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P1347 sorting (topology + SPFA judgment ring or topology [inner judgment ring])
2022-07-02 13:45:00 【Joanh_ Lan】
Title Description
An ascending sort sequence of different values refers to a sequence of increasing elements from left to right , for example , An ordered sequence of numbers A , B , C , D A,B,C,D A,B,C,D Express A < B , B < C , C < D A<B,B<C,C<D A<B,B<C,C<D. In this question , We will give you a series of shapes such as A < B A<B A<B The relationship between , And ask you to judge whether you can determine the order of this sequence according to these relationships .
Input format
The first line has two positive integers n , m n,m n,m, n n n Indicates the number of elements to be sorted , 2 ≤ n ≤ 26 2\leq n\leq 26 2≤n≤26, The first 1 1 1 To n n n Elements will be capitalized A , B , C , D … A,B,C,D\dots A,B,C,D… Express . m m m Indicates the shape to be given, such as A < B A<B A<B The number of relationships .
Next there is m m m That's ok , Each row has 3 3 3 Characters , Each is a capital letter , One <
Symbol , A capital letter , Represents the relationship between two elements .
Output format
If according to the previous x x x A relationship can determine this n n n The order of the elements yyy..y
( Such as ABC
), Output
Sorted sequence determined after xxx relations: yyy...y
If according to the previous x x x A relationship is found to be contradictory ( Such as A < B , B < C , C < A A<B,B<C,C<A A<B,B<C,C<A), Output
Inconsistency found after x relations.
If according to this m m m This relationship cannot be determined n n n The order of the elements , Output
Sorted sequence cannot be determined.
( Tips : determine n n n After the sequence of elements, the program can be ended , There is no need to consider the contradiction after determining the order )
Examples #1
The sample input #1
4 6
Sample output #1
Sorted sequence determined after 4 relations: ABCD.
Examples #2
The sample input #2
3 2
Sample output #2
Inconsistency found after 2 relations.
Examples #3
The sample input #3
26 1
Sample output #3
Sorted sequence cannot be determined.
2 ≤ n ≤ 26 , 1 ≤ m ≤ 600 2 \leq n \leq 26,1 \leq m \leq 600 2≤n≤26,1≤m≤600.
Topology + spfa Judgment ring
Ideas :
Judge every time you add edges
1.spfa Determine whether there is a ring
2. Topological sorting to see if there is a solution
Ⅰ. Check the number of elements in the stack before each stack , If more than 1, It shows that the relationship between them is uncertain .
Ⅱ. If the relationship is confirmed , Just record it , Cannot end program , There is also the possibility of contradictions .
Topology [ Inner judgment ring ]
1. Judge every time you add edges
2. A topological sort
Ⅰ. Record ** Out of the stack ** Number sz, In a topological sort sz Less than 0, Explain that some points form a ring , Indicates that there is a contradiction , End the program directly after output .
Ⅱ. Check the number of elements in the stack before each stack , If more than 1, It shows that the relationship between them is uncertain .
Ⅲ. If the relationship is confirmed , Just record it , Cannot end program , There is also the possibility of contradictions .
Topology + spfa Judgment ring AC The code is as follows :
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define buff \ ios::sync_with_stdio(false); \ cin.tie(0);
//#define int long long
using namespace std;
const int N = 1000;
int n, m;
map<char, int> mp;
char s[30];
int cntt;
vector<int> g[30];
bool st[30];
int dist[30], cnt[30];
int d[30];
int dd[30];
int q[30], tt = -1, hh = 0;
bool spfa()
memset(dist, 0, sizeof dist);
queue<int> q;
for (int i = 1; i <= cntt; i++)
st[i] = true;
while (q.size())
int t = q.front();
st[t] = false;
for (auto it : g[t])
if (dist[it] < dist[t] + 1)
dist[it] = dist[t] + 1;
cnt[it] = cnt[t] + 1;
if (cnt[it] >= cntt)
return true;
if (!st[it])
st[it] = true;
return false;
bool topusort()
int emo = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= cntt; i++)
dd[i] = d[i];
tt = -1, hh = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= cntt; i++)
if (!dd[i])
q[++tt] = i, emo++;
if (emo > 1)
return 0;
while (hh <= tt)
int emo = 0;
int t = q[hh++];
for (auto it : g[t])
if (!dd[it])
q[++tt] = it, emo++;
if (emo > 1)
return 0;
return tt == n - 1;
void solve()
cin >> n >> m;
int flag = 0;
int idx;
for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++)
string a;
cin >> a;
if (!mp[a[0]])
mp[a[0]] = ++cntt;
s[cntt] = a[0];
if (!mp[a[2]])
mp[a[2]] = ++cntt;
s[cntt] = a[2];
if (flag)
if (spfa())
flag = 1;
idx = i;
if (topusort())
idx = i;
flag = 2;
if (flag == 1)
cout << "Inconsistency found after " << idx << " relations.\n";
if (flag == 2)
cout << "Sorted sequence determined after " << idx << " relations: ";
for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
cout << s[q[i]];
cout << ".\n";
if (flag == 0)
cout << "Sorted sequence cannot be determined.\n";
int main()
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