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China's high purity aluminum target market status and investment forecast report (2022 Edition)

2022-07-06 08:26:00 lmcmr

Content abstract :

High purity aluminum targets are semiconductors 、 Flat panel display 、 The main supporting materials of metal interconnects in the manufacturing of solar cells . High purity aluminum and aluminum alloy is one of the most widely used conductive layer thin film materials . In its application field , The manufacture of VLSI chips requires the highest metal purity of sputtering target , Usually required 99.9995%(5N5) above , Flat panel display 、 The metal purity of aluminum target for solar cell is slightly lower , It is required to meet 99.999%(5N)、99.995%(4N5) above .

The main manufacturers of overseas high-purity aluminum targets are Tojo, Japan 、 Praxair USA 、 Honeywell 、 Sumitomo chemical of Japan and hairdressing of Japan .

In the global high purity aluminum target market , The first place is Japan's Dongcao , The second place is Praxair , The third place is Honeywell .

The enterprises that produce high-purity aluminum targets in China mainly include Jiangfeng Electronics 、 Ashi Chuang and Youyan Yijin new materials Co., Ltd . In addition, Xinjiang Zhonghe mainly provides high-purity aluminum target base materials to Youyan Yijin new materials Co., Ltd , Do not directly produce high-purity aluminum targets .

In terms of high-purity aluminum targets in China , Japan hairdressing has occupied China's high-purity aluminum target 30% Market share , The second is Sumitomo Chemistry , Accounting for China's high-purity aluminum target 20% Market share .

The manufacturing of high-purity aluminum sputtering target is a key link in the whole sputtering target industry chain , High technical threshold 、 The production process is complex , The United States 、 Multinational groups such as Japan have controlled most of the global market share for a long time , Have strong bargaining power , therefore , High purity aluminum sputtering target industry maintains a high profitability and profit level .

With the industrialization of high-purity aluminum sputtering target in China , The technical strength in the industry is leading 、 Advantageous enterprises with large-scale production capacity through economies of scale , Further realize the replacement of imported high-purity aluminum sputtering targets , In the coming period, it will still maintain a relatively high profit level .

First of all Chapter Definition and overview of high purity aluminum target

   Section 1 Overview of high purity aluminum targets

     One 、 Overview of sputtering target

     Two 、 Classification of sputtering targets

     3、 ... and 、 Overview of high purity aluminum targets

   In the second quarter Relevant standards for high purity aluminum targets

second Chapter Research on production process and technology trend of high purity aluminum target products

   Section 1 Main production processes outside China

     One 、 The main production process of sputtering target

     Two 、 Production process of high purity aluminum target

   In the second quarter The technical gap between China and foreign countries in high purity aluminum targets and its reasons

     One 、 Analysis of the reasons for the advanced technology of foreign high purity aluminum targets

     Two 、 China's high purity aluminum target technology and the reasons for the gap

   In the third quarter Strategies for improving high purity aluminum target technology

Third Chapter Analysis of the development situation of high purity aluminum target industry

   Section 1 Development overview of high purity aluminum target industry

   In the second quarter 2017-2021 Analysis on the operation of China's high purity aluminum target industry in

     One 、2017-2021 The market capacity and scale of high-purity sputtering targets in China

     Two 、2017-2021 Market capacity and scale of high purity aluminum sputtering target in China

Fourth Chapter Analysis of the production status of high purity aluminum targets at home and abroad

   Section 1 Distribution of high purity aluminum target manufacturers in the world and China

     One 、 Overseas high purity aluminum target enterprise information

     Two 、 Distribution of high purity aluminum target enterprises in China

   In the second quarter Global and Chinese high purity aluminum target industry concentration

     One 、 Global high purity aluminum target industry concentration

     Two 、 China's high purity aluminum target industry concentration

   In the third quarter Production capacity of high purity aluminum targets in China 、 Production and forecast

     One 、 Capacity situation and forecast

     Two 、 Production situation and forecast

The fifth Chapter 2017-2021 year Market demand and forecast of high purity aluminum targets in China

   Section 1 2017-2021 Demand and forecast of high purity aluminum targets in China

     One 、2017-2021 Demand for high purity aluminum targets in China

     Two 、 Factors affecting the market demand for high purity aluminum targets

     3、 ... and 、2021-2026 China's high purity aluminum target market demand forecast

   In the second quarter Analysis of sales channels of high purity aluminum targets

     One 、 Display panel customers

     Two 、 Customers in semiconductor field

     3、 ... and 、 Customers in the field of solar cells

The sixth Chapter High purity aluminum targets are introduced 、 Export analysis

   Section 1 Market scale of foreign high-purity aluminum target industry

     One 、2017-2021 In, the global market capacity of high-purity sputtering targets

     Two 、2017-2021 In, the global market capacity of high-purity aluminum sputtering targets

   In the second quarter 2017-2021 Analysis of China's import and export of high purity aluminum targets in

     One 、2017-2021 China's imports of high purity aluminum targets in

     Two 、2017-2021 China's export volume of high purity aluminum targets in

The seventh Chapter 2020-2021 Analysis of price trend of high purity aluminum target in

   Section 1 Historical price review of high purity aluminum targets

   In the second quarter Factors influencing the price of high purity aluminum target

   In the third quarter 2021-2026 Forecast of future price trend in

The eighth Chapter 2020-2021 Influencing factors of China's high purity aluminum target market in

   Section 1 High purity aluminum target industry policy environment

   In the second quarter Analysis and judgment of future competitiveness

     One 、 The competitive trend of high purity aluminum target industry in the future

     Two 、 The future direction of high purity aluminum target products

The ninth Chapter High purity aluminum target industry chain and downstream products

   Section 1 Analysis of high purity aluminum target industry chain

     One 、 Metal purification

     Two 、 Target manufacturing

     3、 ... and 、 Sputter coating

     Four 、 Terminal applications

   In the second quarter Analysis of downstream products

The first ten Chapter Competition and trend analysis of key manufacturers of high-purity aluminum targets

   Section 1 Honeywell International

     One 、 Company profile

     Two 、 Analysis of enterprise competitive advantage

     3、 ... and 、 Enterprise financial analysis

     Four 、 Analysis of high purity aluminum target products of the company

   In the second quarter Dongcao Co., Ltd

     One 、 Company profile

     Two 、 Analysis of enterprise competitive advantage

     3、 ... and 、 Enterprise financial analysis

     Four 、 Analysis of high purity aluminum target products of the company

   In the third quarter Praxair USA

     One 、 Company profile

     Two 、 Analysis of enterprise competitive advantage

     3、 ... and 、 Enterprise financial analysis

     Four 、 Analysis of high purity aluminum target products of the company

   The fourth quarter, Ningbo Jiangfeng Electronic Materials Co., Ltd

     One 、 Company profile

     Two 、 Analysis of enterprise competitive advantage

     3、 ... and 、 Enterprise financial analysis

     Four 、 Analysis of high purity aluminum target products of the company

   Section 5 Fujian Ashi innovative materials Co., Ltd

     One 、 Company profile

     Two 、 Analysis of enterprise competitive advantage

     3、 ... and 、 Enterprise financial analysis

     Four 、 Analysis of high purity aluminum target products of the company

The eleventh Chapter Research and Analysis on the industry prospect of high purity aluminum target products

   Section 1 Investment opportunities for high purity aluminum target products

   In the second quarter High purity aluminum target investment barriers

     One 、 Customer certification barriers

     Two 、 technology barrier

     3、 ... and 、 Capital barriers

     Four 、 Talent barrier

   In the third quarter Prediction of investment income of high purity aluminum target products

   The fourth quarter, Future investment direction of high purity aluminum target industry

Part of the chart table of contents :

   Chart 1、 Target classification method  9

   Chart 2、 The target materials are classified according to the application field  10

   Chart 3、 Product drawing of high purity aluminum target  11

   Chart 4、 Basic preparation process of sputtering target  13

   Chart 5、 Production process of high purity aluminum sputtering target  16

   Chart 6、2017-2021 Analysis on the market capacity scale and growth of high-purity sputtering targets in China in  22

   Chart 7、2017-2021 Analysis on the market capacity scale and growth of high purity aluminum sputtering targets in China in  23

   Chart 8、 Major overseas high-purity target enterprises and products  24

   Chart 9、 Major overseas high purity aluminum target enterprises and product analysis  25

   Chart 10、 Major global high-purity target enterprises and market share  26

   Chart 11、 Major high purity aluminum target enterprises and market share in the world  27

   Chart 12、 China's high purity aluminum target market concentration  28

   Chart 13、2017-2021 Statistics of high purity aluminum target production in China  29

   Chart 14、2021-2026 Forecast of China's high purity aluminum target market output in  30

   Chart 15、2017-2021 Statistics of demand and growth rate of high purity aluminum targets in China  31

   Chart 16、2021-2026 Forecast of market demand for high purity aluminum targets in China  32

   Chart 17、2017-2021 Analysis on the market capacity scale and growth of high-purity sputtering targets in the world in  34

   Chart 18、2017-2021 Analysis on the market capacity scale and growth of global high-purity aluminum sputtering targets in  35

   Chart 19、2017-2021 Statistics of imports of high purity aluminum targets in China  36

   Chart 20、2017-2021 Statistics of China's export volume of high purity aluminum targets in  37

   Chart 21、2017-2021 China's high purity aluminum target price index  38

   Chart 22、2021-2026 Prediction of China's high purity aluminum target price index in  39

   Chart 23、 Sputtering target industry chain  43

   Chart 24、 Types and properties of high-purity metals that Honeywell can provide  52

   Chart 25、 Honeywell 300mm The main products of grade a target  53

   Chart 26、 Dongcao semiconductor's main target products  55

   Chart 27、 Praxair's main target products  57

   Chart 28、2020-2021 The main business income composition of Jiangfeng electronics in  62

   Chart 29、2020-2021 Statistics of production and sales of main products of Jiangfeng electronics in  63

   Chart 30、2020-2021 Statistics of main customers of Jiangfeng electronic high purity aluminum target in  63

   Chart 31、2020-2021 The main business income composition of ashchuang in  65

   Chart 32、 A Shichuang flat panel display target performance  66

   Chart 33、2021-2026 Gross profit margin forecast of China's high purity aluminum target industry in  71



