect Configuration information in .
Specific operation steps :https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/HMSCore-Guides-V5/config-agc-0000001050416303-V5

2 To configure HMS Core SDK Of Maven Warehouse address

2.1 open Android Studio Project level “build.gradle" file

 Insert picture description here

2.2 add to HUAWEI agcp Plugins and Maven The code base
stay allprojects-> repositories It's equipped with HMS Core SDK Of Maven Warehouse address .

1.  allprojects {  

2.      repositories {  

3.          google()  

4.          jcenter()  

5.          maven {url 'https://developer.huawei.com/repo/'}  

6.      }  

7.   }  

stay buildscript->repositories It's equipped with HMS Core SDK Of Maven Warehouse address .

1.  buildscript {  

2.     repositories {  

3.         google()  

4.         jcenter()  

5.         maven {url 'https://developer.huawei.com/repo/'}  

6.     }  

7.  }  

stay buildscript ->dependencies Add configuration to it .

1.  buildscript{  

2.      dependencies {  

3.           classpath 'com.huawei.agconnect:agcp:'  

4.      }  

5.   }  

3 establish SafetyDetectClient And generate nonce value

1.  //  establish SafetyDetectClient  

2.  SafetyDetectClient mClient = SafetyDetect.getClient(MainActivity.this);  

3.  //  Generate  nonce value   

4.  byte[] nonce = new byte[24];  

5.  try {  

6.      SecureRandom random;  

7.      if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {  

8.          random = SecureRandom.getInstanceStrong();  

9.      } else {  

10.         random = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");  

11.     }  

12.     random.nextBytes(nonce);  

13. } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {  

14.     Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());  

15. }  

4 Create a test result monitor

1.  //  Realization OnSuccessListener Interface , And from  onSuccess Get test results   

2.  protected class SysIntegrityOnSuccessListener implements OnSuccessListener<SysIntegrityResp> {  


4.      //  Get system integrity test results  

5.      @Override  

6.      public void onSuccess(SysIntegrityResp sysIntegrityResp) {  


8.      }  


10. }  

11. //  Realization OnFailureListener Interface , And from  onFailure Exception details   

12. protected class SysIntegrityOnFailureListener implements OnFailureListener {  

13.     //  Get exception error code, exception details   

14.     @Override  

15.     public void onFailure(Exception e) {  


17.     }  

18. }  

5 Call system integrity check

1.  //  Call the system integrity detection interface ,******** Pass in appid  

2.  Task task = mClient.sysIntegrity(nonce,"********");  

3.  task.addOnSuccessListener(new SysIntegrityOnSuccessListener()).addOnFailureListener(new SysIntegrityOnFailureListener());  

6 The results verify that

Server to verify the integrity of the system detection results can refer to the developer alliance official website .

DEMO demonstration

 Insert picture description here

If you're interested in implementation , You can refer to Github Source link :https://github.com/HMS-Core/hms-safetydetect-demo-android

More detailed development guidelines , Please refer to the official website of Huawei developer alliance :
Huawei developer Alliance :https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/development/HMSCore-Guides/dysintegritydevelopment-0000001050156331

Get development guidance document :

download demo And sample code go to Github:https://github.com/HMS-Core

To solve the integration problem, please go to Stack Overflow:

Link to the original text :https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/forum/topic/0201393882637910006?fid=18

The original author : Eat anything at night

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