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Screenshot in win10 system, win+prtsc save location

2022-07-06 08:32:00 MAR-Sky

win10 Built in screenshot shortcuts

win+shift+s: Pop up and select the shape of the screenshot 
prtSc: amount to win+w Full screen shot in 
win+prtSc: Automatically take screenshots and save them to your computer 
alt+prtSc: Full screen to pasteboard 

win+Sc Automatically save image files to

C:\Pictures\Screenshots # The PC is saved to this location , You can change the location 
 perhaps :c disc -【 user 】-【 user name 】-【 picture 】-【 Screen capture 】 Folder 

This save location can modify the location attribute , But it's strange : The saved path is still named Show ‘ Screen capture ’ Name , Here's the picture , Click in the path bar ( No modification ), But automatically change the name
 Insert picture description here
Below gif The path name is not modified in the figure , Just click on the path address bar , Search the Internet and find , yes desktop.ini” The file itself is a hidden file , Users can see it after opening the display system files and hidden files .
desktop.ini It's equivalent to each
⽂ Clip control ⼼
, Control this ⽂ The clip should make ⽤ what Yan ⾊、 What attributes should it have , It can be deleted by default , But if your settings have been modified ⽂ Clip properties , Then delete this desktop.ini To configure ⽂ Pieces of , This will invalidate the previously set content , Restore to default settings .

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